Chris Matthews Calls Out Reince Priebus

Filed in National by on August 27, 2012

I normally don’t watch Morning Joe because Joe and Mika drive me nuts.  However, I had it on this morning and watched Chris Matthews give Reince Priebus a spanking.  Watch this:


More of this please!

Think Progress has part of the transcript:

The MSNBC host criticized Romney’s birther joke, his consistant claims that Obama is a foreigner, and argued that the campaign has sought to foreignize the president. Priebus defended the party by claiming that Obama’s health and economic policies are European, but Matthews quickly dismissed the claim:

PRIEBUS: But I think Obama’s policies have created a sense that for whatever reason, he’s looking to guidance as far as health care is concerned, as far as our spending is concerned …

MATTHEWS: What? Where do you get this from? This is insane! You mean the Keynesian fiscal policy — you mean the fact that every president we’ve had has tried to offset the economic cycle with stimulus going the other direction is somehow European? … What’s this got to do with Europe and this foreignization of the guy? You’re doing it now! Saying he’s influenced by foreign influences? You’re playing that card again. What’s this European thing of yours? What are you up to with this constant that he’s not really domestic?

PRIEBUS: You don’t think the take-over of our health care system called Obamacare is a problem for most Americans?

MATTHEWS: Let me tell you some history, sir. Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt pushed for that, Truman pushed for that, were they all under the influence of Europe? Where do you get this from?

PRIEBUS: I’m not going to get into a shouting match with Chris, so you guys can just move on.

MATTHEWS: Because you’re losing, that’s why.

PRIEBUS: No, I’m not losing.

There’s a taste, but there’s a LOT more on the video.  Enjoy!

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. skeptic says:

    If only tv commentators would speak to ALL politicians this way when they need to be called out. Wow, this needs to be the norm rather than the B.S. pandering. It is pretty clear, that the right has nothing to stand on. As soon as Chris smacked down the hyperbolic labels (like that quip on “Obama-care”) you could just see the expression from Priebus that he had nothing more to add.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Matthews has him dead to rights, then Tom Brokaw looks like an ass trying to force the thing back into the “they all do it” DC insider-cocktail party conversation.

  3. puck says:

    We get what Matthews was going for, but I don’t think many people will. They’ll just see a crazy liberal. I think Matthews would have been more effective with the same points but less spittle. His over the top delivery allowed the co-hosts to take the heat off Priebus and make it about Matthews instead. Their shit-eating condescension was intolerable.

  4. Frondly says:

    It makes me happy to see Chris Matthews so angry. Where is that tingle now?

    What’s the over/under on a MI before November 6?

  5. Jason330 says:

    It will also force the entire rest of all the network coverage of the RNC to prove that they love Republicans.

    The media sucks so much it hurts.

  6. Dominique says:


    First, he should most definitely refuse to do remote appearances for the lighting is very unflattering of his decrepit face.

    Second, he should switch to decaf; he’s clearly unhinged.


    Obama’s record sucks. He is a MISERABLE FAILURE as a leader. He obvi can’t run on his laughable record of ‘accomplishments’. He’s outspending Romney by millions and can’t get beyond the margin of error in the polls. Unfortunately, Romney’s not a philanderer so there aren’t any sealed divorce records to expose, nor is there any alleged affair they can float a rumor about.


    What to do…what to do??

    Pull out the race card!

    Right. On. Cue.

  7. Geezer says:

    I like when he plays the race card because it brings people like you out of the woodwork. Anything that riles you up can’t be all bad.

  8. jody hurrish says:

    Chris Matthews was excellent. He just did it again with Michael Steele. Tried with Newt, but he is too slippery.

  9. flutecake says:

    Don’t wonder about Mika, she’s part of the 1%, part of the big mega-global-corporate-media, she may have had some Democratic credentials once but then that is just one of many reasons why I don’t watch the skunky Joe show. Scarborough is top of the $$ heap at MSNBC, anyhow. That’s how liberal network execs are. (NOT)

    This Brokaw’s false equivalency complaint about Democrats is just BS.

    Bah. That’s 6 minutes or whatever of my life I’m not getting back. Damn.