DNC Live Day 1

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012

Youtube live stream of the Democratic National Convention.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    Kennedy tribute with footage of Kennedy debating Romney – Showing clips of Pro-Choice Romney and RomneyCare Romney. LOL!

  2. Joe Cass says:

    PBS coverage is terrible, and I hate to say that. Too much of the talking head.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Way fewer talking heads on CSPAN.

  4. AQC says:

    Deval Patrick is giving an awesome speech!

  5. cassandra_m says:

    There have been a few awesome speeches tonite! Loved the Ted Kennedy tribute. I miss him.

    In other news — apparently former Bain Capital Execs will have speaking slots at the DNC.

  6. AQC says:

    I just got home from work, s I missed everything else.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    We knew Mitt Romney. He’s a good SALESMAN but not a good GOVERNOR. He was more interested in HAVING the job than DOING IT…..Deval Patrick

    Governor Patrick killed in that speech.

  8. pandora says:

    Gov. Patrick hit it out of the park!

  9. Dave says:

    Well, I did not intentionally turn to the convention channel, but as I was passing through, Corey Booker was speaking. I enjoyed what he was saying. An impressive guy.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Michelle Obama’s speech is great. “When he walks through the door of opportunity, he doesn’t “slam it shut” behind him. He reaches back to give the next person a chance.”

  11. Jason330 says:

    “Barack knows the American Dream because he’s lived it…and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we’re from, or what we look like, or who we love. And he believes that when you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity…you do not slam it shut behind you…you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.”

  12. Jason330 says:

    Wolf Blitzer: “Not a homerun, but a grand slam.”

  13. Rustydils says:

    This is what Michelle said with 75% of her speech. She was mostly concerned with her own families well being. That is what 75 % of her speech of her speech was about, not about concern for the country. As far as learning hard working values goes, she did not discuss the 10 million dollars of tax payers money she and her girl friends have spent on vacations. So I take away from her speech that she can lay it on as thick as barack. You guys dont care about her waisting tax payer money, you somehow think it is ok, but it is not, and on november 6th you are going to be surprised that a majority of the country dont think it is ok

  14. Jason330 says:

    This is what GOP panic sounds like.

    “She was mostly concerned with her own families well being. ”

    …and I love it.

  15. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rd “You guys dont care about her waisting tax payer money”

    It’s “wasting”, not “waisting”. Waisting would be something like eating too much?
    It’s “taxpayer”, not “tax payer”.
    It’s “revenue”, not “money”
    It’s “don’t”, not “dont”

    And I think that all of us realize that secret service protection is both important and costly. All recent first ladies had similar costs for the trips that they took, whether private or public. Would you prefer that she went about unprotected? (Actually, you probably would like to see her wholly unprotected from the worst sort of people).

    And what about her young daughters? You want them unprotected too? I bet you would… There’s an appropriate epithet for people like you…

  16. Aoine says:

    Ya know what I see- right from the jump

    Brown faces- tan faces- Asian faces- black faces, white faces
    Lots of women- gay people ( they announced their gender preference) can’t tell by looking

    Know what I didn’t see in the Tampa convention:
    Brown faces- tan faces black faces, Asian faces – lots Of women
    And didnt see anyone say they r gay

    I did see LOTS of old white guys tho……

    It’s as simple as this- the REpublicans are the party of the past
    Democrats are the party of our future!

    They want to move is BACKward
    Dems want to lean FOREward.

    That alone has decided me

  17. Cassandra_m–Did you actually link to a tribute to the “Shemp” of the Kennedy clan? You know, the privileged, raging alcoholic who let a young girl drown while he saved his own precious ass?

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    Teddy was dumb as a stump. He was the Democrat GWB of his generation, yet Democrats laud him as if he were the 2nd coming of the Jeebus. He was a raging alcoholic & he was primarily concerned with the public’s perception of his persona. In short, he was a phony piece of shit.

    This is my gripe w/ Democrats. You’re all (male & female alike) a bunch of whores.

  18. Aoine says:

    Ok. Leave the money on the dresser on the way out

    If we r whores- does that make u a pimp?

    Funny that u slam the female part of the transaction but leave the male part of the transaction without mention

    That would be typical hypocracy for the GOP- and anti-woman sentiment as well

    And I thought u were better than that. 🙁

  19. Liberal Elite says:

    Ted Kennedy was a consistent champion of the poor and downtrodden… those that didn’t have the money to get their voices heard by millions.

    …and that’s why the GOP hated him (and apparently still do based on RDL’c comment).

    All who carry his message are thus attacked by the right wing’s hate spewing machine.

  20. puck says:

    “Ted Kennedy was a consistent champion of the poor and downtrodden”

    If anything could redeem Ted Kennedy for his faults it is that. He could just have easily been a rich ass like Mitt Romney who wants to strip even more money from the poor while cutting his own taxes to zero.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    Ted Kennedy was not a perfect man, but he was and is a better man than Mitt Romney, both in 1994 and today.