Archive for October, 2012

The Polling Report [10.18.12]

Filed in National by on October 18, 2012 3 Comments
The Polling Report [10.18.12]

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the ratings for the cable network coverage of Tuesday’s presidential debate have numbers surged ahead of the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney. That’s good. Now we have to see if the President repaired any of the damage he did to himself in the polls. Obama has regained the lead in all national polls but the Gallup poll (which is now looking like an extreme outlier when compared to the other tracking polls) and Rasmussen (although Obama is improving in that poll as well).

Looking at the Gallup poll, while I will not parse that poll like my conservative brethen, I will point out something that is extremely interesting:

East– Obama 52, Romney 48 (O+4)
Midwest–Obama 52, Romney 48 (O+4)
South –Romney 61, Obama 39 (R+22)
West–Obama 53, Romney 47 (O+6)

Anyway, here is our map. No changes from yesterday despite more polls:

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.18.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2012 1 Comment
Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.18.12]

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Tagg Romney Threatens President With Violent Assault

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 45 Comments
Tagg Romney Threatens President With Violent Assault

“Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.” — Tagg Romney, in an interview on WPTF-AM, when asked how it felt to hear President Obama call his father a liar during last night’s debate.

Well, what a violent bully this Tagg Romney is. I wonder what horrible single mother raised this violent and disgusting thug? Who taught him that when things do go your way you get violent? I wonder if Tagg You’re It is going to get a call from the Secret Service.

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The Governor and Lt. Governor Debates

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 9 Comments

Watch online here now!

Governor Markell and Jeff Cragg are debating at 8 pm. Lt. Governor Denn and Sher She Didn’t Build It Valenzuela are debating now. I got home late and missed the 7 pm start time.

Sher is being downright nasty in her closing statement.

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A rare “fail” video

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 0 Comments

There is some NSFW language about 20 seconds in, but that just adds to it. It is rare because as these guys realize how ridiculous it looks it just gets funnier. Most people aren’t this self-aware.

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More Debate Reaction

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 2 Comments
More Debate Reaction

It is horrible that this is true, but half the battle of these debates is the media narrative. With a week to go before the next debate, the rest of the week will be dominated by the media discussing just how great the winner of the debate was and just how evil and horrible the loser of the debate was. It is a vicious circle that tends to compound the polls. A 50% Romney victory the night of the debate turned into a 71% victory two days later. Now the shoe is on the other foot. John Cassidy finds that “the overwhelming majority of the pundits proclaimed the President the victor”:

Even Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham said that he won on points. With this type of unanimity, the media narrative for the next few days, which is at least as important as the debate itself, will run in favor of Obama and against Romney. The G.O.P. candidate […] will be criticized for his blunders on Libya, guns, and women.

Check inside for more reactions and some videos of the highlights of the debates.

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Last Night’s Debate: Libya

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 12 Comments

Delaware Dem is buried under polling numbers, so I’m jumping in on this – with DD’s blessing! There are two separate issues concerning the exchange on Libya last night.  I’ll deal with the easy one first.

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The Polling Report Part II: The Senate Forecast [10.17.12]

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 0 Comments
The Polling Report Part II: The Senate Forecast [10.17.12]

Our last Senate Forecast Update was seven days ago, so we are due to update our little chart. I have gone back and looked at all the Senate polls from the past week, including today’s wealth of YouGov polls, and updated the chart. Based on all the Senate polls of the last week, the Democrats in the Senate would pick up Massachusetts and Maine (well, Angus King will pick it up, but he is nearly assured of caucusing with the Dems, especially if President Obama wins election and the Dems retain the Senate), while the Republicans looks set to pick up Montana and Nebraska. There are two races that are exactly tied at this moment: North Dakota and Virginia.

If the Dems lose both of the tied races, then the final tally would be Dems 51, GOP 49, a net pickup for the GOP of two seats.

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Wednesday Open Thread [10.17.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 17, 2012 7 Comments

Both national polls that were taken immediately following last night’s presidential debate at Hofstra University show President Obama besting Romney by 7 percent. A CNN/ORC poll indicates that 46 percent of voters who watched the debate said that the president won, while 39 percent said Romney won (and the sample in the poll was about 8 percent more Republican than polls taken among all Americans this year). In a CBS News instant poll taken right after the debate, 37 percent of “uncommitted” voters said the president won, 30 percent gave Romney the edge, and 33 percent said it was a tie. A snap poll by Public Policy Polling in swing state of Colorado gave President Obama a 48-44 edge, while CO Independents said that the President won by 58-36 percent.

For those who want a detailed point-by-point review of the debate in print as well as video, The New York Times has an interactive transcript of the Hempstead debate with a dynamic fact-checking sidebar.

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The Polling Report [10.16.12]

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 1 Comment
The Polling Report [10.16.12]

Holy mother of God do we have a lot of polls today. We have so much polls that I have divided this Polling Report up into two sections. The first section deals with the Presidential race, and the second section, which will be posted later this afternoon, deals with the down ballot races for Senate and Governor, in which we will have a Senate Forecast update.

So here is our new Electoral College map as it stands here today. Remember, my methodology is as follows: 1) the map is based exclusively on the polls below and on the most recent credible poll from that state if there is no poll from the state below; 2) we do not base our projections in the map upon any Rasmussen or Republican polling outfit, 3) if we have two or more polls on a single day from the same state, we average the results together, and 4) the map legend reveals why each state is colored the way they are colored.

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Mitt, Women, Binders And AK47s

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 33 Comments

After watching last night’s debate I’m starting to think that the only woman Mitt Romney knows is Ann Romney – and even that’s debatable.

Let’s start with the Binders Full of Women exchange.  Let’s look at what Romney said…..

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Reaction to Last Night’s Debate

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 18 Comments

Pandora will have a post up shortly on Romney’s stunning and revealing statements that revealed him to be a male chauvinist asshole, and I will have a detailed post up on Libya later this morning after the Polling Report (which we have a lot of, by the way), but here is what is being said across the mainstream and liberal and conservative media this morning. And I hear from Dana Garrett that Joe Scarborough has that sour puss on his face that reveals when his guy lost and Joe knows it.

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Picture of the Day

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012 8 Comments
Picture of the Day

Sometimes a picture says it all. In the unfocused background, you have the President smiling and amused. In the foreground, you have a lying asshole bully being smacked down and knowing it.

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