Late Night Video — New Rules!

Filed in National by on September 1, 2012

Bill Maher looks at the GOP convention and discovers amnesia on the part of the participants. What they tried to hide from the world was interesting. And in Bill Maher’s telling, pretty hysterical.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Mike Matthews says:

    Saw it too. Excellent! Even better was Maher’s absolute destruction of wingnut Dinesh D’Souza and his shitty anti-Obama documentary in last night’s interview segment. Dig that clip up. My jaw was on the floor! Bill handed him his ass in every way imaginable. It’s a wonder why the guy even agreed to the interview!

  2. JPconnorjr says:

    I have to wait till midnight , forgot to dvr it

  3. Rustydils says:

    Mike, I saw the interview also, I have a completely different take than you. Dinesh comes across as very credible, even to the point when maher starts cussing because he does not have a valid response to denish arguement. Especially at the end when denish explains how he stuck up for maher. Mike, your are listning to the audience response, instead of denish logical resoonse. Go watch it again, this time actually listen to what denish says, instead of the audience. Then comment back to me if you want

  4. The problem, Rusty, is that Dinesh (note spelling) could not cite any specific instance when he actually “stuck up” for Maher. He merely blathered something about “looking it up” or some such nonsense.

    This little exchange is a microcosm of the Republican/conservative philosophy. You people think you can simply speak facts into existence. It doesn’t work that way, and Maher was right to ask for a specific instance where D’Souza defended him. Notice that D’Souza couldn’t cite one?

  5. Rustydils says:

    Roland, its time to put your money where your mouth is. I now see liberals dont bet because they dont believe their own arguments, but in this case, since you are so sure of yourself, lets you and me bet five bucks, I say I can dig up proof.

    P.s. Have you seen the movie, I have. There is a lot of substantive information in the movie. At one ooint denisb interviews obamas brother