The President on David Letterman last night

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012

There is no way this guy loses.

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  1. Rusty Dils says:

    I noticed the president’s memory gets a little selective around the 4 or 5 minute mark, as he remembers clinton’s presidency had a surplus, but can’t remember what the debt was when he took office.

    Just a little worrysome when the head bean counter does not know how much money he started with

  2. socialistic ben says:

    you got nothin

  3. LilMomm66 says:

    He is an awesome man not just an awesome president.


    Don’t just expect your neighbor to do it…get out and vote!!!
    It is our right

  4. TAX PAYER says:

    Why meet the Prime Minister of Israel visiting YOUR Country? Why do your F**Kin’ Job when you’re too busy begging for Money and another 4 years to do nothing but play Golf and Vacation?

    I’ll bet if O’bama went to Israel and Bennie said ‘Go F**K yourself’, pussy lefties’s heads would explode… Next time I hear ‘Respect for the Office’, I think I’ll PUKE…

    That Jackass Barky has got to go… PERIOD.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    9-12 patriots at its best

  6. socialistic ben says:

    ate a dog + barry = how the common teabag gets barky. they are a very cleaver, almost human type. Sadly, as we get closer to the election, they get more and more desperate and show their true low, low, pathetic level of intellect.
    It would be sad if it weren’t so hilarious.

  7. Tom McKenney says:

    When the prime minister tells the president don’t do your job do what I tell you on Iran, the president should ignore that arrogant bastard. Mitt would be kissing his ass, so don’t expect him to stand up to China when he is afraid of an ally. By the way Bibi is a lying sack of sh!t.

  8. Martin V says:

    Yea, so he didn’t know the debt, right? So Obama is either a clueless idiot or a stone-cold liar. Which one is it?

  9. pandora says:

    Republican desperation has taken over.

  10. Martin V says:

    And what’s worse is, he thinks so little of his base that he knows he can say whatever he wants and you lemmings will continue to fall to your knees and take it. You are so blind as to just how little respect he really has for you and you just keep running back asking how you can help. He belittles you and giggles at you behind your backs, but you are so desperate for him to like you, you pretend you didn’t hear him. Despite the fact he wears 70 year old lady jeans and throws like a girl, you insist he’s the coolest guy on the planet. You guys are pathetic and sad and desperate…and he knows it.

  11. X Stryker says:

    If you think our trolls are getting childish now, just wait until we get closer to the election with no measurable improvement for Romney. The desperation to get some measure of personal satisfaction by beating on anyone they can find is evident and still growing.

  12. X Stryker says:

    “throws like a girl” – it’s amazing to watch them regress to children before our very eyes. So very desperate. Martin, if throwing is something you’re good at, perhaps you might enjoy joining a bowling league more than typing random insults at strangers? It’s better exercise, it will give you the opportunity to work on your social skills, and let out some stress. Plus, you won’t look like quite as much of an insecure, immature douchebag.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    Seventy year old lady jeans.

  14. socialistic ben says:

    your mom throws like a girl

  15. Liberal Elite says:

    @MV “Despite the fact he wears 70 year old lady jeans and throws like a girl, you insist he’s the coolest guy on the planet.”

    Well.. His personal story is rather impressive. He pretty much had everything going against him… single mother, mixed race, lower middle class,… but with intelligence and hard work, and yes luck, he really made something of himself. It’s a most impressive American story.

    Knowing his story, how can anyone accuse him of not trying to bring others up too??? There’s no way the ol’ “supports dependency” slam sticks to him. No way at all.

    Oh.. And contrast that to Romney’s story. He’s clearly a bad politician, bad liar, and a rotten person. You could have nominated a man with real honesty and real conviction. Huntsman and even Santorum were at least real honest people. Shame on the GOP for nominating Romney. FOR SHAME!!

  16. @Joe Cass-

    Jordache? Nah–Gloria Vanderbilt.

  17. @Martin V–
    And what’s worse is, he thinks so little of his base that he knows he can say whatever he wants and you lemmings will continue to fall to your knees and take it. You are so blind as to just how little respect he really has for you and you just keep running back asking how you can help. He belittles you and giggles at you behind your backs, but you are so desperate for him to like you, you pretend you didn’t hear him.

    I think you’ve confused Obama with Romney.

    Do you think Mitt gives a flying fuck about some clueless Republican small business owner in the mid-west or south? Some hard-working sap whose business grosses less than $250k/year and NETS maybe $50K? These are the “useful idiots” who comprise Romney’s base. These are the people who see themselves as “not yet rich, but on the way”, when in reality they are being duped by a rich guy who belittles and giggles at them in the company of his rich friends.

    I’m disappointed w/ Obama, but I’ll vote for him again in November, because his policies and ideas will benefit not just me, but MOST AMERICANS, even the dumbass Romney supporters who consistently vote against their own self interest.

  18. Joe Cass says:

    I’m still confused that one man can wear 70 year old lady jeans. He should youtube that like the t-shirt guy.
    One man, a great recession and seventy pairs of your grandma’s dated denim. Obama 2012