You Can’t Be Both.

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 15, 2013

As I drove out of the Christiana Hilton yesterday and onto the I-95 ramp, I was following a car with a very long and loud bumper sticker that said something to the affect of “If Mary was Pro-Choice, there would be no Christmas” and “Pro-Choice or Catholic. You can’t be both.” Once again, the Anti-Choice brigades have purposefully confused being pro-choice with being pro-abortion and in so doing came up with some unique bumper stickers (unique only in the fact that I have never seen them before).

Well, two can play that assumption game. As someone who is Catholic and who is pro-choice (and yes, I can be both since I have a proper understanding of the word “choice”), I have always assumed that since anti-choice abortion opponents, since they view abortion as murder, then they all must be in favor of imprisoning the doctors, the nurses and the pregnant women who conspire to commit murder. And since the murder involved conspiracy and aggravating factors like the death of a child, then they must be in favor of the death penalty for the doctors, the nurses and the pregnant women. For you can’t call abortion murder and not punish the murderer, right?

Now, deep down, my assumption is correct. The “Pro-Life” extremists do believe this. They do want this. But they know that such a position would backfire and be massively politically unpopular. At least, the smart ones now this.

Iowa State Rep. Rob Bacon (R) appears to not be so smart. But I thank him for being honest. You see, he and eight of his colleagues have introduced legislation to alter the definition of a person in murder cases to “an individual human being, without regard to age of development, from the moment of conception, when a zygote is formed, until natural death.” That would make all abortions and miscarriages murders. Oh, and of course, the bill grants no exceptions for rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.

I just love the Republican Extremists, especially when they are honest.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    I Do Not Get This:

    “If Mary was Pro-Choice, there would be no Christmas”

    Mary wanted her baby. Or at least accepted it after negotiations. Do I misremember my Bible here? So Mary could certainly be Pro-Choice and still be a key player in the first Christmas.

  2. pandora says:

    Now see, I’m pro-choice and have two children. Explain that!

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Pandora and Cassandra, don’t you see? According to the Anti-Choicers, if you are Pro-Choice it means you want to abort every pregnancy, everywhere. It means that if Mary was pro-choice, she would have aborted Jesus, because she was pro-choice. Pro-choice in their minds means aggressively and violently pro-abortion.

  4. heragain says:

    But that’s the ugly heart of the “pro-life” movement. We know they don’t love mothers, or children. They’d be protecting the social safety net if they did, and supporting VAWA, among other things. Their concept is, “No one would have babies, if it was a choice.” Genesis explains fertility and childbirth, remember, as part of the punishment for sin.
    Genesis 3:16 (NIV)
    To the woman he said,

    “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
    with painful labor you will give birth to children.
    Your desire will be for your husband,
    and he will rule over you.”

    True “choice” isn’t part of their set-up, at all.

  5. puck says:

    And who can forget the passage – in the Book of Justifications, I think – when the mob cornered the woman and the midwife who had just performed an abortion on her, and Jesus preached to the crowd: “Here’s some good throwing stones – take your best shot!”

  6. NotJason330 says:

    “Here’s some good throwing stones..” is my new favorite Scripture passage.

  7. puck says:

    Actually I think that was in the Epistle to the Republicans.