Things conservatives say.

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012

I’ve been reading a lot of conservative blogs lately. I’ve donned my level 3 biohazard suit, and walked through the looking glass and read comment threads on “Red State” and other cesspools of conservative “thought.”

I’m frankly fascinated by wingnuts trying to come to terms with the debacle that is this election cycle. In no particular order, these are some of the things I keep reading.

Obama was so beatable.

Everyone is lying to the pollsters because they don’t want to be seen as racist.

We are over taxed.

Government is the problem.

The 2012 mid-terms results proved that our policies are popular.

The majority of American are conservative.

Restricting abortion is the most important issue facing America right now.

The national debt is the most important issue facing America right now.

President Obama is 100% responsible for our current debt.

Teachers and all other public employees are lazy, incompetent moochers trying to get something for nothing.

Tax cuts work.

Republican policy proposals make perfect sense.

Republican policy proposals would be popular if the media wasn’t in the bag for the liberals.

Romney is losing because he isn’t conservative enough.

Romney is losing because he isn’t willing to “take the fight to Obama.”

Romney is losing because the media is unfair.

Romney isn’t really losing, but that is what the unfair media wants you to think.

If Obama wins it will because he cheated.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. puck says:

    Thank you for your sacrifice, sir.

  2. auntie dem says:

    You’re a better man than I.

  3. puck says:

    Republican insiders now are growing increasingly pessimistic about the GOP presidential nominee’s chances of winning the White House.

    Okay, okay, yeah yeah. We know that. But…

    The latest heartburn for these insiders is Romney’s refusal to back down from his statement that nearly half of Americans believe they are victims dependent upon government.

    They want him to back down? There’s over an hour of videotape! Owning those comments was probably the most integrity Romney has displayed in his life. These Republican insiders are even more weaselly than Romney.

  4. anonymous says:

    Republicans Lie

    No. 1 tea party lie is, that they are conservatives;

    No. 2 lie is that the economy is the most important issue facing America; and

    No 3 lie – government is the problem.

    The true is this:

    No. 1 Republican is now the party of tea party (severe) climate denialists (opposite of being conservative;)

    No. 2 Without facing the climate issue there will be no economy; and

    No. 3 The government has been brought to a stand still by opposition tea party republicans, (which is how republicans want the government.)

    Republicans in government are the reason climate change is accelerating unchecked. Republicans tanked the economy to begin with; and of course, because of republicans, who and what should be taxed, (the wealthy and CO2,) aren’t being properly taxed.

  5. anonymous says:

    The #1 Lie – Republicans Are Conservative.

    Comment – Part 1 of 3

    Tea party values are more than questionable; they couldn’t care less for nature or mankind. Republicans have accepted the tea party’s extreme political philosophies and greed.

    It isn’t conservative – when republicans are against protecting the planet and all it’s life. The tea party is interested in protecting the status quo whereby the rich get richer. The tea party is, all about greed.

    What does the tea party really think is the biggest threat? The Economy? No – Environmental regulations; the carbon tax. What actually is the biggest threat? Republicans in pretend denial. Repubs can no longer call climate change a hoax; so now fossil fuel interests claim, science can’t tie climate change to future climate conditions, so therefore, the public should accept climate change and adapt. They don’t mention however, the adaptation will cost trillions, displace and kill millions, destroy the economy. And most of all, republicans don’t mention CO2 causes runaway feedback systems that would end life as we know it on the planet.

    Well yeah, 1%er republicans and some fossil fuel Dems are dealers. They aim to supply. A tea voter never forgets he wants more cheap fossil fuel for power plants, industrial plants, commercial enterprises, chicken houses, etc. Never mind the accompanying results; let the public pay for the damages.

    The pollution dealers are long known opponents of environmental protections, regulations, that interfere with their beloved smoke stacks to the sky. Not hard to understand – same as the tobacco industry’s denial.

    ‘Republicans argue that EPA climate regulations will burden the economy, cause poor and middle classes to suffer. Republican want to do away with the EPA. Many in the tea party still take (pretend) issue with the legitimate scientific consensus that human caused climate change is occurring. Instead they worry climate regulations will cut in on their profits, dividends, so they take issue with environmental regulations and the carbon tax.

