Late Night Video — Lacey Lafferty Shoots From the Hip, or Something

Filed in National by on November 18, 2013

No idea how I missed this, but h/t to a Facebook friend for putting this bit of hilarity up today — this is a campaign video from one Lacey Lafferty, who claims to be a candidate for Delaware Governor in 2016 (approx. 1 min, 20 secs and put down all liquids):

And here is a serious question — who puts on all white to go shooting in the woods?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (68)

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  1. Idealist says:

    ” I am Lacey Lafferty, and I PROVE this message.”

  2. Tom McKenney says:

    It doesn’t appear she shoots from the hip.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    …and that she leaves empty clips littering the woods.

  4. Old Sussex County Native says:

    Oh, dear God in Heaven — please tell me she’s not from Sussex County! We have had enough kook people from down here get in politics. Really???? How can she possibly think she can be elected Governor with a message like that? All white?? is that to counteract all the black garments we thought of when the “not a witch” ran for office??

  5. AQC says:

    OMG, please tell me this is a joke!

  6. pandora says:

    That is one of the craziest (and funniest) things I’ve ever seen.

    What was the point of all the shooting?

  7. Aoine says:

    Retired DSP trooper

    Author of two books- mother of one child.

    And yes sadly ……from Sussex County

    Chances of winning the election……..0000.00001%

    Of course, the fact that those that USED to work with her probably won’t vote for her, says volumes…..

    I will trot out the details as time goes by, and it’s all way worse than that video….

  8. jason330 says:

    Charlie Copeland is in serious talks with her.

  9. Aoine says:

    Seriously…..chip flowers has a better chance that she has

    Although, I would pay MONEY to see her in that outfit walking around the Hilltop area- open carrying in all……

    Too freaking funny…..they do need another sacrificial lamb (cow?) because they know they can not possible will Tatnall Hall.

  10. jason330 says:

    Ahm runnin fer gov’ner state a delawer twenty sixteen.

  11. Steve Newton says:

    Nice Browning High-Power

  12. saltyindependent says:

    oh my god….

  13. saltyindependent says:

    i don’t think you can be a straight shooter and shoot from the hip.

  14. Aoine says:

    Oh dear Lord….NO ONE in delaware sounds like that….NO ONE

    that’s ñot a Sussex accent, that an affect

    Wow! Wonder how that will play upstate? Gives Sussex a bad name

    Please please please secede…and take her and the Sheriff with ya’ll…..

  15. Nuttingham says:

    Maybe she’s on her way to P. Diddy’s Labor Day party in this video? The guests only wear white.

  16. Nuttingham says:

    Hopefully this will lead you to put up at least one “Rose Izzo shoots things” campaign commercial for comparison.

  17. waterpirate says:

    She has more baggage trailing behind her than BWI. Yet another example of a un vetted candidate, without party support. Sound familiar?

  18. Dave says:

    I would like to point out that although there are kooks in every county, this particular kook lives in Laurel (I think), which is western Sussex. Western Sussex is not the same place as eastern Sussex (yes there are kooks in eastern Sussex as well, but not as many). East of 113 (although it’s more like east of 30) has some rudiments of civilization. West of that line things are a little dicey.

  19. cassandra m says:

    Go figure. A Delaware ex-convict with baggage running for office. What will they think of next?

  20. jason330 says:

    “P. Diddy’s Labor Day party…” Nuttingham has been on fire lately.

  21. Anonymous says:

    You all are late. Gaffney played 2 of her videos last onth on air. One caller said she looked like Col. Sanders grand daughter with all the white on
    . Check this one out.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Sorry, typing from phone. Link didnt go through.

  23. Another Mike says:

    She would finish fourth in a 3-person race, but I hope she gets into the ring. I would love to see her campaign up here in NCCo. Oh, the possibilities.

  24. Tom McKenney says:

    A real gift to comedians

  25. Mama didn't raise no fool says:

    The laughs on you hard left liberals! Obviously she did the videos just to get people across the state talking face and name recognition. You liberal idiots fell for it hook, line and sinker. She will be thanking you for the plugs. FYI She was hired (DSP) by the Democrats – Joe Biden (fed crime grants) Democrat Governor – Tom Carper, Democrat Lt. Gov – Ruth Ann Minner, Democrat appointed DSP Colonel and staff. She was given in 2007 Excellent Performance Award by YES a DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR Ruth Ann Minner!! Looks like the Democrats liked her a lot!!!!!!!! Idiots!!

  26. cassandra m says:

    Speaking of idiots and fools, another cowardly wingnut shows up.

  27. pandora says:

    Your additional comments have been moderated, Mama. Sock puppetry is not allowed.

