Archive for October, 2012

Monster Downballot Polling Report, with some Presidential numbers too [10.24.12]

Filed in National by on October 24, 2012 3 Comments
Monster Downballot Polling Report, with some Presidential numbers too [10.24.12]

The latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll finds President Obama moving slightly ahead of Mitt Romney, as you will see below. However, Obama “maintains a larger advantage in the state-by-state battle that will determine the outcome of the election. Ipsos projects that Obama holds an edge in the most hotly contested states, including Florida, Virginia and Ohio, and is likely to win by a relatively comfortable margin of 322 electoral votes to 206 electoral votes.” I wish more tracking polls released this kind of information so we can see where these leads for Romney in the other ones are coming from. We saw last week that Romney’s entire lead comes from the South, where he leads Obama by 22%, while Obama lead in every other region with 52 or 53%.

We have new state polls in New Hampshire, Florida, Virginia and Nevada, where it is a close race all around.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.24.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2012 0 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.24.12]

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Republican Senate Candidate: Pregnancy From Rape Is God’s Will

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 18 Comments

FYI:  Todd “legitimate rape” Akin is not an outlier.  Rep. Roger “some girls rape easy” Rivard is not an outlier.  Sharron “make lemonade out of rape” Angle is not an outlier.  Paul “I agree with Akin” Ryan is not an outlier.

As time goes on, I’m rapidly reaching the conclusion that Republicans view the act of rape as god’s will.  It’s almost as if, and I hesitate to type this, but… it’s almost as if they are casting god as the rapist.  It’s like these guys view god as a Zeus-like figure.  It’s like they are saying that despite the woman’s wishes god has decided she should be pregnant so he sent a rapist to fulfill his will.

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Comment Rescue – Denn would be a kick ass Governor

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 2 Comments

The headline is a paraphrase from a comment down below. But, I think we can all agree, Matt Denn is a Democrat’s Democrat. He’ll make a hell of a Governor if he wants to take that step. In the meantime he just goes around quietly kicking ass and making people remember what government should be all about. Here is a recent youtube ad he recently put out on work he’s done helping families with special needs kids.

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Tuesday Open Thread [10.23.12]

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 14 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [10.23.12]

It is good to see that Mitt Romney is representative of the average GOP voter regarding knowledge of world geography. Mittens said last night that Syria is Iran’s route to the sea. Interestingly though, on this planet we call Earth, Syria and Iran do not share a border. Iraq stands in the way. Further, and more importantly, Iran already has several of its own routes to the sea. It has a very long southern coastline that gives the country access to the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean. It’s northern border includes its coastline on the Caspian Sea, which, while it is an essentially landlocked inland sea, it does have canals and rivers that lead eventually to the Black Sea and then to the Mediterranean Sea.

So how could Mittens make such a collassal mistake? Does he not know world geography? I thought he was a smart man? Was this just a slip of the tongue, a one time mistake?

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I don’t get this DEGOP line of attack against Markell

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2012 8 Comments

We Want a Four Year Full-Time Governor!

Dear Voter,

During the past few Gubernatorial debates we have begun to see a different side of Governor Markell, one that he does not want the voters to see. When the Governor is asked about why he will not sign a pledge to serve his full term in office, he gets defensive and refuses to answer the question.

Uhh… ? What is Sigler thinking with this? – “Most people like Markell, but if we make them think that he will leave prior to finishing his term, they’ll hate him.” – “Our guy sucks, but at least nobody will be asking him to serve in an administration.”

I mean really. Is this a strategy?

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The Polling Report [10.23.12]

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 24 Comments
The Polling Report [10.23.12]

I am separating the Polling Reports again today just because we have a large number of downballot polls for the Senate and Governor’s races, coupled with our standard load of National, National Tracking and State polls. The national polls are multiplying like rabbits, and today, that have the race ranging from Obama +4, to Obama +3, to Obama +2 to Obama +1 to Tied to Romney +1, Romney +2, Romney +3, and Romney +6. Something for everyone’s reality.

