Unrequited Love: Dennis P. Williams Dumps KWS…

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012

from his sample ballot. The rest of the Gordon/Williams/Bullock team remains, along with Charles Potter and Trippi Congo, but KWS is conspicuous by her absence.How do I know? I’ve got a proof of the ballot.

She’s still in league with Gordon and Bullock, however, and the three of them have ponied up $$’s to have the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists pass out lit at the polls in Wilmington. Which, BTW, is a total waste of resources. Except for the union guys pocketing the chump change.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Who else is on that ballot?

    This weekend I heard a story from two sources (not sure if either would know this first hand) that Bullock was working at distancing himself from KWS and that she couldn’t meet some commitment to raise alot of money from out-of-state sources for him. They also claim that a planned visit to the city by Rev. Al Sharpton was canceled. possibly due to the lack of fundraising.

    Union support to most campaigns I’ve ever been involved with have those unions spending money and labor on *you* – the candidate – rather than the other way around.

  2. Linda says:

    Neither one of those rumors are correct but at least cassandra’s is just not out right venom. Happy Birthday Tom Gordon! Tomorrow all of this will hopefully end and everyone will have voted and I am sure not everyone will be happy!! me included LOL.

    Good Luck Bryan Townsend you are the ONLY true rising star in our democratic party and I hope you win!!!!

  3. george says:

    Last Saturday’s letters to the editor in the WNJ featured one by a Leonard Bafundo titled “Karen Weldin Stewart won’t back down” that praised her for all the wonderful things she’s supposedly done for consumers generally and him particularly and encouraged everyone to vote for her. Funny thing is, Leonard is her next door neighbor. He’s married to Jamie who works in the insurance department’s Captives office. How desperate is dumb old KWS that she has to have one of the cronies make up some bullshit statistics in letter form and have a neighbor send it to the WNJ as his own? She probably paid him to do it. It’s kind of like the fake legislators’ endorsements she claimed to have recently until they made her take them off her campaign website. What a pathetic loser.

  4. Geezer says:

    Typical of the News Journal’s editorial board. Back when Freebery was under pressure, they ran a letter praising her without acknowledging that the sender was Freebery’s son.

  5. george says:

    @Geezer: Why is the News Journal still propping her up?

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    TNJ is not propping anyone up. The “editorial board,” such as it is, is just staggering from day to day trying to get the paper out. There is no room for deep thinking or planning, as evidenced by the misspellings and typos throughout those two pages. Ledford couldn’t pick a politician except Markell and the trio in Congress out of a crowd. Nor does the news staff care. The lack of coverage of the primary campaigns this year, except for the NCCo and Wilmington races, has been abysmal. They’ve clearly decided on the Big Story.

    As for the letters, they used to have an assistant who called to verify that you were a real person. The editorial/opinion staff has been slashed in half in two years, so I doubt they’re even doing that anymore. They’re not going to recognize that someone is so-and-so’s neighbor.

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    “She probably paid him to do it.”

    And this point, George, is when you stop sounding reasonable and start sounding like a jilted lover or former business partner who is insane.

  8. jpconnorjr says:

    Touche’ SW πŸ™‚

  9. Geezer says:

    SW: They still call to verify. Talked to someone today who was contacted about his pro-Dave Brady letter. Which, I suppose, leaves even less time for proof-reading.

  10. Geezer says:

    β€œShe probably paid him to do it.”

    Nah. She’s too cheap.

  11. SussexWatcher says:

    Joe: I’m not going to vote for your candidate if she gets through the primary, but even less do I like the tactics of the slurmeister who slinks around every blog in Delaware spinning unhinged, unprovable tales.

  12. george says:

    Sorry to disappoint you, SW. It’s all proven fact. If you’re not aware of that, too bad. That puts JP ahead of you since he knows very well it’s all true.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    George – Are you saying that KWS paid for someone to write a letter is a “proven fact”?

    Because, if you think so, you have an issue with the definition of words.

  14. Idealist says:


    please stop attacking everyone who doesn’t agree with everything you write.

  15. george says:

    I don’t have a problem with some people not agreeing, just with them alleging I’m either misinformed or dishonest. They’re wrong on both counts.

  16. SussexWatcher says:

    Then, as my old math teacher used to say, “Show your work,” george. Give us proof that KWS has taken kickbacks, that her previous work experience was made up, that she’s paid off neighbors to write letters, and all the rest of the stuff you’ve alleged.

    The “trust me, she’s a crook” line doesn’t work.

  17. Charlotte says:

    You are all still a bunch of jack a s s e s.
    You should speak to certain candidates directly if you want
    an honest direct answer. There are SOME honest ones you just don’t bother to find out.
    Keep drinking the kool-aid.

  18. Geezer says:

    Charlotte: So who are the honest ones who should be spoken to directly?