Jason330 to announce plans to annouce the possibility of forming an exploratory committee to look into primarying the Democratic State Treasurer

Filed in National by on November 15, 2013

How hard could being State Treasurer be?    Seriously.  Especially for someone who has no other political ambitions, this job is a piece of cake.  Not as easy as being the Development Director at CRI, but up there.     
Since the Christmas kickstarter project wasn’t funded, (and since I will not be starting an athiest church anytime soon) I’ll have a little time on my hands.  While I cogitate on this some, you (yes you!) can be the cyber-pre-pre-exploratory committee by noting in the comments section how much it costs to file and what the deadlines are.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    I’ll vote and canvas and make phone calls for you.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Sweet! I feel the groundswell building.

  3. Mitch Crane says:

    As a successful challenger to an incumbent statewide officeholder, I certainly should encourage like-minded reformers to follow in my footsteps. Wait a minute, the coffee is kicking in. Oh-I did?? Never mind.

    However, anyone considering tilting at windmills ( and I have a great Picasso print of that for sale), the filing fees for statewide office are set by the state parties. The Democratic State Committee has not yet set that fee, but will probably do so at the executive committee meeting to be held in two weeks. State law sets the fee at a “maximum of 1% of the compensation for the term of office”. That is probably the fee that will be set. The filing fee for State Treasuer will be a little over $4,000.

    The filing deadline is 12Noon on July 8, 2014.

    Now, those who want to run for office with a reasonable chance of winning without declaring bankruptcy, and who live in Sussex County, should contact me. We have some offices up in 2014 that can be won by qualified Democrats. Want to be Sheriff? Easy job-no arrest powers. Filing fee is only $982 ( yes, Sussex Dems have set filing fees). We are still looking for candidates in some state reprepresentative districts ( filing fee $881 ).

  4. Jason330 says:

    Such a party pooper.

  5. auntie dem says:

    I would be so happy to support you Jason.

    Having said that, kiss your family goodbye and don’t plan to be around at night or weekends for the duration of the campaign. Running for statewide office is a grind. Up and down the state every night and weekend.

    And patience. Jason, lots of patience. There are thousands of things that go wrong in a campaign and you’ve got to grin through it all. Managing a volunteer organization is a whole lot different from managing employees. Even the most benign employer wealds the power to hire and fire and the almighty paycheck. With volunteers you don’t have that power.

    These are sacrifices you could make but would you want to? You don’t sound as though you have the fire in your belly for this.

  6. Jason330 says:

    I was only trying to get Mitch to come across with the facts and figures. (Someone so manipulative could have a future in politics I suppose…?)

    But, yes. No. I don’t even have much warmth in the belly. forget about fire.

  7. Steve Newton says:

    But yes. No.

    If you can only figure out a way to add pancakes to an answer like that, you’re in.

  8. Jason330 says:


  9. socialistic ben says:

    I think Jason could succeed where Jello Biafra and Hunter S Thompson fell short.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Interesting things you learn when you threaten to threaten to possibly jump in. Seems there is a rumor going around that some well placed Dems already have a candidate for this primary and he isn’t a blogger but a ….wait for it….

  11. Jason330 says:

    …a state rep…

  12. canadian bacon says:

    Does he have sufficient stature?

  13. mediawatch says:

    if you mean “is he taller than El Som,” I believe the answer is “yes.”

  14. Nuttingham says:

    There’s actually two state reps talking about it.

  15. El Som is taller than Tony DeLuca. I think.

    So, at least, it’s apparently not Tiny Tony.

  16. mediawatch says:

    But shorter than BS and WCP3.

  17. Bryon Short and…Trey Paradee?

    A Paradee/Flowers primary would be, um, in bad taste. Does the winner get the hand of a certain damsel-in-distress?

    Or is that Charles Potter? Wow, talk about a race to the bottom…

  18. Miscreant says:

    You got my vote, Sparky.

  19. Nuttingham says:

    The legislator most actively interested in running has not been mentioned in the comments yet.

  20. Donviti says:

    I’m impressed that you spelled cogitate correctly. I’d vote for you based on that. You’ve come a long way

  21. Jason330 says:

    jack’s hand picked man to take on flowers is…. John Kowalko.

    There. It is out in the open.

  22. Nuttingham says:

    The opening statements in that debate would be 40 minutes each.

  23. I DESPISE guessing games. Unless I’m doing the guessing. Which I am. Could that legislator be Darryl Scott? Only asking b/c his name had been mentioned for Auditor at one time…

  24. Nuttingham says:

    It’s not actually in any legislator’s personal interest to be known this early as running, because he or she could keep raising as an incumbent legislator instead of as a primary challenger through the end of the year, right?

  25. John Young says:


    Kowalko can’t be treasurer, he’s convalescing from Markell’s tire treads on his torso.

  26. Nuttingham says:

    Wow. Markell must have landed some rhetorical blows against Kowalko to generate that letter to editor and a comment like “tire treads on his torso.”

    What specific phrases did the Governor write that’s left wounds weeks later?

  27. Flip Chowers says:

    It’s Bryon Short……BITCHES! Now, excuse me while I order room service in bed.

  28. Dana says:

    Hey, state Treasurer was the job that “catapulted” Bob Casey into a United States Senate seat!