Ten Years Ago Today

Filed in National by on March 19, 2013

Ten years ago today, President George W. Bush commenced the U.S. invasion of Iraq, to “disarm” the country, “free its people,” and transform it into a “united, stable and free country,” all the while knowing that his sole basis for justifying the war (that Iraq had WMD) was a complete and total lie. It seems quite appropriate that the Iraqis celebrated this anniversary today with a dozen car bombs that killed 50 people. Yea, Freedom!

In other news, it is estimated that the Iraq War cost the U.S. $6 trillion. With a T. Thus, the Iraq War is solely responsible for any “debt crisis” we are in today. I would love to enact a one time levy to collect that 6 Trillion from all Republicans living today. But I realize that is probably impractical and unconstitutional. So at the very least, Republicans should shut up for all time about our “spending problem” and our “debt crisis” when it was their lies about WMD and the need for a war in Iraq that caused everything they complain about today. Seriously, I would like their months duct-taped shut with the words “Iraq War supporter” on the front of the tape. Hell, a Scarlett Letter branded on their forehead would work just a well too. So that when they speak, we will know instantly that they are hypocritical liars when we look at them.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    The Dick Cheney documentary that is currently running on Showtime (which is mostly just him talking into the camera about how right he was about everything and about how he has no regrets) reveals him to be a total sociopath.

    It is odd and unnerving to see someone so unguarded about not having an once of human decency.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Cheney makes W look like a reasonable person. GWB made a terrible mistake so he went back to Texas to study art and to keep his fucking mouth shut. That’s actually admirable… Cheney is a disgusting human being.

  3. auntie dem says:

    I had to turn off the Cheney documentary on Showtime. It just made me too sad to be reminded that our country was in his hands for eight years and to think about all the waste of lives and money he engineered.

  4. Jason330 says:

    It was painful. If history is a legitimate field of study in the future, at some point Cheney will be widely known as one of the world’s all time evil bastards.

  5. SussexAnon says:

    The only time I want to see Dick Cheney speak is at his trial in the Hague.

  6. auntie dem says:

    Jason, I don’t know about historians, but thousands and thousands of Iraqi and American families will be paying for his evil hubris for generations.

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    “Gallup: On 10th Anniversary, 53% in U.S. See Iraq War as Mistake”

    It’s amazing that it’s that small. What part do the remaining 47% think was not a mistake?? Are they really that clueless?

  8. puck` says:

    It was 63% in 2008 – I think it’s just the passage of time.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Paul Wolfowitz is talking this week. He seems to admit that we botched the Iraq invasion, but he wants the blame to go to everyone else but him. He is mad at people who say that Bush lied and he is mad at Colin Powell.

    What a guy.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    James Fallows points to an essay by Andrew Bacevitch asking what Wolfowitz owes to the country.

    This Harper’s piece looks interesting — will have to try to stop and pick up a copy.

  11. cassandra m says:

    Here’s a good look at the cost of Iraq — remember the 50 or 60B BushCo said it would cost? All in (including obligations for heath care for veterans and interest cost) it will approach 6 trillion in 2053.