The Open Thread for Thursday, August 8, 2013

Filed in Open Thread by on August 8, 2013

So, Rick Santorum accepted an award at a Students for Life event, and during his unscripted remarks, the former senator and presidential candidate said abortion-rights advocates make people uncomfortable in YMCA showers. What?

“They make it uncomfortable for students who come to Austin to shower at a Young Men’s Christian Association — YMCA — gym,” he told the group. “Because they live it. They’re passionate. They’re willing to do and say uncomfortable things in mixed company.”

What exactly does Rick Santorum think goes on in an YMCA shower? I have been in a YMCA locker room, and not once have I encountered a pro-choice advocate. That I know of. Hell, I am pro-choice, and I guess you can call me an advocate, but no one really talks in a YMCA locker room. You go in there, change, shower if necessary, and leave. No one really talks to one another, and certainly there are not pro-abortion rallies going on.

A Texas Republican Party Chair thinks passing immigration reform will bring about the end times. Just like the two elections of Barack Obama and the passage of Obamacare brought about the end times.

Cathie Adams served as chair of the Texas Republican Party for the larger part of a year between 2009 and 2010. Now she’s railing against immigration reform, citing her belief that it will lead to an identification system indicative of biblical End Times. […]

When [radio personality Rick Wiles] decried a “biometric scanning” proposal present in the Senate’s bill, Adams suggested that such a plan would manifest itself by giving “lost foreigners” the sort of “mark of the beast” cited in End Times prophecies.

“And, of course, we know in biblical prophecy that that is the End Times,” Adams said of the initiative. “That is going to be the brand either on our foreheads or on the back of our hands. That is demonic through and through. That is End Times prophecy. There is no question about that.”

Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart hopes to have the Delaware Health Insurance Exchange up and running with the various plans and their prices on the website by the end of September, just before open enrollment starts on October 1. Talk about waiting till the last minute, Karen.

You have to love Rick Perry. The Dallas Morning News traveled with the Texas Governor for a speech to a group of conservative bloggers. Said Perry: “There are many other states that embrace those conservative values, the approach we’ve taken over the years. I’m in one today — Florida.”

“We’re in Louisiana,” someone shouted.

A million Delaware beer aficionados screamed out in horror and then were suddenly silenced: Dogfish Head Brewery’s Milton headquarters were evacuated yesterday after there was a nitric acid spill.

Nitric acid is a corrosive substance, which Hopple explains could’ve caused burns and respiratory problems for employees.

“The product itself, they use it at the brewery here to clean with – I believe vessels and things like that after the beer has been in it – and it was found leaking inside of the factory,” said Hopple. “Their response team started to contain the incident, but it was a little bigger than what they could handle.”

Hey, look at that, New Castle County finally has an anti-nepotism policy.

The policy forbids the hiring of any individual into a position in which they’ll be supervised by a relative, but it does allow relatives to work in the same department.

The problem is, though, the policy only applies to future hires and transfers. Everyone else is grandfathered in. Hey, you could not expect the County to do something completely right, could you?


COLORADO—US SENATE—Colorado’s own Christine O’Donnell, i.e. 2010 GOP nominee Ken Buck, will run again for the U.S. Senate next year in an effort to unseat Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO). Thanks for another safe seat, Mr. Buck.

NEW HAMPSHIRE—PRESIDENT—DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY—UNH Poll: Clinton 62, Biden 8, Deval Patrick 5, Corey Booker 2, Andrew Cuomo 1.

NEW HAMPSHIRE—PRESIDENT—REPUBLICAN PRIMARY—UNH Poll: Christie 21, Paul 16, Bush 10, Ryan 8, Rubio 6, Cruz 4, Santorum 4, Perry 4, Walker 2

NEW JERSEY—GOVERNORQuinnipiac: Gov. Christie (R)58, State Sen. Barbara Buono (D) 30.

ARKANSAS—US SENATE—AFSCME Poll: Sen. Mark Pryor (D) 43, Rep. Tom Cotton (R) 35.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Clinton getting 62% in NH? Holy cow.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, Clinton has essentially a free ticket to the White House. If she wants to be President, she will be.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Talk about waiting till the last minute, Karen.

    If you read the article, she seems to blame the timing on the Feds — except that states like California and New York and Maryland and Ohio have gotten as far as announcing the providers AND the rates. And they had more plans to deal with.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Exactly. There have been delays regarding other issues on the federal level, but not concerning anything connected to the Exchanges. If Karen had been on the ball, she would have had this done months ago.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Schadenfrude Alert! Sean Hannity loses his 9PM Fox Noise TV spot. Didn’t Hannity lose his radio program too a little while ago?

  6. pandora says:

    Lightening may strike, but I agree with Chris Matthews. Rand Paul, GOP 2016 nominee.

  7. Rustydils says:

    At least he is not the President forgetting the Vice President’ s wife’ s name, and thinking that jacksoville is in the gulf of Mexico

  8. Jason330 says:

    Is it me, or are Dils’ Obama gaffe’s getting weaker and weaker?

  9. Rusty Dils says:

    Yes, forgetting your Vice President’s wife’s name is pretty weak, lets take a poll on that one.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    How do you tell the gaffes from the unfortunately proud ignorance from Dils. Seriously.