Sunday Open Thread [8.5.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 5, 2012

So how about those Olympics? Are you watching? What do you think? According to this Gawker article, Every Single Person in America is Pissed at NBC’s Olympic Coverage. Use this thread to tell us what you think.

More from Gawker, where they notice that Fox News Wonders, Why Don’t Our Athletes Love America More?. All because the crowd did not yell USA! USA! after Gabby Douglas won her gold. I can’t imagine why anyone would be surprised that an audience at the London Games isn’t shouting USA!, but hey. All these wingnuts need is one more dishonest observation to get their victim on.

A summary of the 20 Olympians ejected from the games so far.

The picture accompanying this NYDN piece is probably *the* picture of this Olympics. I’m astonished at how easy she makes this look.

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (9)

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  1. pandora says:

    I have two Olympic fanatics in my house. It’s 24/7 Olympics here, and if I have to honest… I’m a bit over the Olympics – Especially NBC’s coverage. If there’s a way to say something stupid and insulting NBC will do it.

    From what I’ve watched (and we’ve established I’ve watched a lot, NBC doesn’t miss a chance to go negative – “Olympic dreams dashed” narrative and a lot of commentary of who “should” have won gold, but didn’t… while practically ignoring the winner.

  2. Andy says:

    I quit watching the Olympics years ago it is a fraud

  3. Jason330 says:

    Bring back Roone Arledge, Jim Mckay and ABC’s ‘Wide World of Sports’ team. They were the shit.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    Haven’t watch a single minute. Read a few news reports… None terribly interesting.

  5. JPconnorjr says:

    Anybody notice we have 7 dead souls in WI?

  6. chlorophil says:

    do souls die?

  7. What’s the over/under on how soon some gun nut says that, if only those Sikhs were armed, none of this would have ever happened?