    The costs of that republican dealer/user relationship, must be added on to republican deficit figures, as their leadership would inflict a deeper, bottomless pit from which there will be no return, similar to a Greenland moulin.

    Are republicans going to pay for this?

    Republicans present policy ignores exponential growth of debt, until no amount of money in the world, could undo the damages republicans have and will cause. CO2 greenhouse effects last up to 200 years. Republicans want to control the country by feeding it’s addiction, allowing the addicted, no way to clean up their environment. You want to drive -then you must use gas; cool your house – use coal; develop more fossil fuel energy resources – shale, frack rocks. Get more fossil fuel energy – build a pipeline across the country. They totally ignore climate change and that is the most important reason why, republicans shouldn’t be in public office.

    The 1%ers, (along with their tea party, issue manipulated voters,) have overtaken, what was a more sensible republican corner and now undertake the worst ghetto plan, (as well as the deadliest addiction ever.) The party continues to keep their pretend ‘debate’ going, when of course, they know a major, growing, economic disaster, due to their catering to the 1%, awaits ahead. It isn’t a separate economic subject; it isn’t an unrelated problem; there is no system, natural or man made in place to counteract republicans’ disastrous environmental policies that exact financial and human ruin.

    Word from the top 1%: ‘Clean’ is to be ridiculed, hated, stopped. Nature is theirs to destroy. The republican politician will call a filthy addiction – good economic sense, as they fight to keep the law on their corner. Let a republican candidate stray from what tea party, super PAC corporate money men want and he will end up in the political gutter. (continued.)

  6. anonymous says:

    The #1 Lie – Republicans Are Conservative

    (Comment – Part 2 of 3)

    The big time dealers, would add trillions upon endless trillions in growing government deficit, as it is the government that has to deal with the costs to society – until it no longer can. That’s not even mentioning what American pollution does to the rest of the world and what should be America’s leadership roll. If CO2 isn’t included in the Clean Air Act; if CO2 isn’t regulated – CO2 pollution is legal. The republican agenda is, ‘continue fossil fuel over–usage,’ as costs to the public, grow exponentially. What costs. Not ours, say tea party republicans. Relatively shortly, there will be no amount of money, that will solve the world’s environmental crisis caused by projecting the world’s systems into runaway planetary destruction. The by-product you can’t see, smell or feel – yet anthropogenic CO2 has increased the world’s measure of CO2, to 392.41 ppm as of August 2012. Any intelligent person would know -global heating – no debate; melting polar regions, no debate; melting glaciers – no debate; changing weather patterns – no debate; acidic oceans – caused by over abundance of CO2, all.

    This isn’t an election regarding the economic discussion of a billion here, a trillion there or who does or doesn’t pay enough taxes. It’s about leadership verses no leadership at all. This needs to be an election for economic policies that stop the destruction that cannot be later corrected, due to the long lasting effects of CO2, other greenhouse gases, that cause global heating. The economics of climate change, affecting not only the US, but the world.

    We need to listen to the scientists, not a fossil fuel tea party politician. The most effective solution we have, is to reduce the amount of man made CO2 (and other GHG;s) being released and the only way we know how to do that is, conservation (less fossil fuel usage,) and to seriously start developing/using alternative energies now so we can burn less fossil fuels now, reducing greenhouse gases now. Republicans however, still want the environment to remain a place to dump pollution for free, thereby, making them more profits by pollution.

    With republicans in Washington, USA cannot be a world leader. Republicans don’t want to hear about regulations.They refuse to call the over abundance of anthropogenic CO2 a pollutant.They want a fossil fuel economy and, they want the public – to pay the price as they reap the profits.

    Republicans, while pretending to be conservatives concerned about the economy, (the millionaires, billionaires are hurting, right?) are backing the most costly climate extremes, rising sea levels, shore re-nourishment’s, property abandonment, climate impacts on food production and costs, infrastructure losses, mass migrations, air borne pollution illnesses, runaway medical costs, deaths, catastrophic storms, droughts, wild fires, loss of nature, loss of wildlife, recreational benefits, die outs of environmental treasures, lost flyways, sea food losses, lost fresh water systems, toxic drinking water aquifers, lakes, bays, acidic oceans; melting polar regions, melting glaciers, melting permafrost, methane releasing ….. These are just some of the environmental fossil fuel costs presently to be borne by the public, all without a republican thought for future generations, who will struggle for life on a chemically altered, planet. And of course, there are the unknowns – of changing the earth’s systems. Nice future for the kids, huh? And republicans call themselves, conservative. Man made CO2, approx 90% comes from energy and cement plants, 10% from deforestation. Even a dumb republican would have to know that’s one huge CO2 smoke stack to the sky.