  28. Wun Hung Lo says:

    DL is great at deleting comments. Isn’t that what they accuse other sites of doing?

  29. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Anything for a laugh people, anything for a laugh and you guys and gals fell for it!

  30. Sussex resident says:

    She didn’t retire she was retired they put her out to pasture like the nags on her horse farm. No mention of any commendation given to her in any 2007 DSP newsletters. her married name was Givens her step son was one of the staff in the Laurel School District who had a suit filed against them for molesting a student. Anyone that pays a publishing company to print their book then has to hawk it themselves ain’t no author. Charlie Copeland won’t give her the time of day an email is floating around that was leaked where Charlie blew her off. If she loses she said shes gonna move to Florida maybe the sheriff will join her.

  31. Geezer says:

    “DL is great at deleting comments. Isn’t that what they accuse other sites of doing?”

    Try sticking to one screen name and your comments might not disappear.

    I expect the videos to do as much for her as they did for Rose Izzo.

  32. Geezer says:

    “I would love to see her campaign up here in NCCo. Oh, the possibilities.”

    IIRC, even Christine O’Donnell didn’t dare campaign in public in New Castle County. She held fundraisers, but you don’t get very far in campaigning if your thugs keep out the working press.

  33. Aoine says:

    She talks morality and is the poster child for family values?

    Hmmmmmm, the only family values she collected was sperm and child support.

    And let’s not talk about about the items found in the trunk of a car……that she never inventoried, per procedure……..and guess what those items were?

    Let’s just say she may have been using one in her videos….LOLOLOLOL.

    Of course, one of her jilted followers, and frequent sock puppet poster himself said “that face has had more lifts than a Sussex county 4×4 ” and he would be in a ” position” to know?


  34. Nuttingham says:

    Mama said there’d be crazies like this
    There’d be crazies like this,
    The “Mama said…”

  35. sussex resident says:

    The person you’re referring to is the one who publicly withdrew his support for her, I’m not sure how you perceive him to be a jilted follower. That’s general knowledge in both Sussex/Kent counties. Since the person just celebrated his 12th wedding anniversary I don’t think he feels jilted in any way. You should ask to see a copy of the 3 hours of text messages the man received, you’ll realize who comes off as the person jilted and scorned.

  36. sussex resident says:

    geezer Pete DuPont recently held an event for Ernie Lopez down here, she was nowhere to be found.

  37. Aoine says:

    Ummmmm. Sussex resident…….don’t know what inference you drew, but the word I used was ” follower” nothing more, nothing less

    If I had meant another word, I would have used it. It’s that simple.

    And prior to this current marriage of 12 years, there was another one- you might want to ask him what happened there……since you seem to know him so well.
    It then follows that his loyalty to people is rather fickle, just like his political affiliations.

  38. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Aoine, your a fine one to talk aka MR the Sussex County Annie Oakley who was fired from the Sherriff’s office for twirling your gun on your finger per Sussex County resident aka BC.

    You both need to get the your facts straight, look it up but then again both of you are birds of a feather who flock together and state nothing but lies. She had No affiliation with her in-laws no matter how screwed up they are. That’s certainly not her fault.

    As with of your sick rendition of her child, along with making a statement she gets child support which is another lie. You lie to hear yourself lie. Her child was planned bc she can afford her child and doesn’t receive child support unlike some people like Sussex County resident who receives support from the state to keep his grandchildren off all us other tax paying citizens has a heck of a lot a nerve stating lies, but then again that’s why he was dismissed from her campaign bc those Massachusetts lies caught up with him.

  39. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    And Oh yes Sussex county resident aka BC lets see those text messages that pertain to a criminal form of harassment that man was texting where he was informed and still might be arrested for harassment.

  40. Aoine says:

    Yup, the wing nuts are out…..sorry

    As per the usual wing nuts, no clue what they are talking about. There must be something in the water down there.

    Sorry Mama, never been fired in my life, and certainly never from ANY Sheriffs office, that would be rather difficult. Don’t know where you get your “facts” from.
    Sounds just like a sock puppet called New England Patriot. Sounds like you have some personal issues, but definitely some mental issues along with major grammar issues. I think you need another appointment at Bling, get your wig straight.

    Oh, this election cycle should be fun…..and BTW, this blog doesn’t like sock puppets and attempted outting- of anybody.
    Nice to have some values, unlike the fact free and morality free crowd you run with.

    And the Sussex GOP , RWNJs have further ripped themselves apart.

