BREAKING: Jeff Christopher’s Idiotic & Vainglorious Claims Smacked Down by Supreme Court

Filed in National by on October 7, 2013

I’m sure this will be appealed to God, who is the only judge Christopher recognizes.

The judgment of the Superior Court is affirmed.

We hold that the term “conservator of the peace” in the 1776
Delaware Constitution and each successive Delaware Constitution has
always been used only to describe a changing variety of public officials.
That generic collective description has never defined the powers of any
specifically named constitutional office holder. The Sheriff’s argument to
the contrary is without merit.

In other words: Stop trying to be a cop and do the job you were hired to do you idiot.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (41)

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  1. anon says:

    The question is: Will this ruling stop him from continuing to pursue the arrest powers he so desperately wants? I say “no.” Next stop is the USSC. Where he will lose again.


  2. cassandra_m says:

    Did we ever find out who is paying for Christopher’s lawyers here? Probably teajhadis since they don’t mind spending money to lose.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I just read it pretending that I was Jeff Christopher, so I now have his (kinda) reaction:

    So many words!!! This is EXACTLY why I hated history class!

  4. Dave says:

    If it were up to him, the SCOTUS would end up with the case. Unfortunately for Christopher, only the SCOTUS decides what cases they will hear. He is done in the courts. Nothing remains except to put his house up for sale and move out of this “god forsaken place” as he promised.

  5. jason330 says:

    @LG … lol I’m sure you nailed it.

  6. pandora says:

    Oh… Bwhahaha! Sorry, couldn’t help it. 👿

  7. Mitch Crane says:

    There is no “federal issue” here. The supreme court for the purposes of interpreting the Delaware Constution is the Supreme Court of Delaware.

    That being said, the Sussex County Democratic Party is seeking qualified individuals interested in running for Sussex County Sheriff in 2014. Qualifications include being a registered Democrat in Sussex County, supervising the Office of Sheriff in Georgetown, service of process, facilitating and conducting “Sheriff Sales” and other duties created by the Sussex County Council or by State Law.

    Mitch Crane, Chair
    Sussex County Democratic Committee

  8. cassandra_m says:

    He promised to move? Seriously? We need a countdown clock then!

  9. anon says:

    Mitch thank you for that clarification, so in short, it’s over.

    In this interview he says he’ll take his family out of this “God forsaken place” if he loses.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Dear Sheriff Christopher,

    I will be in Sussex County this weekend. If you need any help packing or even moving to temporary shelter in Maryland, hit me up on my cell.



  11. cassandra_m says:

    Dear Sheriff Christopher,

    I have no plans to be in Sussex County this weekend, but am absolutely available to help you to pack and get your stuff over the border. If I can stop laughing long enough to be useful.

    Holla back!

  12. pandora says:

    You guys are so thoughtful, but I’m sure the gang at Delaware Politics will be there to help the sheriff pack up and move out.

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    Praise teh Lord!

    Mitch: I’d be the first person to volunteer for your candidate if he or she pledged to work to abolish the office, much like happened with register in chancery. That would set the Dems apart: “I will fight hard to put myself out of a job.”

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Pandora – I don’t want that group of loons over there. They will half-ass the job. I want that man moved right so that he doesn’t have to make multiple trips and ever have to set foot back in this “God-forsaken state”.

  15. anon says:

    “Basically, if I can’t win and get justice in the State of Delaware, then I’ll pack my family up and I’ll move out of this God forsaken place.” – Sheriff Jeff Christopher in this interview:

    The countdown clock would be appreciated by every sane Sussex Countian.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    I listened to it. The money quote is about 2/3 of the way through. It is best not to listen to the rest of it, because we are going to need a lot of volunteers to help him move. And hearing that level of crazy won’t help with recruiting.

  17. pandora says:

    You’re right, LG. My bad!

  18. Dave says:

    The decision is really a worthwhile read, especially the statutory history of the office of the sheriff in Delaware in the preceding centuries:

  19. jason330 says:

    It will be an open seat election. Cool.

