Saturday Open Thread [8.4.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 4, 2012

Ever wanted to know how a Creationist Christofascist Science textbook reads? Check this out.

Here is but a small flavor….

Now, I went to Mt. Aviat Academy, a Catholic school in Fair Hill, MD in neighboring Cecil County. We had real science classes. None of this Creationist bullshit. It looks like the Evangelicals are far more unintelligent than Catholics.

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  1. John Manifold says:

    Herman Holloway Jr. joins Thornton Carroll’s robust rebuttal to Hal Haskell.

    Billy Martin anyone?

  2. cassandra_m says:


    I saw that letter today and hoped that Mr. Haskell is enjoying the comedy.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    That textbook from the Creationists ought to be considered child abuse.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Just another Romney supporter — man beats his girlfriend after finding Romney’s picture on her computer. He thought she was having an affair with him.


  5. Steve Newton says:

    I’m still confused about the picture of the woman with the blow-dryer on the “we don’t know where electricity comes from” page.

    We know damn well where it comes from.

    God put it in the walls.

  6. heragain says:

    I keep saying, these people are dangerous. They have a POV that doesn’t accept challenge and they have large families devoting ALL their time and other resources to brining “God’s kingdom” directly through us, by any means necessary.

  7. Andrew Groff says:

    …and the dinosaurs missed the ride on Noah’s boat. In the USA one is free to be as mis-informed as one’s tiny little brain can manage. One is allowed to vote on a law that violates their oath of office; one can later vote on an appropriation that violates said law and not even blink.

  8. heragain says:

    Mr. Groff, I read your website, and I have a question, if I may. If you’re elected, as a Green, how do you plan to bring change to Washington? With whom will you caucus, for example? Curious about the mechanics.

  9. pandora says:

    Read through that “science” book link yesterday and I’m still at a loss for words.

  10. Dave says:

    I believe (an appropriate word when discussing creationists) that creationists are led astray as result of their absolute faith in the literal bible. Their faith is so wrapped up in the bible that were it to be found erroneous or largely allegory or mistranslated, or anything that cast doubt on the bible being the literal word of God, then their entire belief system would be compromised. Thus, they must exercise extreme diligence in ensuring that science does not contradict the bible. It really has less to do with whether creationism is right or wrong. Rather is it simply defense of their faith through and all means. I call them “biblical literalists.”

    In fact there is an entire cottage industry to explain any and all contradictions that arise between the real world and the bible, which would not be necessary if one were not forced to accept the bible literally.

  11. Jason330 says:

    I tried to have a conversation with my younger son about ghosts after he sat through a “ghost hunting” show.

    I’m trying to head of any and all Woo as it comes in, but I feel like I’m fighting against a rising tide.