Archive for July, 2012

My verbose thoughts on the thing called Willard Mittens Romney III

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012 10 Comments

In a spasm of arrogance, deception and elitism this weekend, presumptive Republican nominee Willard Mittens Romney III declared indignantly that he will only release two years of his tax returns, for 2010 and 2011, and that is all the American people need or deserve. And to justify this, the Romney campaign lied to the American people that John Kerry also only release 2 years of tax returns, even though every one on the planet with a brain knows he released 20 years of tax returns.

It seems to me that Romney has decided that releasing his tax turns back to 2000, which would satisfy any reasonable person’s demand for transparency as it would coincide with his own father’s 12 year rule as well as be exactly what the Obamas have produced, is simply a non-starter. Being the cold calculating businessman that he is, he has obviously run a cost benefit analysis, the result of which has shown him that no matter the political price he pays for not releasing, it would be much better than the political price he would suffer if he did release it.

Indeed, as others have speculated, it is likely that Romney’s returns during the last 12 years show extremely high levels of income, more offshore accounts in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, investments in things and companies that will hurt him on the right (i.e. abortion providers, etc), and probably proof that he paid a very low single digit or zero digit tax rate.

But this whole incident has me wondering two things: 1) has Romney accurately conducted that cost benefit analysis, and 2) what was Romney thinking over the past 12 years?

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Christie declines NGA post – Markell’s elevator capacity concerns a factor

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012 1 Comment

You have to read between the lines of course.

WILLIAMSBURG, Va – In a surprising move, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) declined a long-planned move into the vice chairmanship of the National Governors Association this weekend.

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Sign Wars: Gordon vs. Clark Rt 299 Odessa to Main Street Middletown

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012 10 Comments

Gordon holds slight edge in numbers and since he appears (based on his signs) to be running as the second coming of Barack Obama, I’ll add back the points I deducted for the theft of the Obama logo.

Clark sign’s are a bit perfunctory in both design and placement. If you have someone putting up signs, impress on those people that the signs should be upright and facing oncoming traffic.

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Romney’s Evasive Character Unfit for Presidency

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012 23 Comments
Romney’s Evasive Character Unfit for Presidency

That is the title of this intriguing article by Robert Creamer, published over at The Democratic Strategist. In it, he details the multiple things we have learned about Romney over the past few months in an argument to show that Romney is fundamentally unfit to be President. Go read the whole thing, because it is the entire argument that is interesting, not just these key bits:

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Monday Daily Delawhere [7.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 16, 2012 4 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [7.16.12]

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“Real” Government Accepting Sheriff Applications

Filed in National by on July 15, 2012 11 Comments

Jeff Christopher needs to get together with this person.

An Iowa woman who was running for a state Senate seat has dropped that bid after deciding the U.S. government is a sham, and has instead unilaterally declared herself a U.S. Senator from the Republic of Iowa in an alternative government, the Republic for the United States of America.

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Team Romney Uses Sunday Morning To Dig Deeper Holes

Filed in National by on July 15, 2012 35 Comments

Oh Jeebus… If I’m a Republican i would be the mayor of face-palm city by now. Check this out:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney adviser Ed Gillespie said Sunday that the candidate “retired retroactively” from his job at Bain Capital, which Romney maintains that he left in 1999 despite….

Retired retroactively. wTF? These clowns can’t get out of thier own way.

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Clark Goes off on Delaware Way’s Nancy Willing

Filed in National by on July 15, 2012 16 Comments

Paul, I understand Nancy can be a little annoying at times, but that is why we love her, because she holds politician’s feet to the fire. And this reaction is just a little bit…. shall we say… unhinged.

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Sunday Open Thread [7.15.12]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 15, 2012 53 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [7.15.12]

The Washington Post reported that Mitt Romney had turned over twenty-three years of tax returns to John McCain’s vice-presidential team. Those returns covered Romney’s entire Bain career, from 1984 until 2002, and also included his returns from 2002 until 2008. Obviously, McCain understood how damaging Bain could be, and he wanted to know the details of Romney’s business and what income he derived from and taxes (or lack thereof) he paid on it. Romney, hungry for power, happily obliged and turned over everything.

Whatever was in those returns was so god awful that McCain rejected Romney and chose Sarah Palin as the better option.

Sarah. Palin.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [7.15.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 15, 2012 1 Comment
Sunday Daily Delawhere [7.15.12]

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All Apologies

Filed in National by on July 14, 2012 11 Comments

While the Romney people are demanding apologies from President Obama, the Obama Truth Team send out this video that reminds us all that Romney isn’t talking about issues, he is just attacking and making up stuff:

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Saturday Open Thread [7.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 14, 2012 9 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [7.14.12]

It is a nice, rainy Saturday meaning that all of our plants get watered for free for a change. It is also a busy Saturday as pretty much everyone I know in the city is knocking on doors, looking for votes for candidates. And it’s Bastille Day! The closest great celebration of this is over at Fairmount Park at the Eastern Penitentiary, featuring a Marie Antoinette hauled off to the guillotine yelling, “Let them eat Tastycakes!” with thousands of Tastycakes launched off into the crowd. Fun!

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Did Delaware’s Colm Connolly Run Interference For Romney and Bain Illegalities?

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 14, 2012 58 Comments

8-Ball sez: “Signs Point to Yes”. Now pay attention, kids, this is complicated, as many crimes involving money, corporatese, and coverups are.

First, read this article by DailyKos’ Stephen Laser Haas. In it, he lays out the massive fraud that Bain got entangled in during 2001.  Massive fraud that Romney’s law firm at the time, the New York-based law firm, Traub, Bonacquist & Fox, has now admitted guilt for. As most of you know, there is always a Delaware-based law firm engaged in any Delaware litigation. That law firm in the Bain/e-toys matter was Morris, Nichols, Arsht and Tunnell.

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