  20. Aoine says:

    His supporters will say that Justice Holland knows nothing….it was rigged, they are corrupt, ad nauseaum….

    Justice Holland, however actually WROTE THE BOOK on the Delaware Constitution. Any fool could have seen this coming – especially when one of the Supreme Court Justices made the comment about “jumping out from behind the bench to arrest someone that parks in my parking spot”

    At that point, the hand writing was on the wall and WRIT LARGE!

    cant wait to hear the sputtering from the Christopher supporters!! LOL – they will actually think SCOTUS will hear the case, and no matter what anyone tells them – they think otherwise

    as for moving – wish his flock of followers would go with him back to Maryland – whoops – forgot….a couple might be going to jail for various crimes, in Delaware first.

    this will be good entertainment for a little while……..

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Christopher is on Delaware 105.9 right now talking about how he was only pursuing liberty and freedom. He clearly doesn’t get that the Supreme Court just told him that Delawareans were liberated and free from his complete overreach.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Oh no — and now some wingnut is claiming that the UN has been attacking us. And that Christopher is defending us against these forces. Somebody please tell me that these morons are paying extra taxes.

  23. Delaware Dem says:

    Echoing Mitch Crane above, there is simply no way the U.S. Supreme Court takes this case. It is entirely a state matter, and thus the Doctrine of Adequate and Independent State Grounds applies. If this case involved a question of diversity, i.e. a dispute between the states, or a dispute between citizens of different states, or a federal question, i.e. a dispute concerning the Federal Constitution or a Federal law, then the Court would take the case. However, since this case involves only the Delaware Constitution, the court of last resort for Mr. Christopher is the Delaware Supreme Court.

    So this is over. Mr. Christopher will now refund the State of Delaware all the money spent on this flight of fancy.

  24. jason330 says:

    “Mr. Christopher will now refund the State of Delaware all the money spent on this flight of fancy”

    I hope that part is true. Don’t losers of frivolous lawsuits have to pay the lawyers fees and court costs?

  25. luke says:

    I find it hysterical how all of you are on here rejoicing in the fact that a GOOD cop has been restricted and restrained from doing his job, but yall will be the first ones whining and crying like little bitches when one of your fellow Obama supporters breaks into your home and the only cop around just so happens to be a Sussex county sherrif’s deputy….so keep celebrating you idiots!

  26. pandora says:

    Wow. Stupid and racist. Impressive.

  27. Frank Knotts says:

    Mitch says, “That being said, the Sussex County Democratic Party is seeking qualified individuals interested in running for Sussex County Sheriff in 2014. ” Mitch, don’t be surprised if the Sussex GOP is as well!

  28. luke says:

    I’m sure I’m Prolly the only one here that’s actually met the guy.

    Typical, just keep thinking yall know everything about everyone and when shit crashes down around you (like ocare did ALL BY ITSELF might I add, or was that Bush’s fault to? Lmao) and when your lying in your own muck and filth eating each other trying to survive and STILL blaming the repubs like children, the true patriots will reclaim what’s rightfully ours. So keep thinking what u will, I’m sure before the end of Oct we will see.

  29. cassandra_m says:

    The thing is that the so-called “true patriots” are losing what they think is “rightfully theirs”. It is why they are spinning so hard to do anything they can to make sure that they have all of the world’s privileges. You act like children and you get treated like children.

    If you’ve actually met the guy, when is he moving like he said he would?

  30. Ona says:

    For the record luke…….
    As a lefty radical liberal Obama supporter…..

    I fully intend to use my second amendment rights to,support my first amendment rights against the radical anarchist Sheriff’s posse- because they are the ones that pose the biggest threat in Sussex to the population.

    And the only whiny crying bitches I hear are the sheriffs posse and specifically the uneducated, dingbats like Don Ayotte- seriously- did anyone see his post on that other blog……

    According to him the Delaware Supreme Court is corrupt and Our House speaker a member of the Gestapo……that man can’t find his way out of a wet paper bag.

