The Daily Delawhere for Monday, July 22, 2013

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2013

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  1. stan merriman says:

    Why are our Delaware Democratic Senators opposing the Warren/McCain resurrection of the very necessary modernized version of the Glass Steagal Act separating risky commercial banking investments from dull but safe retail deposits in our big box chain banks? You know, the folks who brought you the collapse of our economy through home purchaser scams and the likes of derivatives, swaps and fraudulent mortgages?

    The Senators are claiming the economy has changed from the days of the first of our two great depressions. It sure has. It is weaker and barely limping out of the ditch with unemployment and a nearly extinct middle class with no disposable income and levels of deterioration unimagined in the 90’s and early 2000’s.

    So isn’t this difference actually an argument that we cannot tolerate more bailouts and irrepairly damaged retired funds and accounts wrought by whiz kid market manipulators on Wall Street ? That neighborhood community banks need a greater role in helping rebuild our small businesses and localized commerce?

    Clearly the sabatoged Dodd/Frank solution, after three years is not enough to protect us. We need our Senators to be real Democrats and provide us plain folks sensible strategies to get us out of this ditch and back on a road to prosperity.

  2. Tom McKenney says:

    I expected opposition from Carper, he is the the pocket of the banks but I’m really disappointed in Coons. I expected more of him.