    Maybe the sheriff will take his acolytes with him when he leaves this ‘god forsaken place” ROTFLMAO
    Don’t we have a crew ready to assist with moving? One can hope……. 😉

  41. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Aoine, Sussex resident aka BC told everyone that was indeed is who you are bc Aoine is a word used associated with your ancestry. But then again your sock puppet friend BC by in which you do the same thing also uses your name Aoine.

    Your the one that has no clue what you what your blogging. Not a clue. Futhermore everyone knows who you are, its all over. You can declare all you want that’s not you, but Sussex resident aka BC dimed you out six months ago. He is the moderator of DP and knows who is who and blabs it all over.

    Aoine’s Statement – And let’s not talk about about the items found in the trunk of a car……that she never inventoried, per procedure……..and guess what those items were?

    What kind of drugs are you on chick? You certainly don’t know what the heck your slandering — is talking about! Bring out some proof, documentation. Right, you can’t bc no such thing ever happened.

  42. Nuttingham says:

    Mamma didn’t raise no spellcheck, aka BC (Boston College?) aka SWA (Southwest Airlines)?

  43. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Oh I stand corrected. I have been contacted and advised that it was her ex in-laws and she was not affiliated with that family what so ever at the time of the incident in question. It most certainly not at all her fault that her ex in-laws behave the way they do.

    Ha, you have the audacity to scold me on my spelling when this is a wanna be journalist blog site like any and all blog sites, get real people. No blog site and its bloggers have any creditability what so ever. You all have contributed to the demise of all the political blog sites with your lies, slander and defamation of people who you attack with no creditable evidence. No one and I mean no one for that reason takes blog sites and its participates seriously. If you contributed anything meaningful, truthful, based on facts with documentation to back up what you state just maybe in the future blog sites might get a better review and participate interaction. People read this garbage and don’t respond only to call blog sites “JUNK JOURNALSIM SITES”.

    P.S. Sussex resident, BC, WC, anon, Angus Berger, so and so forth, DP moderator Mr. Multi personality dimed you all out six months ago. You just as well begin to change all your names that you hide behind.

  44. Aoine says:

    Well, now we know why the conservatives in the Sussex GOP cannot get out of their own way….

    But it sure makes for either great comedy or a lot of pity. If someone doesn’t read or post on a blog dear, no one can ” dime” them out. When a blog moderator openly admits to capturing IP addresses for even just reading a blog or clicking on the page, that is a sure fire way to make certain NO ONE goes on to the website….ever.

    The entire state, and some outside it have known for years the bots that darts in unethical blogs use, therefore any sane person would never even go on the page. Plus, they self admit to doing it.

    Anyone can look up any word on Google and draw a conclusion from it. I could call myself Jesus, Doesnt make me Jewish….or able to speak Aramaic..but keep trying

    So whatever you were told is pure fantasy, or course you won’t believe that as it is not on Fox News,

    In one breath you accuse your obvious nemesis of being a liar, then you claim to know who someone is based on this “liar” telling you who bloggers identities are. That seems a little psychotic to me, because you are admitting to believing someone you feel is a liar

    Just doesn’t make sense, but then, you crazy, sussex conservatives typically don’t know whether you all should crap, or go blind.
    But please by all means, carry on your circular firing squad, as it is quite amusing to watch.

    That is all, Carry on.

  45. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Written by Aoine, to prove a point…sorry DL moderators.

    You mean someone used another persons name on a blog? Really? How does one do that? So, how do you know then that a certain poster is responsible for every post written under their name… don’t

    So any and all posts may or may not be by someone who goes by a certain name…….so the post readers will not know….but the moderators on this site do know who is posting this. Difference is I admitted it upfront. It’s called honesty.

    If someone is using names from this site on other blogs , to discredit bloggers in here a link would be nice. But then again, that individual,is ……unbalanced so no one either takes it seriously or would be surprised,

    You tell us nothing that is not already known……and the post ” dimming” people out was posted over a year ago. No one gives it or the author, who used a real persons real name to do so, any credit.

  46. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Aione, No blog site will miss you or any of your sick garbage lies. Matter a fact it can only enhance any blog site you disappear from. Your notorious for your twisted perceptions and down right fifthy attacks of lies with no credible evidence to back up anything you state. Now that everyone knows you, may the deformation law suits begin.

  47. Sussex Resident says:

    Aoine there was only one previous marriage that ended in 1982. Maybe you better check your sources better. No moderator ever stated they capture IP addresses for someone just reading a blog site. You claimed in this blog that you knew the IP address of a poster traced right back to their home address and posted it. How is that possible unless you’re a sock puppet who has access to IP addresses or you’re one of the moderators in here provided you with the commenters IP information.

  48. AQC says:

    This woman really brought out the crazy!

