Late Night Video — The IRS Snipe Hunt of Darrell Issa

Filed in National by on August 1, 2013

This is from the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, who have helpfully condensed the snipe hunt masquerading as a Congressional Hearing to it’s salient points (approx 1.5 minutes).  As in there *is* no scandal at the White House for this.  The scandal is that Issa wasted alot of Government time and money in order to get this bit of arson done in full view of a TV audience:


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. liberals are mike protack says:

    So, the IRS’s actions are to be excused?

    Is the make believe President still the Executive or just a golfer and hoops player?

    Obama=failure and lies.

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    @lai “So, the IRS’s actions are to be excused?”

    No. The IRS should uphold the law as it was written. None of those Tea Party groups should EVER have had tax exempt status. None!

    Why should taxpayers pay for that crap?

  3. *smokenmirrors* says:

    why should taxpayers be footin the tab for liberal baby factorys creatin the next generation of welfare abusin teat sucking lazy ass sheeple that agree with anything as long as the freebies they get don’t dry up

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Actually it looks like the IRS didn’t do anything but their jobs — which is to provide careful review to these groups conducting political operations under the guise of charity. That’s why the so-called scandal dried up. That’s why these wingnuts are still spitting mad.