The Etch-a-Sketch Campaign Begins

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012

After losing the National Security issue and realizing the the Middle Class is about to leave the Republican Party, Romney’s campaign is in full etch-a-sketch mode.

After months of saying that he’d repeal “Obamacare”, Romney is now saying, “I’m not getting rid of all of healthcare reform.”

And as Jason330 pointed out yesterday, on Meet The Press, Romney denied that he will cut the wealthiest’s taxes, but once he failed to provide specifics on his tax plan.

I’m quite sure that Romney’s flip-flopping over these next 50+ days will only be matched by the flip-flops seen at a Jimmy Buffet concert.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    And he flipped again

    “I’m not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” the Republican nominee said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “One is to make sure that those with preexisting conditions can get coverage.”

    His campaign later told TPM he wasn’t signaling a shift in policy and was instead referring to his existing stance in favor of protections on preexisting conditions only for those with continuous insurance coverage — not for first-time or returning buyers.

    Lie to a big TV audience, then walk it back an hour later? Is that the Romney Campaign’s strategy?

  2. Jason330 says:

    He’s got more flips than Gabby Douglas, and more flops than Jennifer Aniston.

  3. anonymous says:

    Rmoney in the Situation Room is the worst case crisis situation republicans could ask for.

    Bringing auntie dem’s comment from ‘Romney is the Stelarc,’ forward:

    “Can you imagine Romney in the sit room talking to the generals during some sort of crisis situation? How would they ever make any sense out of what he says?”

    Even republicans have to notice that first he says one thing, reverses that stances, he was for it and against it, gives a partial truth, then he flip flops, alters his opinion, doesn’t know where he stood, he supports, then he doesn’t, lies to himself, he’s for citizenship, and self deportation, he changes his mind, doesn’t stand on his record, what’s good enough for some, isn’t good enough for others, contradicts himself, he’s for bailing, he isn’t, says he didn’t say what he did say, argues in circles, says opposing things in the same sentence, avoids the issue, lies, confronts people who repeat what he did or said………

    Republicans: If you have nerves of steel, imagine putting this guy in the situation room and do keep in mind, what a foreign diplomat he is.

  4. anonymous says:


    Republicans need to consider Rmoney’s lies – and equally dangerous truth

    If Rmoney’s brain is like an Etch A Sketch, rattle it and today’s latest scrambled thoughts come to mind. That alone is scary enough. But, if Rmoney is rattled, he might just speak the truth, when he shouldn’t, or say the truth is a lie. What about security measures, foreign diplomacy, military operations, everything that shouldn’t be said. Think about his recent simple visit to England, Israel, Poland as just a candidate.

    While he’s a candidate making that many mistakes (see previous comment video) just talking to a roomful of likely voters, there could be larger problems going on with Willard; much more than denying, lying for convenient political points. Can a reasonable government official soundly have that many important varying, conflicting opinions, some he bases his policy on, surfacing sometimes in a matter of hours, days? What’s changing Rmoney’s mind?

    Should Americas feel confident if Rmoney were the next President of the United States? Does Ryan appear to be sound presidential material?

    Another question, not to question any one’s religion, but which religion is it that say, Thou shall lie? Which religion approves of a leader who would smile and mock drowning countries without farmable land, food or drinking water supplies, people dying by the millions, due to climate change, rising sea levels?

    And this. What could people in countries and levels around the world be thinking about America being a leader among nations, when a democracy is facing a near 50/50 chance of ending up in the hands of Willard Rmoney with such wild conflicting opinions on the most important decisions ever facing the world? Take countries loosing homelands, cultures, people’s lives, multi millions of dollars in infrastructure, real estate, to rising sea levels for example. as Rmoney flips and flops and promises the fossil fuel industries, that there will be no carbon tax, no industrial regulations and CO2 will not be considered a pollutant subject to the Clean Air Act, that, according his Spokesperson, formerly of a lobbying firm that worked on denial and whose client was Exxon Mobil. Interesting too, is that Rmoney’s spokesperson says, “He believes it’s {CC} occurring, and that human activity contributes to it {CC,} but he doesn’t know to what extent.” End quote. That’s also the position of an Exxon Mobil CEO, who says we’re no longer denying climate change, but we don’t know the extent, so people must adapt to the changes.

    Not only are his many lies dangerous, but so is his truth. And do consider there are 19,000 total nuclear warheads around the world, in a world that requires clear, coherent, quick, correct responses in matters of greatest safety and security.

    Exactly who would want Rmoney is the Situation Room?

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    “in favor of protections on preexisting conditions only for those with continuous insurance coverage — not for first-time or returning buyers.”

    This is disgusting. He wants credit for “preexisting conditions” without really offering anything of value.
    Continuous coverage?? If your insurance company can drop you, then how is anyone protected by this nonsense? If you have a rough patch and can’t afford insurance, how can you get back in the pool?

    This will really separate the haves from the have nots.