  49. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    The crazies were already here, they brought her into it!

  50. Geezer says:

    “This woman really brought out the crazy!”

    Nah, this is just typical SuxCo politics. If people aren’t smart enough to talk about issues, they talk about people instead. Ever try to talk about issues with anyone at Delaware Politics? Good luck. The first thing they always try to do is find out your name so they can attack you personally, because all they know about any issue is what god or fox news told them.

  51. pandora says:

    Just read through this thread, and am on my way out the door so I don’t have time to deal with all this immature nonsense. The three of you need to grow the eff up.

  52. Dave says:

    Speaking of the sheriff; has anyone heard when he is moving and where?

  53. Aoine says:

    Welcome to Sussex county crazies- they hate it when you call them out- makes them feel exposed and it’s so easy to do.

    Trying to intimidate others into silence- good luck with that- it’s the last gasp of exposed, angry and vulnerable people that’s have been outed.
    seems I hit a nerve- nothing like exposing the ugly for what it is. 🙂

    And the Lafferty video still leaves us chuckling..I’m know a good many GOPers like Copeland RAN and the Greenville check books closed up.

    Maybe Mrs. Col. Sanders will leave the state too….maybe Big Mama here and Sussex Resident will go with her and the Sheriff. One can always hope!

    Peace, out.

  54. Jason330 says:

    IN my experience Geezer’s observation is spot on. Everything is very personal for folks from Sussex County from the jump. It does reveal an inability to build up reasonable arguments, but it is also probably cultural.

  55. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Good job Aione trying to shift the focus off your inability to speak the truth about any subject your conversing. Your exposed you Sussex County dirt bag blogger.

  56. Sussex Resident says:

    Geezer don’t forget to add in the internet sites that are festering sewer rumor mills along with fox news or what god told them.

  57. Geezer says:

    @SR: From what I can tell, disagreements among SuxCo Republicans is the chief source of new blogs in Delaware.

  58. Sussex Resident says:

    @Geezer I agree about the new reason for new blogs in Delaware. I referring to internet sites overall, the mentality some have it’s on the internet it has to be the truth.

  59. Sussex Resident says:

    mama wrote “unlike some people like Sussex County resident who receives support from the state to keep his grandchildren off all us other tax paying citizens.”

    Try educating yourself before you run your mouth proving what most already know about how ignorant you are.

    The family you are attacking receives payments for their grandchildren under a family court child support order issued in 2011. None of the money they receive is “off all us other taxpaying citizens.”

    It’s truly pathetic that someone who actually believes they are worthy of running for the governor of our state would stoop to the levels of undignified behavior that you choose.

  60. anon says:

    Let me put all of the soap opera drama aside to point out the obvious: Lacey Lafferty has no chance in Hell of winning a statewide election in Delaware, even if there is a full blown Zombie Apocalypse and the D candidate is a member of the walking dead and eating supporter’s brains.

    There are 120,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans. The only way for an R to win statewide is to have some sort of appeal to the Ds and Unaffiliated voters. Ds aren’t going to vote for a flake like Lafferty and not vote for a Beau Biden or a Matt Denn – even Chip Flowers would clean her clock statewide. Unaffiliated voters at best would break slightly in favor of any generic D with a pulse over Lafferty – just like they did in 2010 when the choice was Coons or O’Donnell.

    In fact, I’m willing to bet that Lafferty won’t be able to break Jeff Craigg’s vote total from 2014.

    Republican candidates like Lafferty and Izzo know they can’t get elected, they’re just hoping to spark the right wing nut job support so they can walk away with a wad of campaign cash like O’Donnell did in 2010.

  61. jason330 says:

    Maybe she is after some easy money. DE Republicans are nothing if not gullible. However, the second video ( ) shows her trying to deliver some basic wingnut talking points (sans gunshots) on lowering taxes in order to create jobs.

  62. jason330 says:

    Oops. this is the tax policy one:

  63. mama didn't raise no fool says:

    Keep the thread going its getting the most attention on this blog site and its getting more hits on her videos to pass the word, name and face recognition. Your better than any PR company she could have hired. Its all about entertainment so Keep the video hits coming.

  64. Geezer says:

    Yes, name recognition is wonderful. Ask Christine O’Donnell.

    I suppose the screen name means you were raised by someone other than your mother, because even for a halfwit from SuxCo, you sure are a fool.

  65. Old Sussex County Native says:

    I think I am going to have to change my moniker, and start telling folks I moved here from somewhere else.

  66. Hating Myself says:

    All Ms.Lafferty needs is Jon Moseley. Part time law, part time author and full on bullspit. Two of the ugliest peas in the pod.