“After I get mine, no more for them.”

Filed in National by on September 6, 2012

“After I get my government support, no more government support for them.”

“After I get my student loan, no more student loans for them.”

“After I have my free speech, no more free speech for them.”

“After I get my abortion, no more abortions for them.”

As a conservative, every benefit that flows to me I have earned. I am owed what I get because I am one of the good ones. Every dime that goes to one of them is a stolen dime, because they came to their difficult situation because of their low character.

It is sad but not surprising that the conservative mentality has manifest itself so neatly in Sher Valenzuela. In the conservative mind, there is no double standard. There is no cognitive dissonance when they take government money on Monday and heap scorn on people who accept government money on Tuesday. There is no twinge of self-awareness because it could not be more clear to them that their privileges accrue to the good and punishments are doled out to the wicked.

The fact is, life is tough for both good and bad people from time to time. Good people sometimes have unwanted pregnancies and bad people sometimes prosper.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. From Pine View Farm » Blog's archive » “I Got Mine” | September 8, 2012
  1. liberalgeek says:

    I always find that ex-smokers are the most insanely anti-smoking and that high-school partiers become adults that inflict the most restrictive rules on their kids.

    But in Sher’s case, she found Jesus, so that is the get-out-of-jail-free card among her cult (The Branch Davidian Republican Party).

  2. pandora says:

    Branch Davidian Republican Party is very catchy.

  3. Levi says:

    Hey,, isn’t it totally refreshing and reassuring to know that we have such a decent and honest woman like Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the head of our party?  When I look at the liars and BS artists they have running the GOP, I just thank god that we have DWS.  I mean, you just know everything she says is true and you never have to worry about her saying anything completely ridiculous or stupid or untruthful.  She is such a class act and a wonderful role model for Democrats everywhere.

  4. Miscreant says:

    I think she’s hot.

  5. occam says:

    Meh, people are allowed to change their minds. Especially about something so personal.

  6. Meh, people are allowed to change their minds. Especially about something so personal.

    Of course they are. What they’re not allowed to do is prevent other women from making the same choice they made.

  7. DEvoter302 says:

    On the subject of stripping rights, please research:
    NDAA, and;
    The preamble to the Bill of Rights (the first amendments to our Constitution for the lot of you that never read it)

    You’ll comprehend how lengthy legal language and collusion between the 3 branches, who were meant to fight amongst themselves so they couldnt collude, has stripped us of the original intent.

    More importantly, if our founders ran for office today everyone on this site would call them crazy.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    And if the founding fathers ran for office today, you’d call them anti-colonialists with a sneer.

  9. DEvoter302 says:

    ? Your comment makes no sense. Ron Paul ran on exactly what the founders explicitly stated was their intent. Youd call him a right wing nut. Same as what you would call the founders if they ran for office.