Early VP Debate Predictions

Filed in National by on October 9, 2012

Ryan is going to reveal the budgetary and rhetorical genius that he has been hiding all of this time. Biden is going to make a stammering ass out of himself. Ryan is going to rip his shirt off in triumph and flex is P90-x abs in celebration. The Nation will swoon. Rasmussen will show a huge jump in Romney’s polling numbers. Intrade investors will drop Obama like plutonium, and the GOP ticket will cruise to victory carrying 7 Senate seats along with them for good measure.

Or not.

A note of apology to long time readers: If you are thinking that my heart really isn’t in this, you are right. Sorry about that. Here is what Yahoo news says about the VP showdown….

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. vice presidential debates usually don’t matter much, but the October 11 showdown between Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and Republican challenger Paul Ryan could be an exception.

Democrats are counting on Biden to blunt the momentum of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has gained ground after a strong debate performance against President Barack Obama last week.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Mongo says:

    Our senator will wipe the floor with Ryan, but it will have little impact in the polls.

    Seeing Ryan fumble in media interviews, when asked relatively simple questions, portends well for Joe Biden.

    My recommendation for the Biden team – study the debate between Biden and Palin, where Joe should have peeled back the curtain on that moron. Instead, the debate was a draw.

    Joe needs to have ready-made, short answers to questions, and not get mired down into the run-on-sentence jargon of the president. Keep the answers to short, declarative sentences.

    Biden also needs to have specific attacks ready for the Ryan. Ask him direct questions–challenge him on the lack of specifics in their plan. Call him out on the lies. Call them lies, not untruths, or misguided facts. Ask him why he continues to lie to the public.

    That’s Mongo’s $.02, in case anyone in Biden’s camp is reading.