It Begins…

Filed in National by on October 1, 2012

Former Georgetown Mayor Brian Pettyjohn, a Republican, has filed as a write-in candidate for the 19th Senate seat. Far Right radical religious conservative teabagger Eric Bodenweiser won the Republican primary against the incumbent Republican Senator Joe Booth. The Democratic nominee is Jane Hovington.

Today was the deadline for write in candidacies to be filed.

I have been told that Joe Booth had been considering a write in campaign, but in the end he was “cool” with losing in the primary and if he were to run a write in campaign, he would need Eric Bodenweiser to step aside, something that Eric has no reason to do since he is the legitimate nominee and there are no career ending scandals coming down the pike that would tip this race into the hands of the Democrat. Hell, even if there was a career ending scandal, the Republican nominee would still likely win this seat.

So the interesting and necessary question is why? Is there really a ground swell of revulsion among normal reasonable Republicans in the 19th SD against Bodenweiser as their next Senator? Does Pettyjohn really have that much support among such Republicans, who likely voted for Booth in the primary? Are these Republicans willing to divide the electorate so much that Jane Hovington might have a chance to be elected?

So what will happen? Why is this happening? Questions that we find out shortly, I am sure.

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    I’m sure some people will still miss the sarcasm.

  2. Mike Matthews says:

    I’ve heard some VERY interesting things about this race. I wonder if those “interesting things” will be coming out soon?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Man, I hope so. What would we do without some of those folks acting out every five minutes?

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, Mike, I think we have all heard very interesting things about this race.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    I hope devoutly that those interesting things are not true – but if they are, I hope they come out quickly.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    I agree. Which is why we are not revealing what these stories and rumors are here, because we do not know if it is true.

  7. I heard definitively that they are lies. Any way, I think Mayor Pettyjohn is a really good man and hope that he does not campaign for this unless something extraordinary happens.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Sorry if I do not take your word for it. But, since we don’t know definitively that it is true, until something else happens, we are not talking about here, giving your side a courtesy that would not be given to us if the tables were reversed, I am sure.

    And I sense that the reason Pettyjohn filed is only to be a Plan B for the Republicans.

  9. anon says:

    Circle the wagons, Republican David.

  10. jason330 says:

    Couldn’t this simply be a case of the “sane” Republicans in the district simply not liking the lunatic teabag who won that primary? If it is, I would think that “sane” Republicans might want to think about winning primaries.

  11. puck says:

    Years ago I lost my interest in separating sane Republicans from other Republicans. They have all crossed the line. Now I have my hands full trying to identify the sane Democrats.

  12. sisyphus says:

    El Som : The reason this is happening is there is a career ending scandal for the bodieman soon to unfold

  13. chlorophil says:

    I don’t buy it.

  14. heragain says:

    Totally with puck, on this one. 😀

  15. limulus says:

    Heard rumors that Bodie’s camp is already marching in the spin parade on this one. Financial challenges, huh?!? I think NOT!

  16. jason330 says:

    If rumors were bricks, this thing could build St Peter’s. I’m with chlorophil. Don’t give me rumors, give me links.

  17. Jason330 says:

    Beware of falling shoes: 19 votes

    Normal GOP infighting: 18 votes


  18. SussexAnon says:

    The Vance Phillips story started out as a rumor, too.

    Just sayin’

  19. AQC says:

    Did anything ever come of the Vance Phillips story?

  20. Geezer says:

    Depends what you mean by “anything.” It’s generally assumed that he either had a relationship with a young woman or tried to pursue one. He doesn’t live with his wife anymore. With any luck, we’ve heard the last of his moralizing.

  21. Dave says:

    Most scandals are either sexual or financial and even financial scandals fail to titilate these days. So if there is a scandal in the 19th it is likely to be sexual. Although considering the 19th, if EB was closet Muslim, that would probably would qualify.

    @Geezer, that would be a beneficial outcome of the Vance affair (pun intended), but chances are he will repent, be born again, and will probably want to read passages of scripture at council meetings. In short, being born again usually intensifies one’s faith rather than create a modicum of humility.

  22. Jason330 says:

    So if there is a scandal in the 19th it is likely to be sexual

    It is is sexual, and the candidate is running as a Christian moralist/family values Republican, it is likely to be gay.

  23. Dave says:

    Well let’s just say that the candidate is a public Christian, in that he prefers to display his Christianity for maximum public exposure. While in private he may display other proclivities.

    Though in this day and age, the closet is a silly place to be if that were one of his private proclivities

  24. Turk184 says:


  25. SussexWatcher says:

    Jason – You won’t get links until there is official legal action taken. The press isn’t going to touch this until they can attribute it to someone else, to avoid legal action against themselves. Not even Gaffney is running with this one yet.

