Delaware Lawmaker not convinced we really went to the moon

Filed in National by on April 11, 2013

John Atkins shared a link.
2 hours ago
Im not a big conspiracy guy, but after doing some research, reading, and critical thinking on my own, Im not sure we ever went. Whats your thoughts?

And from the resulting comment thread…

Rick, once its launched it simply could have orbitted around the earth out of view of the naked eye? Ever watch “astronauts gone wild”? A guy simply asks every man that walked on the moon to place his hand on the bible to confirm it. Not one would do it……why not?
2 hours ago

I’ve never heard of “astronauts gone wild” – but I’m 100% sure it is complete nonsense that only a person with diminished mental capacity could give any credence to.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. jason330 says:

    After doing some research, reading, and critical thinking on my own, I think dinosaurs were invented by the CIA to discourage time travel.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    After doing some research, reading and critical thinking on my own, I think that dinosaurs were created by Japanese filmmakers who started the project of selling Americans stuff they don’t need.

  3. Jason330 says:

    After doing some research, reading, and critical thinking on my own, I’m not sure I ate that second piece of pizza you were saving for lunch.

  4. V says:

    maybe they wouldn’t do it because questioning whether the greatest achievement of their lives (which they achieved on live television) actually happened is really, really insulting.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    My favorite comment:

    Drew Volturo: “I’ll be happy to take up a collection to buy a one-way ticket for you so you can find out first-hand. :)”

    I hereby announce a DL fundraising drive to collect enough money to send John Atkins to the moon.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    We should have a fundraising drive to buy Atkins a one way ticket to Arkansas. He won’t know it’s not the moon.

  7. puck says:

    He won’t know it’s not western Sussex.

  8. AQC says:

    We should have a fundraising drive for a primary opponent!

  9. anonymous says:

    After hav’n some troubles, speed’n, drive’n while wobbl’n, and da flash’n of mah congress card, ah became a demecrat. Now ah nos mah famly don burn them some big trackie tars and a heap of rubbish cause ah nos a few things about rubbish, hazardous waste, DNREC an such. But now, ah figured ah do me some reseach an critter think’n on mah own. Ah speeds up to da Dover legislushtion place regard’n lies, lawlessness, compromised envi rements and deniable stuff, but mah mind went and redishcovered that the world am flat, the moon is made of cheese, prisons be a place fo cheap labor and kids. Pollution is a hoax ah tells ya and of course, coal plants are clean, flood plain coal ash piles and CO2 am good fo folks and da envi rements, cause ah calls coal ash piles, a pile of ‘product,’ not hazardous waste cells. And farmers love them some extry CO2 and chicken plants love them some cheap coal power units and mah brain been struck with repukeable conshpiracy therories. Ahs be think’n hard bout all them thar climate shatilite studies too. They could be outer space hoaxes! Damn them lying dumb scientists always pretending they know something, when it’s me dats 1% right in mah reseach’n, read’n and my waste by-product think’n about all that thar science hoax rubbish.

  10. Puck wrote:

    ‘He won’t know it’s not western Sussex.’

    They have soft-porn lingerie parties on the moon?

    Who knew?

  11. SussexWatcher says:

    That party was in Dewey, which, as you well know, is not western Sussex. Please don’t taint God’s Country with the debauchery of those booze-guzzling heathens, if you please. We drink next to our shotguns and huntin’ dogs, not half-naked ladies in cages. We Sussexians respect our women! (Besides, they’re all in the kitchen.)

  12. Jason330 says:

    Update: Mr. Atkins appears to have reconsidered the political utility of being openly skeptical about the America’s manned moon landings that began on July 20th 1969, with the Apollo 11 mission, and ended on December 14th 1972 with the Apollo 17 mission.

    The fb post and thread are gone.

  13. anon says:

    It’s still up there.

  14. Jason330 says:

    So it is. Update II: Nevermind. Mr. Atkins dos not appear to have reconsidered the political utility of being openly skeptical about the America’s manned moon landings that began on July 20th 1969, with the Apollo 11 mission, and ended on December 14th 1972 with the Apollo 17 mission.

  15. mynym says:

    I’ve never heard of “astronauts gone wild” – but I’m 100% sure it is complete nonsense that only a person with diminished mental capacity could give any credence to.

    You could always try knowing what you’re talking about: Astronauts Gone Wild

    100% sure that military men involved in the Cold War would never allow themselves to be incorporated into manipulating the perceptions of the masses and “the base” of each political party below? Imagine that.

    With respect to the impact of decentralized media and the way it will continue to show up in cases like this… if the KONY 2012 “experiment”* with viral videos in a world of instantaneous communication is any measure then we may be fortunate. It had decent production values but one could be forgiven for imagining this about it: “We have to get this experiment done by the end of 2012. It’s very important to get it done in 2012 before the Olympics… uh, or somethin’.” (The very fine imaginary print: “The possibility of the decline of main streams of media and the emergence of viral videos scares the crap out of every member incorporated in traditional pyramid schemes!”)

