Archive for September, 2013

The Delaware Health Exchange Enrollment Campaign Begins

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2013 7 Comments
The Delaware Health Exchange Enrollment Campaign Begins

DHSS kicked off the official enrollment campaign for the Delaware Health Exchange at the LACC on Monday. Delawareans should be able to view the available plans, enroll in plans and assess their eligibility for subsidies or Medicaid starting on October 1, via the Choose Health Delaware website. This should mean that starting soon, Delawareans should be bombarded with information about insurance coverage through a variety of media and venues. In addition, the ACA has provisions for hiring groups and individuals to help do outreach about the program and eligibility as well as other individuals (Navigators) who assist those who want or need help working with the website. Today’s NJ has an article on the beginning of the outreach here:

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This is pretty cool.

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2013 0 Comments
This is pretty cool.

Every once in a while I search youtube, kickstarter, and other sites for “Delaware.” Here is a cute Delaware themed product currently selling on Etsy. Psst…If your slice of God’s country isn’t included, the artist can add it.

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Reminder: Treasurer Chip Flowers to speak tonight…

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2013 2 Comments
Reminder: Treasurer Chip Flowers to speak tonight…

at the monthly Progressive Democrats Meeting at 7 pm. Treasurer Flowers will speak on his plans to invest state funds so as to achieve higher returns for the Treasury, plans which ran into some push back from the Governor and some in the General Assembly at the close of the legislative session at the end of June.

This PDD meeting is open to all like minded individuals, whether or not they are already members of the PDD. The meeting will be held at the Delaware Democratic Party Headquarters, 19 E. Commons Blvd., in New Castle, at 7 pm. If you need directions, go here.

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UPDATED w/ Poll Results: Congressman Carney Statement on the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria

Filed in National by on September 4, 2013 7 Comments
UPDATED w/ Poll Results: Congressman Carney Statement on the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria

“As a United States congressman, I take very seriously my role in ensuring the responsible use of military action. And like many of those I represent, after over a decade of war, I’m extremely wary of committing our military to another overseas conflict. As I’ve heard from many of my constituents, it should be the option of last resort. And our national interest must be at stake.”

Come inside to read the rest…

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Daily Delawhere 9.4.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2013 0 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.4.13

From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Q: What is it that you like about organized labor?

Filed in National by on September 3, 2013 16 Comments
Q: What is it that you like about organized labor?

A: Organized labor is a champion of civil rights, and of our civil liberties. Labor stands for economic justice, a robust middle class and (because of lackluster performance by the Democratic Party) it is the only real check on the rapacious greed of twentieth century capitalism right now. What’s not to like about a movement with such high aspirations?

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Today’s Moment of GOP Derp

Filed in National by on September 3, 2013 10 Comments
Today’s Moment of GOP Derp

The RightOnLine conference probably produced many moments of Derp, but this one, by Bill Whittle (advertised as conservative writer and TV editor), has emerged as one for the ages. One of the real holy grails for the conservative movement is to find some way to get their narratives captured by the “popular culture”. Even though they widely disdain much of the “popular culture” — not just because they think its politics are all wrong, but also the reason why the Kids Are Not All Right. But Mr. Whittle has a new theory — that the show Family Guy is the reason why the GOP can’t get its message heard. Family Guy.

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Gary Simpson utterly duped by Cato Institute – Or – Are we paying legislators too much for too little actual thinking ?

Filed in National by on September 3, 2013 5 Comments
Gary Simpson utterly duped by Cato Institute – Or – Are we paying legislators too much for too little actual thinking ?

Genius, Gary Simpson today parrots a Cato Institute report that basically says that we are treating people on welfare too well. Not the corporations on welfare taking down the big buck in the form of tax breaks, mind you. The actual poor people on food-stamps that the Republicans keep saying have too much money.

My point falls in line with the conclusion of the Cato report, that “the current welfare system provides such a high level of benefits that it acts as a disincentive for work,” and that “recipients are likely to choose welfare over work, thus increasing long-term dependence.”