  26. chlorophil says:

    so, theres a giant rumor that is conveniently too hot to post?

    yeah, ok.

  27. walt says:

    You’re just wishing he was gay, Jason. He’s happily married as I’ve known him and his wife. There is no unity or loyalty in the GOP these days. If Pettyjohn wanted to run, he should have gotten on a ticket and done it right. As it is, he’s just trying to be a spoiler. It won’t work. Nobody is voting for Hovington anyway. She couldn’t even manage a daycare business. How will she manage a Senate district?

  28. puck says:

    Is this all it is that somebody is maybe gay or kinky in the bedroom? Oh for Chrissake.

  29. Geezer says:

    “She couldn’t even manage a daycare business. How will she manage a Senate district?”

    Ummm….what is involved in “managing a Senate district”? One of the beauties of being a legislator is that you don’t actually have to manage anything.

  30. Jason330 says:

    In view of historical precident, a Republican running for office in order to inflict fire and brimestone Christian values on everyone is probably gay. Who knows why these people are drawn to public office, but how many times have we seen that play out? So many times.

    Furthermore if this guy he is gay, so what? Just don’t run for office on the message that everyone needs to buy into your version of Jesus.

  31. Dave says:

    Apparently Bodie couldn’t not manage his father’s business, which according to some reports, is why it was sold. Who knows what the truth of the matter is though. In any event being able to manage a business is not a qualifier or disqualifier for public office. Understanding how government works (or should work) ought to be in the mix for qualifications though.

    I don’t think Bodie’s fire and brimstone Christianity necessarily indicates that he could be gay, but Jason is correct, in that it seems to be a pattern.

    Often folks profess loudly to be what they really are not as if professing alone will make it so. I am always leery of those who wear anything on their sleeves so we can tell who or what they are.

  32. walt says:

    He was paid well for that business, and should have sold for the price he got. He got out of a half dozen tired 7-11 era/model stores before Royal Farms showed up and smoked ’em all.

  33. Dave says:

    Well, apparently there is a kink 🙂 somewhere for BP to decide to run. I suppose it will all come out at some point.

  34. waterpirate says:

    Well I have been lurking around here for a while trying to understand the world, it is not working. I live in the 19th district, and honestly the majority of people in the district do not understand or want to share any details about B.P. suddenly launching a write in campaign in the 11th hour.

    People in the 19th district voted E.B. in due to the dissatisfaction of Booth’s policy and his position at Sussex Tech. It is what primaries are for. Now this? Unless rumors become fact or B.P. starts a campaign, E.B. will win. Many feel the it is a stunt based on the fact that with so little time left to the election, compexities of pulling off a write in win, and his total lack of public presance or platform or basic information, he is a non-starter.

  35. pandora says:

    I think he entered the race as a Plan B, an insurance policy, a just in case…

  36. Jason330 says:

    Pandora, If that is true… props to Sigler. It would be the first head’s up move he has made during his tenure.

  37. anon says:

    “… props to Sigler.”

    Sigler had something to do with this? First I’ve heard of it.

  38. Jason330 says:

    Am I being too charitable to think that the Party Chair had a hand in the “plan B?” I don;t think so.

  39. waterpirate says:

    If sigler did have anything to do with ” the morning after the primary pill” it will be the end of him as well, just as Booth got the boot.

  40. Jason330 says:

    I’m sure the EB partisans are going to be super strong when things play out.

  41. Dave says:

    Had a little chat with Sen. Carper and staff about an hour ago at grocery in Lewes (he was out drumming up support for Mayor). Asked him to drop and give me some push ups. 🙂

    Anyway, I briefly mentioned this race (not to Carper). His staff sort of just smiled and mentioned putting the cuffs on. I didn’t pursue anything further and he didn’t offer anything further. So whatever it has some criminal context.

  42. traveler says:

    I have first hand information that Sigler had everything to do with Pettyjohn’s entry into the 19th district race.
    It’s not hard to fathom; they hate Bodenweiser and would do anything to derail his candidacy, even giving the seat to a democrat. Hell yes, Sigler was in on it but is too dumb to have thought this thing himself. It came from Castle and Ross.

  43. anon says:

    Traveler stick to Agenda 21 conspiracy theories, the BP candidacy has nothing to do with upstate, Pettyjohn is a Sussex boy and does what he wants.

  44. anon says:

    Bill Colley at WGMD gets the “impression” from Bodenweiser that he will pull out of the race.

