IRS declares married people are married

Filed in National by on September 1, 2013

I’m going to call this ruling the “GO F-Yourself Alabama!” rule.

IRS Announces “State of Celebration” Rule to Determine Validity of Same-Sex Marriages for Federal Tax Purposes

As a follow-up to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent DOMA decision requiring that same-sex marriages be treated like opposite sex marriages for purposes of federal laws, the Internal Revenue Service will apply a “state of celebration” rule for purposes of determining whether a couple is married. Same-sex couples legally married in jurisdictions that recognize their marriages will be treated as married for federal tax purposes, regardless of the rules in the jurisdiction in which the couple resides. This ruling is effective as of September 16, 2013, but may be relied upon for prior periods. This guidance applies to retirement and health and welfare employee benefit plans, as well as individual retirement accounts

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberals are idiots says:

    Nah, it is F Delaware. One thousand issues more important and the empty suits in the D party go after this one. Sorry homeless, sorry students who attend crappy schools, sorry if you don’t have a job, sorry if you drive on crowded roads. If you “come out” the Democrats care, if not sorry you are nobody.

  2. jason330 says:

    You actually kinda sorta made an actual point there. Gays and labor have juice inside the Democratic party because they worked for it, door by door, election by election.

  3. Johnny LT says:

    You’d think conservatives would be happy at anything that caused people to pay less taxes. But I guess since gay couples aren’t giant corporations…

  4. Sussex09 says:

    “Gays and labor have juice inside the Democratic party because they worked for it, door by door, election by election.”

    Why is Lopez a senator then?

  5. Jason330 says:

    The 6th isn’t the Democratic Party. You get that right?

  6. Sussex09 says:

    Guess not.

  7. Geezer says:

    You understand that there are plenty of gay Republicans, right? And that Lopez ran a better race than his opponent? You do have a point, right? Oh, wait…