True Confessions… Zimmerman Trial

Filed in National by on June 26, 2013

Been crazy around here, but as I’m running around I’m listening to the George Zimmerman trial.  Fascinating stuff.  If you’re interested, it’s live streamed here.

Also, Charles Pierce has a great post on this.  Check it out.

But they persist. How could Martin have been smothering Zimmerman at the same time Zimmerman was, as he claimed, screaming his head off for help? (This question will not be settled by the testimony of voice experts, thanks to the judge’s ruling, though the jury will hear the tape.) This was just before the fatal gunshot.

“It’s continuous screaming,” another officer asks, “how can you be smothered?”

Damn good question.

“You think he might have seen you had a gun before he punched you?” the first officer asks.

Another damn good question.

“What was the provocation for punching you other than you were following him?” another officer asks.

By this time, Zimmerman is losing his patience. “I’ve gone through it a million times.” Despite his passion for justice, repeated questions about the death of a 17-year-old boy at his own hands annoys him.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    It has been established that Zimmerman was the pursuer,therefore, making him the aggressor thus tossing water on his claim of self defence case closed . I have yet to hear this argument from the prosecution is he trying to throw this case?????