  45. Don Nots says:

    Traveler, quit listening to Colley. Castle and Ross also cause I-95 backups daily, 100 degree temps in July, 10 degrees in Feb, and colic in babies. Rollins causes Dale Jr. to hit the wall weekly, rain on the weekend, Vick to get sacked 26 times in a game, and causes every Philly team to suck all in the same year. Go grow your beans and shut the hell up. You too waterboy.

  46. anonymous says:

    Will the ‘real’ candidate please step forward, with the truth.

    As it is with a political party, the republican candidate for President, it is with state candidates, the real candidate(s,) must step forward.

    If there is a political candidate representing a political party of the Nation or Delaware, who has an important issue surrounding that candidacy, that political party, please stand up and tell the truth.

    If that candidate’s character, values, morals, judgement, history, records, etc. is thought to be contrary to what they have represented to the voting public, especially if the voters would vote based on false representation of those character traits,conduct of a candidate or record, would that candidate, please step forward.

    If a party or candidate is surrounded by an ongoing (whether or not finally resolved,) controversy but a controversy enough that if the candidate were elected, the information contained therein, would effect the judgement of the voting public, the values of the party, the known character of the public office holder(s,) the integrity of the public office, the voting system, the possible misrepresentation of the people of the state of Delaware, then that controversy should be brought forward by that party, by that candidate, forward before the voting public, forward – before the election. Would that party, that candidate, please stand up, step forward and tell the voting public, what those issues are.

    If those issues are issues that have been misrepresented, kept secret or denied within a political system, whether it has occurred before or after the party decided to put forward that candidate to represent the party itself, and possibly, all the people of Delaware and especially, if that issue would challenge the integrity of an entire political party, subsequent political office(s) involved, the integrity of the voters’ choice, the hope that an election, a choosing between parties and candidates, the future decisions made by such a candidate, please stand forward. A system of government must not be a corrupted system of secrecy or false denial, but a system instead of openness and honestly before and after an election, where a candidate honestly steps forward and upholds the better values of mankind – honesty, decency, good character, honorable treatment of all, equality, intelligence, openness, wisdom, consistency, leadership qualities that voting for one’s candidate should decide; then it is up to the party, that candidate(s) to step forward with only the truth offered to the voting public.

    For if one doesn’t step forward with the truth, inform the voters, whom it is the voters would be voting for, what sense is there for a voter to vote, select a party, a candidate, if such a party is corrupted by individuals who are not honest and upstanding before the voting public, before the election, giving the voters the option to decide upon the character of their government, while knowing all the truth and history surrounding those who do step forward as candidates to represent the people. When a candidate steps forward, his relevant history should step forward as well.

    Which party is it, which candidate(s.) Who are those public figures, those individuals involved, who have an obligation to honestly represent themselves if they have or have not done so, so that the people of Delaware are honestly represented in their government.

    For if the truth is known, but misrepresented at such a time before an election, there will be consequences effecting the election itself. As every voter is important as is every vote. Every voter must know, be given the choice to know, who and what they are voting for. Voters may speculate as to what is true and what isn’t, trying to decide how to vote; but speculation isn’t enough weeks before the election. Even though the republican candidate for President of the United States, sets the worst example, changing his stand on what is true weekly/daily/hourly, as to what his position was/ is; who he doesn’t/does represent, who he really is/isn’t – it is severely wrong. A republican voter cannot know from one day to the next who and what he will be voting for. That is as far opposite of ‘conservative’ as one can get.

    A vote shouldn’t be cast on speculation or the results of trying to unravel a past record or the latest denial or misrepresentation. It it up to the party, the candidate(s), to step forward, stand up with the truth, or step aside, to let the people have the government they deserve.

    History has shown, that when the wrong people wrongfully ga

  47. Don Nots says:

    Wow, now Moseley is over here, great.

  48. anonymous says:


    Last sentence of above anonymous post, 10/7 1:03 pm

    History has shown, that when the wrong people wrongfully gain power and the people wrongfully support him, the consequences can be dire indeed.

  49. anon says:

    I fell asleep halfway through that comment, but I did catch the end. What if the wrong candidate is in, their supporters know the candidate is a train wreck, but they vote for the fatally flawed candidate anyway because they’re just that stubborn/stupid/lemmingish? It happened with the same group of people in 2010 with COD. I predict EB will be elected regardless.

  50. Dave says:

    It is possible for EB to be elected, but with his campaign seemingly in hiatis (moribund?), it is not apparent he is even running any longer and if elected he might not be in a position to take office. In Delaware if someone is unable (or unwilling) to assume a state office to which they are elected, is a special election held?

