General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., April 18, 2013

Filed in National by on April 18, 2013

For all intents and purposes, it’s a one-bill day in Dover. This bill. Can Dover legislators do what Washington legislators could or would not do? HB 35 would require criminal background checks for virtually all gun purchases in Delaware. The NRA, embodied and emboldened by its pigeon-killing mouthpiece, have whittled away at the bill, and still oppose it.

Not a single R senator is on the bill as a sponsor. Which raises the question. Will they stand with the overwhelming majority of the people of Delaware, or will they march in lockstep with the leader that they have chosen to lead the Delaware Rethuglican Party? This guy:



The entire State of Delaware is waiting for your answer. Either you can help to protect the people, or you can align yourself with Delaware’s Most Notorious Pigeon-Maimer.

Here is today’s Senate Agenda.

As a counterbalance, the House has opted for comedic relief in the form of HB 44(Atkins), which would protect Old Glory from the scourge of…pesky ordinances! While first uttered in 1775, Samuel Johnson’s quote remains equally apt today:

“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”

Why, yes, yes it is.

Here is today’s House agenda.

Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report. The Senate passed a couple of charter changes. That was about it.

Catch ya next week.

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  1. Martin Nichiolson says:

    I was there and listened to all of the testimony. The Majority of Delawareans are NOT for this bill. We have the proof and the signatures thereof. We did not poll 600 people, but thousands of people in all counties. Giffords Husband and most people spoke of mentally ill people should not be able to obtain firearms. But NOTHING in the bill addresses that issue. Nothing in this bill will stop or even minimize any type of violent crimes. The American people have spoken, Delawareans have spoken. And yes, it will be interesting to see if those representing their constituents will do as they ask. For if this bill passes, there will be a HUGE shift over the next elections. The US Senate understands the Agenda of this President and will not allow him to slowly strip America away of it’s freedoms. Delawarean’s feel the same way. We didn’t make phone calls or hire outside agencies to conduct polls to a selected few. We knocked on doors and we walks mile upon mile and spoke to people face to face to get their opinion. It was an OVERWHELMING understanding that Delaware wants CRIME control and NOT gun control, especially when a bill written that needed so many amendments is just a bad bill. My question is why have the states not enforced their local programs to get the information into the Background system controlled by the FBI? How can the FBI do their job when they do not have the information that they need that should be submitted to them from the states. For if they had, a lot of these crimes would not have taken place. We call for proactive Government, not knee jerk reactive Government!

  2. anon says:

    Let’s see your poll, Martin, I want to know exactly how the questions were asked, if the questions were asked the same way every time, where your samples were taken from, and what the party breakdown of the respondents was.

    I’m sure you have all of that, so send along a link.