    And THAT ! right there says it all folks……

  31. Jason330 says:

    I sure can’t understand why the people of Sussex county felt like these patriots needed to be a little more acquainted with reality? These level headed sober citizens? It is a real mystery.

  32. luke says:

    Since Obama has taken office dem assistance programs have doubled, at the expense of the middle class taxpayer. So please, what spin and privileges are you referring to?

  33. cassandra_m says:

    Assistance programs haven’t doubled. The economy has been in the tank since your boy Bush drove it there. And your boys in Congress aren’t interested in helping to fix it. Meaning that more people are unemployed and needing food help. The other thing that is true is that the increase in Walmart-type jobs means that those folks still need food and health care help. Because employers like Walmart aren’t paying people enough to support themselves.

    And I’m not schooling one more wingnut who can’t wean himself from the Fox lies.

  34. jason330 says:

    We used to occasionally get a good comment from a conservative. These days, the only people who aren’t embarrassed to be conservative are pretty shockingly dumb.

  35. Nuttingham says:

    If he moves, I may need to change my blog posting name.

  36. Frank Knotts says:

    Luke, it is the end of the world rhetoric, and the constant cry of the federal sky is falling, that put so many people off. You sound like a fanatic. And I have met the man, I have spoken with him extensively on this topic. I just happen to think he was wrong. As for the end of the world? I would rather put my faith in my God, rather than any elected official.

  37. Nuttingham says:

    Frank preaching the Gospel to Luke.

    Does the Lord has a position on arrest powers?

  38. anon says:

    luke says:
    October 8, 2013 at 8:46 pm
    I’m sure I’m Prolly the only one here that’s actually met the guy.

    Typical, just keep thinking yall know everything about everyone and when shit crashes down around you (like ocare did ALL BY ITSELF might I add, or was that Bush’s fault to? Lmao) and when your lying in your own muck and filth eating each other trying to survive and STILL blaming the repubs like children, the true patriots will reclaim what’s rightfully ours. So keep thinking what u will, I’m sure before the end of Oct we will see.

    Luke, not only have I met Sheriff Jeffy, when he was running for Sheriff in 2010 I was at several of his stump speeches, where he never once mentioned trying to get arrest powers for the Sheriff’s Office.

    Not only did he hide what he was going to do from the voters in Sussex, when he was interviewed by the Sussex County GOP he was asked if he would try to get arrest powers and he said no.

    He lied to get on the ballot as a Republican and he lied to the voters.

    Learn to spell, Luke, stop acting like an uneducated redneck with your hokey “Prolly” and stupid shit like that, pull your head out of your ass and accept the fact that Jeffy will be out in 2014.

    Is Sheriff Liar moving yet?

  39. LeBay says:

    Amen, anon!

  40. old sussex county native says:

    Every time I encounter someone who thinks that Sussex Sheriff deputies having police powers will save the planet, or at least Sussex County — I keep in mind that there are only 4 deputies, and one Sheriff and one Chief Deputy. Six folk, I think. They only work 9 to 5 basically, the office is closed evenings and all night long, and closed on the weekends. So how, pray tell, could a force of six “save the world, and Sussex County?”
    People complain about response times of the State Police, well, there are I believe 42 troopers at Troop 4, don’t know how many at Troop 5 and 7 but there have to be at least 185 Troopers in all of Sussex I bet. So the puny force the sheriff has of 6 spread across all of Sussex county is sort of like when you pee in the Ocean. It probably doesn’t affect sea life or raise the water level. And I am glad the Supreme Court put an end to this nonsense once and for all. Every lawyer I have asked about this has told me the Federal Courts will not take up a State Constitution issue that is not addressed the the Federal Constitution. Now if they (the Sheriff’s office) would only get back to doing the job they were elected to do, which they are behind on so I hear…

  41. Nuttingham says:

    Luke – if Amercia somehow deteriorates to a point where people are “laying in their own muck and filth” and “eating each other,” then what exactly would be left for a “true patriot” like you to reclaim?

    Serious question. How does your thinking run from the Sherrif to liberal cannibalism to some form of reclamation?