    A republican politician proposing a system of taxing the various fossil fuel industries, would be run out of politics, (how dare Castle back cap and trade!) Meanwhile, republicans are lead to attack every alternative to fossil fuels as well as the science and scientists of climate change.

    Instead, there needs to be an educated, vast effort to run republicans out of public office and take the political power of a greedy, mindless 1% out of the equation. Here’s a conservative plan. (continued.)

  7. anonymous says:

    The #1 Lie – Republicans Are Conservative

    Comment – Part 3 of 3

    Here’s a ‘Conservative Plan’ the tea party would hate:

    Reward every adult citizen, for NOT “over using” fossil fuels. Tax anthropogenic CO2 at it’s origin. That money would go into an “Environmental Fund” which would be divided in two parts.. Part 1, to be distributed directly, via government debit card, to every adult citizen. , to be spent becoming a responsible energy user. They would now have more to spend on energy improvements, which would help the economy, or they could save the credits for energy efficient appliances, Eco friendly landscaping, etc. Even the ‘extreme user’ would receive debit card credits to use to reduce his fossil fuel usage. If one person, insists on using twenty times more fossil fuel energy than the average person, they pay for that destructive privilege -similar to 5 star costing more, a yacht costing more than a John boat. Part 2, a second portion of the carbon tax goes to a government handled, “Environmental Action Fund,” with federal oversight, to be strictly used for public energy advancements, ie renewable energy systems, public solar buildings, energy conservation projects benefiting the public,(white roofs, parking lots, insulation, major tree planting, switch grass planting, etc.) This also creates jobs, improves the economy. There would be a separate set of measured fossil fuel parameters applicable to specific businesses, industries. For instance, a power plant can add clean energy; but if planes need petroleum products, so be it, until there is a better alternative. And importantly, USA would also become a world leader in controlling climate change.

    This would help all Americans become more environmentally involved. Each could contribute in their own way, turn off TV in other room, turn down thermostat, install thermal heat, install solar panels, use renewable energy, wind energy, cutting back their own usage and costs while collecting from those who don’t. After all, the air, lands, waters belong to the people, not polluting interests.

    Republicans will yell, redistribution of wealth. But republicans lie. The REALITY is, the wealth is now being distributed – to the top 1% and those at the top want to control the economy so they stay at the top. The COSTS of using fossil fuels, are now being turned over to society, robbing poor/middle John/Jane not only their money, but their health, property, natural resources and their family’s future and lives.The longer republicans hold up environmental regulations, the higher the costs for the public, the worse the economy, the less the chance the planet can recover. The truth the tea party doesn’t want voters to realize: CO2 is being dumped at a rate great enough to change the planet; at a rate that will change life as we knew it.

    Don’t let the tea party pretend the threat to life on the planet is ‘debatable, deniable’ That’s their biggest lie. Greenhouse gases need to be regulated. We need fossil fuel dependency to be replaced now, instead, we’re dangerously, even catastrophically behind schedule, largely due to tea party/republicans, their fossil fuel politicians opposing regulations, a carbon tax, clean energy, research, etc.

    Example: 2/23/12, from The Hill “More than 200 House Republicans and about a dozen conservative Democrats called on the White House Thursday to kill pending climate regulations, arguing they will impose huge costs on consumers.

    Typically republican, fossil fuel democrats – stating the opposite of what is true.

    The truth is climate change denial is the incalculable cost, of changing a planet.

    Rmoney has sold his soul to the tea party. He now doesn’t believe the science; he’s against CO2 regulations, and is for free-for-all releasing of CO2.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    nice, anonymous. this guy ^ (or gal) for contributor.

  9. Aoine says:

    ^im with Ben. BTW. ben. I have a KILLER quinoa salad recipe

    Email me if you would still like it. 😉