  51. Dave says:

    @Don Nots

    It does look like Moseley, but there are no biblical quotes, or something about Virginia or COD. It is certainly long winded enough though.

  52. geezer says:

    Two and a half minutes you’ll never get back.

    Phil: Keep digging. I’m pretty sure there’s a pony down there.

  53. geezer says:

    @Don Nots & Dave: There are also NO CAPITAL LETTERS, indicating a lack of PASSION or COMMITMENT! Also, too, NOT ENOUGH EXCLAMATION POINTS!

  54. chlorophil says:

    are you saying the rumor is that eric is a zoophile?

  55. Don Nots says:

    Eric, would you please address this and set the record straight? It seems the witch made him disappear last Thursday night. He can’t be found anywhere. Even his reserved booth space was abandoned at Wings and Wheels, literally in his back yard. If this is his general election campaign, he deserves to lose. The people in the 19th that voted for you in the primary deserve an explanation. Where the hell are you?

  56. chlorophil says:

    I can’t vouch for it, but says the accuser has a criminal record? I’m not saying that means nothing happened, only that it makes it infinitely harder to prove.

  57. Dave says:

    We can’t know whether any of the allegations or rumors are true. The authorities have the repsonsibility for that. All we can see is that EB is no longer campaigning and a back up has filed and is available (albeit a write in). When things get to that point, you start pondering the election as if it is a 3 way and who bleeds votes from whom.

    A collateral topic might be what it says about those who need an audience as witness to their faith (if there is something to the allegations of course).

    I am sure EB will get a good number of votes because there is widespread belief in conspiracies (sometimes I think that Sussex would have been a good location for an X File show) and we already know that facts have no influence on their beliefs, so why would allegations have any more impact? It seems to me that EB and BP will split the vote in some fashion but I don’t know what the demographics are for the 19th and so can’t even guess what that might mean for Hovington numbers.

  58. chlorophil says:

    posting that seems like a bad idea.

  59. chlorophil says:

    wow, quick work.

  60. pandora says:

    Thanks, Chlorophil, just happened to check in.

    Attention: Please do not post rumors.

  61. AQC says:

    Since when do we not post rumors? Not that I want this one posted.

  62. Dave says:


    Yeah, I forgot about Moseley’s PASSION!!! and COMMITTMENT!!!

  63. anonymous says:

    From a voter perspective – it’s getting down to the last few weeks before the people elect their public officials, so why don’t the candidates just step forward and do what candidates always do – tell the voters about him/herself and why he/she is the best person to represent the people as a Delaware lawmaker from the 19th district.

    Winning a primary is a high point of a campaign where a candidate catches an upward current. Voters expect a lot of wing flapping to get the current support of interested voters as well a party support. There is instead, something else waifing about; enough to keep republicans circling their wagons.

    Republican David circled 10/1, 9:30 pm

    “I heard definitively that they are lies. Any way, I think Mayor Pettyjohn is a really good man and hope that he does not campaign for this unless something extraordinary happens.”

    Republican David heard definitively, { absolutely, being a final settlement or decision; conclusively,} that they are lies.

    But what’s curiouser, are the bits about hoping a really good man doesn’t campaign (since when does anyone ever wish that,) and the reference to “unless something extraordinary happens.” Also curious is that Republican David doesn’t say anything equally or even more positive about Eric Bodenweiser as well.

    Put the above aside, be positive.

    Republican David: Tell the voters why the republican party candidate, Eric Bodenweiser, is your and the republican party’s first choice and why republicans should back and support Eric Bodenweiser and vote Eric Bodenweiser into the honorable office of Senator representing the 19th district of the State of Delaware.

  64. Dave says:

    The allegations agains Eric Bodenweiser may indeed be untrue. If they are, Eric should be out there defending himself in the court of public opinion. I don’t live in the 19th, but if I did, I would be furious at his silence and effectively halting his campaign. In less than 30 days voters in his district go to the polls without a single word thus far from Bodenweiser. It seems difficult for voters to vote intelligently when one of the candidates is completely absent.

  65. Just a question: Is Jane Hovington out there campaigning? Hope so. It’d be nice if SOMEBODY was out there campaigning in the 19th.

  66. Jason330 says:

    The real campaigning doesn’t begin until after World Egg Day (The second Friday in October).

  67. anon says:

    The reality is that Bodenweiser knows his supporters are uneducated morons. The ones that support him because he’s a Christian will support him even if the rumors are true (he repented before Jesus and that’s all that matters, screw the laws of mortal man), and the ones who support him because he’s a Tea Party candidate will support him because they’ll see the rumors (even if proven)as a vast establishment conspiracy.

