Gov. Jack Markell Spanks Romney at the DNC

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 6, 2012

And he talks about how Democrats focus on jobs. Video is below if you didn’t see this last night:


Tonight, Beau Biden places his father’s name into nomination for Vice President, probably around 7PM.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    I thought he was a little choppy and stiff. Also, didnt name drop Biden once….wtf.
    Sister Simone Campbell was my favorite speaker last night not named Elizabeth Warren or Bill Clinton.

  2. Slower Lower says:

    So i guess you didn’t watch say even 8 seconds into the speech?

  3. Truth Teller says:

    things that Kerry should have said.

    WE all know that Mittens while at a pro war rally at Stanford University supported the Nam war but than hid out in Paris France attempting to convert Christians and others to the Mormon CULT. That’s old news.

    But the following is more recent.

    Mittens the man who stood on stage and remained silent while a GOP MOB BOOED an active duty serviceman in Iraq. Mittens when asked why none of his 5 sons were in the service while this country was engaged in 2 wars. Responded ” They have more important things to do like working on my campaign” Mittens who refuses to invest in Made in America by keeping his money off shore. Now I ask you folks and be truthful HOW UN AMERICAN IS THAT????

    These are real facts folks so just remember FACTS DON’T CEASE to EXIST JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE INGNORED.