Archive for July, 2012

Monday Open Thread [7.9.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 9, 2012 31 Comments

Political junkies all over Delaware are trying to suss out what the primary field will look like starting at 12:01 tomorrow, which is the filing deadline. El Som has put up an Open Thread for you to post news, rumors, and speculation about last minute candidate machinations. I’m particularly interested in what is going on in the City — the City Council field promises to be large, with plenty of controversial candidates and there is, of course, the Mayor’s race.

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Filing Deadline Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 9, 2012 43 Comments

OK, folks, here’s where to bring your breaking news, rumors, speculation, etc., as to what will happen by 12 noon Tuesday, the filing deadline for individuals seeking to run in the September primaries and/or the November General Election. Updates from the respective Departments of Election most welcome. As are, of course, releases from announcing candidates.

I’ll start. Look for another quite credible candidate to get into the 1st RD Democratic primary (the seat being vacated by Dennis P. Williams). Look for a credible candidate to file against Sen. Harris McDowell in the 1st Senatorial District.

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Celia Cohen asks, “Why is Bennett running?”

Filed in Delaware by on July 9, 2012 4 Comments

I respond: Because he thinks he can win. Isn’t that why they all do it?

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Monday Daily Delawhere [7.9.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 9, 2012 4 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [7.9.12]

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Late Night Video — Romney’s Offshore Investments

Filed in National by on July 8, 2012 7 Comments

Let’s get some answers! Great video from the Obama Team, showcasing some of the pertinent questions around RMoney’s decisions to invest money in other countries rather than the one he lives in:

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A Most Excellent Surrogate!

Filed in National by on July 8, 2012 3 Comments
A Most Excellent Surrogate!

Governor Martin O’Malley has been pretty visible recently with a few very cogent critiques of the GOP and it’s policies. In talking about the GOP objection to the mandates in the ACA, he noted that “The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women,” .

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Sunday Open Thread [7.8.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 8, 2012 22 Comments

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The Cowardly Lions of Free Speech

Filed in National by on July 8, 2012 1 Comment

Bill Moyers continues to be one of the most insightful and moral champions of of genuine democracy. Here, he discusses the implications for the Supreme Court decision to not revisit their Citizens United decision.

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Daniel G. Anderson’s Crackpot 1/2 Page News Journal Ad

Filed in National by on July 8, 2012 12 Comments

Quoting such well known thinkers as the guy who said, “Keep it simple Stupid,” this guy takes out a 1/2 page ad in the Sunday Dead Tree Edition to urge people to vote for Mitt Romney.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [7.8.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 8, 2012 2 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [7.8.12]

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Saturday Open Thread [7.7.12]

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on July 7, 2012 2 Comments

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The 62 District Strategy for Both Parties [2012]

Filed in National by on July 7, 2012 35 Comments
The 62 District Strategy for Both Parties [2012]

So as El Som says, we are coming down to it. El Som covers the recent filings this week in his Political Weekly column, the most important of which are for the newly open seats that Speaker Gilligan (the 19th) and Terry Schooley (the 23rd) are vacating. As he mentions, none of the endorsed GOP statewide candidates have filed. And as we will see below, the GOP is lagging far behind the Democrats in finding candidates for the General Assembly.

The filing deadline for individual candidates is July 10. If Jeff Cragg, Sher Valenzuela, Kevin Wade, and Tom Kovach all fail to file their candidacies by then, all hope is not lost for the GOP and it doesn’t mean Governor Markell et al are automatically reelected without opposition. For there is another deadline further out in the distance: September 4, 2012. That is the deadline for Certificates of Nomination from the two major parties to fill ballot lines for offices in which there is not a primary election.

So for a lot of the races below, the real deadline to keep in mind is September 4. So the GOP has about 8 more weeks to scramble to fill all of those empty spaces you will see below in our charts. Still, all of those empty spaces points to a horrible recruiting failure on the part of the State GOP. Especially for a party that once, earlier this year, had designs on recapturing the Senate after many decades.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [7.7.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 7, 2012 1 Comment
Saturday Daily Delawhere [7.7.12]

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