  68. Geezer says:

    There’s another wrinkle to this Bodenweiser business: Before he went to ground, he had run afoul of the conservatives down there for supporting rent justification laws for trailer park owners.

  69. Dave says:

    Well sort of. A lot of the “conservatives down there” are manufactured home owners. I’m not sure how many but it reminds me a little of Mississippi. The most conservative state in the Union also receives the greatest percentage of federal dollars in relation to what they actually pay. Mississippi receives something like $1.79 for every $1.00 they pay. A pretty good rate of return!

    What a lot those type of conservatives feel about entitlements is that whatever they get, they deserve. What they don’t like is what everyone else it getting. So couple MH owners and “Christians,” it’s pretty much a winning combination, unless of course one lives in a place like Happy Valley.

  70. anon says:

    Geezer the list of who Bodenweiser has “run afoul” of is long. He took a candidate to the DOE to register against Rep. King in the priimary, that candidate is now the D against King in the general, he went against the Vance Phillips/Sam Wilson Christian Conservatives and openly backed the Sheriff of Nuttingham, and he primaried Booth after saying he wouldn’t and throwing his hat in the ring for Clerk of the Peace and he went against the IRSD lawsuit settlement and showed up at board meetings to say the Lord’s Prayer because the board couldn’t. The rumors, however, did not originate from any of those places, they started 2 days after the primary on live radio, the downstate sister station to WDEL, and all of the factions that were already against Bodenweiser were blown away by the rumor.

  71. Damn! KNEW I should have copyrighted ‘Sheriff of Nuttingham’!

  72. waterpirate says:

    Jane Hovington is underfunded, underexposed, and bareley running at all. If this mess does not get resolved soon, she may walk herself right into leg hall.

  73. Dave says:

    Eric Bodenweiser Watch – Day 10

    Any sightings?

  74. Bob Lawrence says:

    What you see less and less of are Bodie signs along the roads. I drove around this morning and noticed they are vanishing. Don’t know if someone is picking them up, or if individuals are just getting them off their own property.

  75. anon says:

    This would be a great time for Democrats to step it up for Jane Hovington, she’s no lightweight and would be a great addition to the GA.

  76. Mongo says:

    “This would be a great time for Democrats to step it up for Jane Hovington, she’s no lightweight and would be a great addition to the GA.”

    Does she deserve our support? To be very kind, her campaign has been rather, lackluster.

  77. Dave says:

    Well remember that before the first show dropped, she probably planned only to be token opposition and a benefit vs cost analysis might have suggested that she save her and her supporters money.

    Of course, when opportunity presents itself, it would help her to get out there and let people know she is a viable candidate.

  78. Mongo says:

    I’m sure that was the plan, Dave.

    However, there are few problems with that.

    First, even without the arrests or whatever, that seat could be won by a Democrat. Bodenweiser and Booth had major strikes against them, and a candidate could have used those vulnerabilities to get some votes.

    Second, when a candidate is out knocking on doors every night, even in a losing race, he or she is compiling critical data that can be used for the up-ballot races. The candidate is finding strong Democrats, weak ones, and people who should be crossed off the list. This data is gold for the get out the vote efforts and for campaigns down the road.

    Lastly, Mongo believes that if the party honors a person with their endorsement, that person is obligated to run as hard as you can. It’s part of the agreement.

    If someone can’t be bothered to campaign, what type of representative will he or she be if they are elected?

    By the way, with all of that said, Mongo does not live in that district, but if he did, he would proudly vote for Jane. Just wish she would campaign a little harder.

  79. Jason330 says:

    I wouldn’t expect Biden to say that Ryan is lying or to call him a liar. He might say something like, “I don’t know if he is lying of just misinformed, but that is flat wrong.”

  80. Mongo says:

    You’re right Jason. That sounds exactly like Biden.

  81. SussexAnon says:

    Mongo, you should have started your posts with “I don’t live in that district” that would explain alot.

    Hovington has been campaigning with Gary Wolfe, McGinn, Markell, Carper, etc. Phone banking, door knocking, meet n greets, candidate forums. You name it she is doing it.

    You are more than welcome to go to the Georgetown HQ and see for yourself. Phones and call lists are standing by.

  82. Mongo says:

    Mongo is overjoyed to be wrong.

  83. SussexWatcher says:

    Wolfe, McGinn, Hovington … Three candidates who don’t stand a chance.

  84. Bob Lawrence says:

    One thing is for certain, the long absence of EB, and the Bodie signs disappearing over the last few days, and the deafening silence in response to every outlet trying to make contact with him for a response, the campaign by EB seems to be over. Something very strange is surely going on, God knows what…