QOTD — Is the Dog Whistling Working?

Filed in National by on October 13, 2012

We already know how they work this scab. The routine invocation of President Obama (even trying to smear those who support him) as the Other isn’t even debatable. Take a look at this picture and tell me what you think:

This picture is via We Are Respectable Negroes, where he also posts up 7 Ways the GOP Can Spin This Photo. Because you know they will.

h/t From Pine View Farm

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (22)

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  1. pandora says:

    Looks like it’s working.

    A single shot was fired Friday afternoon at the the Denver office of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, according to The Denver Post.

    People were inside the building at the time. This is what they’re stirring up with their dog whistle.

  2. Davy says:

    Is it surprising that white supremacists support a white candidate against a black candidate?

    I don’t think the GOP needs a dog whistle.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    It *should* be surprising here in 2012 that a white candidate is actively working on messaging that makes those supremacists feel right at home.

  4. Davy says:

    I don’t see a connection between Romney’s rhetoric and courting white supremacists. Also, there is no need to court people who irrationally hate your opponent.

    Though, I hear that Republicans want to put Black-Americans back in chains.

    Alarmist, in my opinion.

  5. duty says:

    This is way out of control. If you are a white replublican then you are automatically assumed to be a racist? You are slandering millions and millions of Americans with this bullshit.

  6. jason330 says:

    Not every Republican I know is a racist, but every racist I know is a Republican.

  7. duty says:

    Where does Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Rev. Wright fit into your racist category? Those race peddlers do more to bring racial divide than anybody.

  8. jason330 says:

    You forgot Robert Bryd, the all time favorite dead Democrat of racist Republicans. Anyway, read my theory again. DId i say “every person in the world” or did I limit my observation to people I know?

    Oh. Okay then. On your way Cletus.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Also, there is no need to court people who irrationally hate your opponent.

    Sure there is. It is called firing up the (at least) the Teajadi portion of the GOP base.

  10. duty says:

    Everybody has a touch of so called racism in them. White, black or other. We all sterotype in some form or another. Admit that and move on. You are sterotyping me as a dumb, racist republican hick, which is unfortunate and not accurate. I am also sterotyping you as an eliteist democrate douche which is also unfortunate. Best thing to do is get over all that crap and discuss issues like adults. To say Romney is running a racist campaign and panders to a so called white spremecist sector of the voting block as absurd. Calling the GOP convention a klan rally is also absurd. My point is serious discussions of the issues cannot occur until both sides cut out the sterotyping crap.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Where does Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Rev. Wright fit into your racist category?

    None of these people is running for President. And it is just plain silly to use the word *racist* with any of these people. If there is a word you want it is *prejudice* — there is a world of difference here which I have no hope of you coming to grips with.

    So we’re keeping this to the Dog Whistling of the Romney campaign, and not following you down your very badly done deflection.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    This is what I mean:

    Everybody has a touch of so called racism in them. Not true — full stop. You can argue that everyone has some prejudices, but certainly not everyone subscribes to racism.

  13. duty says:

    “If there is a word you want it is *prejudice* — there is a world of difference here which I have no hope of you coming to grips with.”
    I agree, prejudice is a better word for it. Still unfortunate, but reality.

  14. geezer says:

    No, it isn’t a “better word for it.” It’s a different word entirely.

    “Racism” is the belief that members of a group are, by nature of their race, inferior (or, in the case of Nazis, superior) to other groups.

    The entire slavery system was built on the belief that Africans (and soon thereafter African-Americans, despite their partially European heritage) are intrinsically inferior to Europeans. (To be fair, those of northern European heritage graciously extended those prejudiced beliefs to the Irish and then Mediterranean peoples as well once they arrived in large numbers).

  15. Davy says:


    Europeans justified slavery by arguing that they were superior to Africans.

    Europeans enslaved Africans because slavery was economical.

    And, you overestimate the tolerance of Democrats if you think that all racists are Republicans. That said, since the Dixiecrats became Republicans, there are more Republican racists than Democrat racists.

  16. geezer says:

    Alluding to the Dixiecrats shows how ill-informed you are.

    They are the same people. Anyone can change the letter on their registration.

    Just by the by, I despise the Democratic Party, and I loathe the GOP. Please recalibrate your stereotypometer.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Europeans justified slavery by arguing that they were superior to Africans.

    So did slave-owning Americans.

  18. Davy says:


    Re-read my comment:

    “That said, since the Dixiecrats became Republicans, there are more Republican racists than Democrat racists.”

    As I said, Dixiecrats are Republicans. Thanks for explaining my comment to me.

    I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or not. My 3rd paragraph was not directed at you – Sorry that I did not note that.


    I used “European” as a term for White. That was the term that other people, aka. geezer, were using.

  19. socalistic ben says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RovF1zsDoeM maybe this is what Duty was goin for.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Which just goes to show you how devalued the word *racist* has gotten. Because the Avenue Q people misused the word too.

    Or maybe I should say that the Avenue Q people used the word in a way that only white people can afford.

  21. socalistic ben says:

    or you could laugh at a funny song.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    *shrug* I saw Avenue Q Off-Broadway. The staging was clever, some of the songs cute, but mostly it’s story of being somehow misled by Sesame St left me cold. Maybe it’s a generational thing.

    But there is a real irony in this song. The Sesame St people use words and language with great precision (and great wit), reflective of their commitment to helping children learn something. Too bad that lesson didn’t get picked up by these folks.