The Official Walter White Obituary

Filed in National by on October 4, 2013

There’s spoilers if you haven’t seen the last episode yet. This is the creation of high school science teacher David Layman and members of the “Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour” Facebook group who paid for it to appear in the ABQ Journal. Not sure this helps with closure for me, but hey. I’m probably going to start rewatching the entire thing over the weekend.

Walter White, RIP

h/t Romenesko’s Place


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (16)

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  1. Ken Grant says:

    THAT is awesome!

  2. puck says:

    Disclosure: I haven’t seen one minute of Breaking Bad. Who the hell has time? I like football and baseball too but I haven’t seen an entire game for years. I’m sure I would like it though. At least TV shows are now archived so I guess it is something I can do one day when I really have nothing else to do.

  3. Annoyed Delaware Liberal says:

    Really REALLY wish you would have given some thought to whether there might be spoilers in the TITLE to your blog post, what with RSS news feeds and all. We just started the back 8 episodes of Season 5. Sigh.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    That’s a really good point and I do apologize. But the guy does have incurable lung cancer — can you really expect he’s much longer for this world?

  5. Jason330 says:

    No matter where you are in the series, you know he has cancer…right?

  6. socialistic ben says:

    Dont be too sure. Criminal mastermind that Walt is, dont ya think he might WANT people to think he’s dead?
    Watch on, bitch. It’s a great ending.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    BTW, i wasnt insulting ADL…. anyone who knows the show will get that.
    Plus, im all itchy for a huge discussion thread on BB. The whole thing might have been averted if retirement planning and health care in this country was better. I blame Bush for all the bad things that have happened as a result of Walt.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Two writers/producers from Breaking Bad were on Terry Gross yesterday and one of them signed off with a Bye Bitches! Cracked me up and good on NPR for not bleeping it.

  9. Less-Annoyed-On-A-Full-Stomach Delaware Liberal says:

    SB — Certainly no offense taken by me, I laughed. As to criminal “mastermind” Walt (haha), after watching “Blood Money” last night, maybe he doesn’t care what anybody thinks.

    Cassandra — You are right of course about the cancer; I suppose I’m inferring from the fact that somebody created an obituary that the precise circumstances of his death are known — i.e., that he dies by the end of the show. I hadn’t entirely ruled out the possibility that the show might screw with the viewers and end with uncertainty as to Walt’s short-term fate, kind of like the Sopranos finale, although that really doesn’t seem to be what the show is building up to.

  10. Jason330 says:

    How long do we have to wait to have a full blown BB thread that spoils the shit out of it for the pokey viewers?

    I’m seriously asking.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    I haven’t started watching it yet, but I’ll let you know when I’m done. Then you can put up the thread.

  12. socialistic ben says:

    Wait until Game of Thrones airs the episode where Arya kills Tyrion.


  13. Jason330 says:

    I’m re-watching it again from S1e1 and it is even more mind blowing because of the LAYERS BITCHES!!

  14. socialistic ben says:

    it’s like…. yo, vince gilligan, yo, had it all planed out right from the start, bitch!

  15. Jason330 says:

    BTW – Vince Gilligan should never do another show. He should just hang up writing like Harper Lee.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Do we need to give you a deadline, LG?

    I read an interview or something with the Game of Thrones author and he says that there is no one in his series as bad as Walter White. I haven’t read or seen GoT, but there it is.