My Mother’s Story

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 1, 2013

She just posted this on Facebook. I thought I’d share it here:

So… Listening to all the bullshit today. It comes down to one issue – affordable healthcare. At the root of this is money, of course. The Republicans are on the side, always have been, of big business and there is no bigger business than healthcare. I have a very personal stake in all of this – I am one if those people who falls through the cracks. I have a pre-existing condition. I was diagnosed in 2004 with multiple myeloma but it turned out that I did not have that, but a neoplasm of unknown origin. This tumor ate through three vertebrae of my neck – C5, C6, C7 – As it strangled my spinal cord and started to restrict my lower limb mobility. I found a great neurosurgeon who removed 80% of the tumor and stabilized my neck with titanium rods and screws. I am supposed to have a MRI every three months for the rest if my life. Problem is, I lost my job in 2008. I was without healthcare for two months. So I had a gap in coverage, and now no one will cover any costs due to my neck. If I get the tests I need each year, the out of pocket expenses would be $7000+. So while everyone is fighting about why it is fair or not to cover people like me, I sit here and listen to the bullshit. And believe me, that is all it is.


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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    Then let them die and decrease the surplus population.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    I love those classic photos. I have many of my mom and pop. Thanks for sharing it. As far as the argument, see my comments on the post about Sullivan’s analysis and the Lincoln quote.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I deleted the Liberals are Dumb comment insulting my mother, and now I realize it makes LE’s comment seem bad, since he was just sarcastically responding to it. That is not the case.

  4. Rustydils says:

    President obama started all this by giving exemptions to big business, he opened the flood gates, not the republicans

  5. jason330 says:

    President obama started all this by being black.

    Fixed that for you.

  6. Liberal Elite says:

    “I realize it makes LE’s comment seem bad”

    I was just channeling Dickens’ Ghost of Christmas Present. It seemed the proper response at the time.

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rd “President obama started all this by giving exemptions to big business, he opened the flood gates”

    I’d love to hear the logic behind this brilliant form of thinking…