    *Maybe it’s not really much of a big “conspiracy theory” if even the low level and compartmentalized people incorporated into it tell people that it’s yet another experiment on them? (Too bad about that guy winding up wandering around naked in the street later, etc… I’d imagine that his experiment didn’t turn out very well.)

  16. jason330 says:

    I’m all for skepticism, but in cases like Mr. Atkins – I wonder why he doesn’t apply his “research, reading, and critical thinking” to things like debunked GOP talking points, like “lower taxes create growth” or “gun control doesn’t work”

  17. Cobain says:

    “We should have a fundraising drive for a primary opponent!”

    Hahahahaha… Good luck with that. Tell me how it goes.

  18. jason330 says:

    A Dem primary would make sense. Mr. Gilligan’s charity project would probably be more vulnerable to a Dem primary than in a general election. It would mean letting the seat go to a Republican – but it is already held by a Republican, so no real loss.

    In fact, it raises a good question. Why hasn’t Atkins switched parties yet?

  19. mynym says:

    I’m not going to find this information for people that are already 100% sure of their knowledge about everything… but you have to love the “astro logic” of NASA’s runways, etc.

  20. mynym says:

    … to things like debunked GOP talking points, like “lower taxes create growth”…

    Mainly because that usually depends on what the private banking cartel that actually owns the currency decides.

    You have to love some of the symbolism of the real ruling class, even as “the base” below is entertained by the idea that they’re running the show.

    More entertainment and political theater, apparently it works like magic every time.

  21. geezer says:

    Apophenia, dude. Learn about it. Get help.

  22. mynym says:

    This is interesting. Perceptions as reality in the military industrial or main stream media and all that?

  23. mynym says:

    Apophenia Debunked

    Unfortunately I don’t have time for your stupidity right now. Too bad, because I usually do have time for it.

    Imagine that.

  24. anonymous says:

    Mynym said, “You have to love some of the symbolism of the real ruling class, even as “the base” below is entertained by the idea that they’re running the show.”

    If he means, the wealthiest are ‘the real ruling class’ many could agreed with that. Ever wonder how convenient it is that republican and democrat ‘bases’ can be so polar opposite on their issues: school prayer/freedom from your religion; heter/homo; choice/not; science/nonsense; free-for-all guns/gun registration; unions/no unions, more/less education; social security/no social security; climate change/hoax, more military/less military,etc. It’s as if the wealthy few have found the key to power and control of the masses through manipulating the deep psychological core differences that determine the peasants’ polar mindsets. Perfect – they’ll never agree.

    Business-as-usual fits the republican profits-by-pollution agenda, for instance. Obstructionism by lawmakers insures it. So even when something is scientifically proven by 99.9% of the world’s legitimate scientists, popularly supported by the American public, adequate change, isn’t happening, except for global climate change for example.

    It’s like someone started a man and his wife in an endless battle over their children, as the thieves empty their house through the back door.The two fight over what’s important to them, the bandits make out like bandits. For to agree (heaven forbid,) or compromise, would end the convenient built in system of divide and conquer which presently keeps 98% of people distracted with a hot topic, core, base belief or two, as the 2% run off with the only thing that matters to the wealthy – the wealth, for blessings are few that they think they can’t buy. (They even buy votes, which is of course what ‘corporations are people, my friend.’ is all about. Distraction and manipulation of voters – through their core beliefs. (Science is a hoax, for instance.) You can’t believe NASA?

    Since the 2% don’t have enough votes to keep power, they can now buy votes, in a back door,’ legalized’ sort of way. That needs to be changed.

    The bandits make off with the wealth, the poor and middle classes are ‘free’ to posture and battle each other over crumbs fallen from the tables of the 2% wealthy ruling class, as long as such crumbs don’t interfere with the major wealth of the pharma, insurance, healthcare, energy, chemical, agriculture, communications, transportation, etc.

    Imagine Atkins, challenging this:

  25. liberalgeek says:

    It looks like Atkins is totally cool with the idea that the lunar lander could orbit around the Earth for a 10 days or so, but no way that something put together with duct tape and chicken-wire could have landed on the moon.

    I want Buzz Aldrin to punch him. Can we just raise the funds to get Buzz to visit Sussex?

  26. puck says:

    The hardest thing to believe is that contraption TOOK OFF from the moon.

  27. Cobain says:

    I think Atkins works out for us as a D. After all, his seat was one that helped the D’s get out of the basement in the first place. If there is ever a bill where the D’s need his vote, he’s not going to vote with the R’s. No progressive bill will ever be torpedoed by Atkins. He reps a district that will only vote D if Atkins is the D. Necessary evil I say. You primary him and win, he’ll run as a write in and still win the General. Why won’t he change parties? Why would he choose to go to the basement? Much more fun upstairs.

  28. PainesMe says:

    Really, all the moon conspiracists need to do is explain the pictures taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter