Carper to Homeland Security, Beau to Senate??

Filed in National by on July 15, 2013

Major tip o’ the sombrero to one of my compadres for passing along this juicy rumor:

Carper as a possibility to replace Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Beaudhisattva to the Senate. Major upgrade for our delegation, major downgrade to the Cabinet.

Although, as a doddering fool, Carper would be ideally suited to cast a blank stare and blind eye towards our uber-spying apparatus.

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  1. Steve Newton says:

    To some extent that rumor would explain why Ted Kaufman had an op-ed in Sunday’s WNJ soft-pedaling the need for surveillance.

  2. Walt says:

    Leave it ol’ Joe to figure a way to get his son into the Senate. The son certainly couldn’t figure a way.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    Who, then, in this utterly hypothetical and probably improbable scenario, would be AG?

    Beau still has another year and a half left in the term. The Gov gets to name an interim AG. Who would run in 2014? Remember that the AG doesn’t have to be an attorney.

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    Also, Carper has been quoted as supporting someone else’s candidacy for the DHS job.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    xstryker reported on this news on Friday, I think, in an Open Thread. Chuck Schumer is pushing for NYPD Chief Ray Kelly to get the job.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Carper’s nomination to a cabinet post would put Senate Republicans in the difficult position of obstructing the nomination of someone who perfectly embodies the ideals of modern Republicanism.

  7. Steve Newton says:

    they would rise to the occasion, jason