More Bigotry from Bill Colley and His WGMD Enablers

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2013

Have you heard about this? The stupid bigotry of Bill Colley has a home at WGMD and he even has a blog there. One of his recent blog posts (see here, because nothing over there gets embedded here) takes a pictures of some mattresses on the side of the road and speculates that this is the doing of latinos. Huh? Who even knew that mattresses on the side of the road was a Latino thing? Ignoring, of course, that the biggest cause of large household goods on the side of the road is the direct result of a bunch of good old boys over-estimating the carrying capacity of their vehicle OR the under-estimating the strength of their tie-downs. I mean, who hasn’t seen these people on the road. The original post — from his own blog (who knew) is even worse, calling a bunch of trash alongside the road an Undocumented Landfill. As if the good old boys in his neck of the woods aren’t even capable of illegal dumping, which, of course, they are.

This is what I see on an alternate route to work. No one wants to offend the politically correct so the local poultry workers creating this “undocumented” dump get away Juarez free. It’s increasingly looking Third World. What will it take to convince these offenders to straighten up or perhaps go home. Doc Frame Road, Millsboro, Delaware.

Notice that he has no pictures of the folks he is accusing of making this mess here. Just the unjust and unwarranted accusation.

What we shouldn’t ignore is that this is a major Delaware media outlet who thinks that casual bigotry aimed at some of their neighbors is just fine. And it isn’t. So contact them and tell them to knock if off and ask if they think that any of their advertisers would be interested in maintaining a relationship with an outlet that accepts this kind of bigotry as part of their business model. Remember, everyone, right wing talk radio is dying a death across the US — pretty much led by the crash in advertising revenues by the chief wingnut himself, Rush Limbaugh. WGMD is settling another matter related to bigotry — so they definitely want to hear from us today.

Contact their GM – Art Versnick: or call 302-945-2050. Especially for our Sussex readers — make sure they know you live there and feel free to forward this to your friends to ask them to call too.

Let us know if you hear back.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (11)

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  1. anon says:

    As if the good old boys in his neck of the woods aren’t even capable of illegal dumping, which, of course, they are.

    The good old boys don’t dump their trash illegally, they throw piles of tires on their trash and burn it illegally.

  2. aoine says:

    Even better – they get cheap or free prison inmates to do it for them and their family members ……

    That’s the Sussex way…..our fine upstanding legislat……errr I mean citizens.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    Im sure it has been posted before…. But is there a list of their advertisers? Does anyone still advertise on that station other than Cash For Gold and “End of Days” preparation stores?

  4. fightingbluehen says:

    Do to the poor economy, and inflation of commodities, things like old refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters, car batteries, and any thing else with metal in it, won’t stay on the side of the road too long before the scrappers pick them up.

  5. Tom McKenney says:

    The largest amount of trash I see on the side of the road comes from cigarette butts at traffic lights.

    My expierence with people from the more southern Americas is that they are frugal and waste little much like depression era Americans. They are much more likely to be picking up our usable discards than trashing our landscape.

  6. PluribusUnum says:

    I mean Colley is the worst sort of human, that goes without saying. I think you give WGMD too much credit by saying they are a “major media outlet”. There are no major media outlets in Delaware, which is a part of the problem.

  7. lurker says:

    The racist plot thickens: the full length post called “the original post” above is on a blog owned by the Operations Director of wgmd, Walt Palmer. The blog is from “Salt Air Broadcasting” and a google search of the phone number listed on the site returns the name Walt Palmer. It appears the racism runs deep in the building and management.

  8. Nuttingham says:

    What sayeth the state GOP on this, one of their more reliable messaging outlets?

  9. Cletus says:

    What hath the Chillean Vice Chair of the State GOP have to say about this. It must be hindering the “outreach” efforts, No?

  10. Bianca says:

    The GOP sayeth nothing not a peep, there is no outreach program if it was any more non existent a proctologist would need to be summoned.