Prescient GOP Autopsy Pedicted Current GOP Dysfunction

Filed in National by on October 15, 2013

The Republican Autopsy Report (only released last March and already more forgotten than the great works of King Ozymandias) predicted all of the childish bullshit and GOP assholery we are now experiencing.  While at the time the outreach portions of the report grabbed the headlines, the report also warned against the “King Making” powers of independent expenditure groups.

Outside groups now play an expanded role affecting federal races and, in some ways, overshadow state parties in primary and general elections. As a result, this environment has caused a splintered Congress with little party cohesion so that gridlock and polarization grow as the political parties lose their ability to rally their elected officeholders around a set of coherent governing policies.

The Supreme Court’s repeal of rational campaign finance laws which permitted $1 million-plus donations to independent groups, was viewed as a threat to the GOP.

The current campaign finance environment has led to a handful of friends and allied groups dominating our side’s efforts. This is not healthy. A lot of centralized authority in the hands of a few people at these outside organizations is dangerous for our Party.

Also dangerous for the country, I might add. The report rightly pointed out that the 2012 election was a debacle for the GOP.

It was firmly expected that Republicans would capture the Senate in 2012.  It is inexcusable that they failed and, in fact, lost two seats.

It was the election, only seven months ago, that saw Ted Cruz come to Washington and take over the GOP outright. It was also the election that provided the GOP with an opportunity to fix itself.

The GOP, we now know, can’t be fixed. So our job is to ensure that the people who run for office as Republicans never ever win on any level. And if we need motivation to do that, we can get on our knees and say a prayer of thanks to FSM (or whoever) that the GOP DIDN’T win a majority in the Senate in 2012.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:


    man, i would have loved it if the ending of breaking bad was walt making an offer to hank of killing him, hank rejecting it, and then walt trying to settle for hank simply letting him go.

  2. pandora says:

    And… there you go.

  3. Jason330 says:

    @Cassandra your links aren’t opening for me.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Thanks. It was me. (of course)