I’ll leave it to that left wing outfit, the Wall Street Journal , to completely demolish the Cato Institutes premise that we have created “welfare dependency” (spoiler alert, we haven’t. “According to the latest report on welfare dependency (covering 2009, the worst year of the recession), about 4.6% of the population received more than half of its income from the three main means-tested welfare programs:
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), food stamps and supplemental security income. That’s up from 2007, when about 3.5% were dependent on welfare.”)

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Tuesday Open Thread 9.3.13

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 3, 2013 3 Comments

I would like to thank President Obama for taking my advice on Friday. Obviously my admonition caused the President to go for a long walk with his Chief of Staff to rethink his strategy. Here is what I said:

80% of Americans believe President Obama should receive congressional approval before using force in Syria. 80% of Americans cannot agree on anything, Mr. President. They agree on this. This is a no-fucking-brainer, Mr. President. You want a way out of that fucking corner you painted yourself into, this is it. Seek Congressional Authorization. If you don’t get it, your hands have been tied by Congress just as David Cameron’s were.

I wonder if my free form use of expletives was the thing that convinced him. Who knows. Now, to the vote in Congress, from Roll Call:

“At some point Boehner will have to make a decision and presumably rally his troops. Whether they will follow is an open question. Already, there is tension between the House Republican and Democratic camps over who will shoulder the burden of providing the votes to avoid a historic defeat for the president. GOP aides suggested Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has strongly backed the president, will have to provide the bulk of the votes. But a Democratic leadership aide put the onus back on Boehner.”

I think the Resolution will pass the Senate easily, with more than 60 votes. I think some liberals and libertarians and whatever it is Ted Cruz is will vote against. In the House, it is a much dicier proposition. I honestly do not expect it to pass. With both parties already fighting over who has to do the Whip operation, it means that both parties already know they don’t have the votes.

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New Workmans Comp Ratepayer Advocate To Do the Job the IC Won’t

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2013 33 Comments
New Workmans Comp Ratepayer Advocate To Do the Job the IC Won’t

This didn’t get alot of press, except from WDDE — but Delaware’s workmans compensation rate-payers now have an advocate and watchdog. The Ratepayer Advocate position was one of the recommendations of the Workers Compensation Task Force that was charged with taking a hard look at excessive increases (26% over two years) in workers compensation rates — made especially critical by the fact that the Insurance Commissioner seemed ready to approve another set of increases without regard for the ratepayers. Lt. Governor Matt Denn headed up this commission and he and this group were able to submit to the Governor a set of reform recommendations that built on the reforms that Denn implemented when he was IC. So basically, the Governor and the GA asked Matt Denn to take up the work of reducing the impact on ratepayers — the job that the IC is *supposed* to do. Mr. Fred Thompson has been named to the position and he is a former Deputy Insurance Commissioner.

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The right is confounded by Obama on Syria

Filed in National by on September 3, 2013 4 Comments
The right is confounded by Obama on Syria

For wingnuts, up is the new down. Trying to make sense out of what passes for commentary among wignuts is a mug’s game. They hate President Obama with a white hot passion. The President is horrible, trying to accrue king like powers to himself in pursuit of a socialist kingship. But wait…this horrible President suddenly needs to hurry up and act more kingly with respect to Congress, or socialism and chaos will ensue. Because socialism flows from collaboration, (which in this case is a trick because he is trying to put congress in the scapegoat seat with this phony collaboration.) Get it? No? Me neither. Suffice it to say, because of Obama nefarious tricks, future Republican Presidents will not be able to bomb the world’s brownish people on a whim. The horror!

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Daily Delawhere 9.3.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2013 0 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.3.13

From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Labor Day Open Thread [9.2.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 2, 2013 8 Comments
Labor Day Open Thread [9.2.13]

Happy Labor Day! Hope that you and yours are enjoying this holiday meant to celebrate the achievements and contributions of the American worker. Unfortunately, too many of us no longer remember what this holiday is meant to commemorate and a disturbing number of us are specifically disdainful of many of our fellow workers, even as we might be a slightly better off version of labor. This holiday was created by Labor Unions and today, Labor Unions are not only at an ebb (as employers have been able to buy their own government influence and the unions themselves succumbed to various unhealthy tendencies), but are disdained by people who have specifically benefited from their work.

Paul Krugman provides the Must Read piece of the day….

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