But here is today’s map:

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Debate Reaction

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 1 Comment

“Well, Scott, the uncommitted voters in our survey – immediately after the debate was over – gave a clear victory to President Obama this evening.” A CBS News poll of undecided voters favored Obama, 53% to 23%. Mitt Romney once again came in third, behind Tied, at 24%. A CNN instant poll of registered voters that violently oversampled Republicans found President Obama still won, 48% to 40%. A Public Policy Polling survey of swing state voters also came out in favor of the president, 53% to 42%.

To put in perspective this polling, consider the results of the polls after the first debate, considered to be a blowout even by us liberals in favor of Mitt Romney. Then, the the CBS poll of undecided voters taken immediately after the event showed the Republican winning the debate by 24 points. Last night it is Obama won by 30. Now let’s see our “liberal” lamestream mainstream whateverstream media fellate him now as they did Mitt Romney after the First Debate.

Come inside for more reaction.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.23.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2012 11 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.23.12]

Sorry this is late. One of the things I hate about debate nights is that I am too keyed up to go to sleep at my normal bedtime of 11, right after the end of the debate. I have to stay up and listen to the post debate coverage, and then as I force myself upstairs to bed I am still checking Twitter for another hour. Ugh.

Well, at least that is over with for another four years. Join us next time in 2016 when we will hear from the Democratic nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the Republican nominee, Rick Santorum.

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25 Things Romney Supporters Like About President Obama

Filed in National by on October 23, 2012 3 Comments
25 Things Romney Supporters Like About President Obama

This is a breath of fresh air. Matt Stopera, of Buzzfeed, asked 25 college students at Lynn University to say one nice thing about the person they’re voting against.

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The Final Presidential Debate Live Blog and Watch Party

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 22, 2012 11 Comments
The Final Presidential Debate Live Blog and Watch Party

First, several of us will be at the Chelsea Tavern this evening starting at 8 pm for a Debate Watch Party. We hope you can drop by. If you are stuck at home you can join us for the Live Blog of the debate. To join the live blog, click on the word “Liveblog” in the horizontal menu at the top right of the page near the dateline. For the instructionally challenged, here is a picture of what you are supposed to click on. Once you get to the Liveblog login page, type in a user name and leave the password line blank, and click Login. And there you go.

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Bodenweiser Indicted on 113 Felony counts.

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 22, 2012 112 Comments

According to the Cape Gazette just now:

Following a grand jury investigation, former state Senate candidate Eric Bodenweiser was indicted Oct. 22 on 113 felony counts. He faces 39 charges of first-degree unlawful sexual intercourse and 74 charges of unlawful sexual contact in the second degree.

The Attorney General’s Office has sealed the indictment; details of the charges are not available.

Damn. For those who don’t know, Eric Bodeweiser was the Republican candidate for Senator in the 19th Senate Distict in Sussex County, Delaware. He officially withdrew his candidacy last week amid rumors of these charges. Bodenweiser was, and probably still is, a star of the downstate Tea Party movement. Indeed, the last time he was seen in public was during a fundraiser with the Queen Bee herself, Christine O’Donnell.

First Degree Unlawful Sexual Intercourse is another term for First Degree Rape, I believe. I cannot find a separate crime for it under the Delaware Code. Second Degree Unlawful Sexual Contact occurs when the person intentionally has sexual contact with another person who is less than 18 years of age or causes the victim to have sexual contact with the person or a third person. This is a class F felony.

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Let’s Review Romney’s Initial Statements On Libya

Filed in National by on October 22, 2012 0 Comments

Romney may want to argue over the word “terror” now, but that wasn’t what he did the night of the attack in Libya.

Romney’s initial statement on Libya:

“I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi,” the statement read. “It’s disgraceful that the Obama Administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

The assertion that the administration sympathized with attackers was derived from a statement by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo — before the compound was breached — criticizing an anti-Muslim film that “hurt the religious feelings” of others.

Got that?  Romney was responding to a statement from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo – people who were trying to calm a potentially explosive situation.  He wasn’t harping on terror.  He didn’t call it a terrorist attack.  (Not that he should have at the time)  He was claiming that President Obama’s first response was to “sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

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