Tuesday Open Thread [9.11.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 11, 2012

It is called Schadenfreude, and I enjoy it immensely.

Charlie Cook:

“It is becoming clear that if President Obama is reelected, it will be despite the economy and because of his campaign; if Mitt Romney wins, it will be because of the economy and despite his campaign.”

“The Romney campaign made the extraordinary decision to not try seriously to connect their candidate with voters on a personal level until their convention. As dubious as that decision was, they were rewarded by having a convention shortened by a day due to a hurricane, then compounded the error of waiting until the convention by putting much of what was most needed to be seen in the 8 and 9 p.m. hours, when the only viewers would be C-SPAN fans. Wow! The biographical film and the testimonials of people whose lives had been touched by Romney were powerful, necessary, and largely unseen.”

Chuck Todd:

“In boxing, you know one fighter is trailing in points when, in the final rounds, he throws everything he can to land a knockout blow against his opponent. The same is largely true in presidential politics. And so yesterday while campaigning in Ohio, we saw Mitt Romney and his team try to throw the kitchen sink at President Obama.”

Laura Ingraham:

“If you can’t beat Barack Obama with this record, then shut down the party. Shut it down. Start new, with new people.”

First Read:

“While we’re focused on today’s remembrance, don’t lose sight of another anniversary this week — the Sept. 15, 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers. It’s worth noting that the retrospectives we might see of that anniversary could further the narrative that the Obama campaign and Democrats want to tell: that the country is better off from four years ago beginning on Sept. 15, 2008. It’s also an opportunity for third-party validators to talk about the deep hole the country was in from 2008 to early 2009. Now conservatives and critics might use the anniversary to examine TARP’s effectiveness and to make the case that Wall Street is better off than Main Street. But overall, 9/15 advances the narrative of the U.S. economy’s dire shape four years ago.”

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  1. Dante Creighton says:

    I know KSpan personally. He was my boss. When I closed my store in 2010 and had to put food on my table, he gave me a job and the tools I needed to be successful. I know I am just one person. But I owe Keith a lot for taking a chance on me. If he will govern in DC the way he ran his business, I guarantee, he will change Washington.

    Dante Creighton
    Owner – Gorilla Systems LLC
    Former KIS Wireless employee

  2. Jason330 says:

    President Obama and his policies are popular. I love how conservatives commentators like Laura Ingrahm completely miss that easily graspable point.

    It will lead them to continue to make unforced errors like nominating a Romney.

  3. X Stryker says:

    Mitt Romney doesn’t make unforced errors! But sometimes he gets a 404 not found error, or a blue screen of death. Then you have to reboot his campaign, or as Eric Fehrnstrom explains it to the average Tepublican voter, “shake the etch-a-sketch”.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Remember the picture I posted of the guy stealing the Clark sign? My tipster says that the identity of the person was confirmed. He is, unfortunately, a county employee and a volunteer on the Gordon campaign. His name is not being released yet for obvious reasons, but apparently his coworkers identified him. The State Police have the information and are handling it from here.

  5. mediawatch says:

    @cass … any surprise here? Gordon has the police endorsement, so seems to make perfect sense that police wouldn’t put out anything negative on Gordon’s campaign before the primary.
    sorry, folks, if I see a conspiracy here, but part of the Delaware way is police from all forces covering for their own (and for supporters of their own)

  6. Jpconnorjr says:

    Leaving out the part that a disinterested news photog. Called out the pic as photoshopped keep it classy dear