Wednesday Open Thread [11.20.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 20, 2013

This is pretty interesting.

The U.S. Census Bureau has released a slew of data on state-to-state migration showing that Americans have become significantly less mobile than they used to be, with just 11.7 percent moving in the last year, near historic lows. But, among that nearly 12% of Americans, the interactive chart shows where they are going. Delawareans are moving to Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvanians are moving to Delaware. Delaware gained 34,757 people through migration, and lost 25,149, making it a gainer state.

The UK and Sweden have dirty evil horrible communist muslim socialist healthcare. And they are the best in the world in cost and access. The Commonwealth Fund eviscerates America’s medical system with some basic facts:

In 2013, more than one-third (37%) of U.S. adults went without recommended care, did not see a doctor when they were sick, or failed to fill prescriptions because of costs, compared with as few as 4 percent to 6 percent in the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Roughly 40 percent of both insured and uninsured U.S. respondents spent $1,000 or more out-of-pocket during the year on medical care, not counting premiums. High deductibles and cost-sharing, along with no limits on out-of-pocket costs, may explain why even insured people in the U.S. struggled to afford needed health care, the researchers said.

America does not have the best healthcare in the world. If we did, all citizens would have access to it, and the costs would be low, like the UK and Sweden. When you say that we have the best healthcare, what you are really saying is… for rich people. For the poor and the middle class, it is the worst. Obamacare was set up to improve American’s access to healthcare and to lower the cost of it. It will do both things if implemented properly. So when Republicans say they want to repeal Obamacare, they are saying they want higher medical costs for you while at the same time limiting your access to healthcare.

COLORADO–GOVERNORQuinnipiac: Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) 46, Tom Tancredo (R) 41; Hickenlooper (D) 45, Scott Gessler (R) 40; Hickenlooper (D) 44, Greg Brophy (R) 38; Hickenlooper (D) 44, Mike Kopp (R) 40.

MONTANA–U.S. SENATE–Public Policy Polling: Rep. Steve Daines (R) 51, Lt. Gov. John Bohlinger (D) 36; Daines (R) 52, John Walsh (D) 35.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I don’t think they would disagree with the substance of this:

    So when Republicans say they want to repeal Obamacare, they are saying they want higher medical costs for you while at the same time limiting your access to healthcare.

    Being open about their contempt is the GOP’s one redeeming quality.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    I wonder if some employees of the Census Bureau really skewed employment data when the monthly unemployment rate dropped from 8.1% to 7.8% before the 2012 election.
    Probably not, huh?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I believe that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for unemployment numbers. I’d have thought that Rush would have mentioned that.

  4. Geezer says:

    @LG: But…but…but….socialism!

  5. pandora says:

    It’s so scary sometimes.

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    “I believe that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for unemployment numbers.”

    Well, you live and learn LG

    “@LG: But…but…but….socialism!”

    No, not really socialism……more like simple fraud if it’s true.

    “It’s so scary sometimes”

    Yes it is pandora

  7. AQC says:

    A state trooper was shot in Wilmington this afternoon. It’s getting crazy.

  8. Geezer says:

    “No, not really socialism……more like simple fraud if it’s true.”

    It was a joke to mock your sheeplike stupidity. You really, really think that millions of people said, “Golly! Unemployment is down! I guess I won’t vote for the automatron after all!”

    You are as clumsy as you are stupid. But don’t go away. We need someone to blame whenever there’s a fart in here.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    “ you really, really think that people said, Golly! Unemployment is down! I guess I won’t vote for the automatron after all!”

    No president since WWII had been re-elected with an unemployment rate over 7.2%. I would imagine with that statistic that it would have been be helpful, in terms of being re-elected, if that number didn’t start with an eight in front of it right before the election.

    Anyway, all I did was bring up the question of whether the story was true or not, didn’t I.

  10. pandora says:

    “Anyway, all I did was bring up the question of whether the story was true or not, didn’t I.”

    No, that isn’t what you did.

  11. Dave says:

    “I believe that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for unemployment numbers.” “Well, you live and learn LG”

    Very true. It’s a joint effort. The Census Bureau conducts the surveys, BLS basically crunches the data and announces the results. Why is it this way? Because the CB has the capability to collect data. BLS does not.

    As to whether the BLS cooked the books; the statistical analysis is complex with a great many people involved. If the books were cooked many people would know and many people cannot keep something like that a secret. Conspiracy mongering is fun, but most rational people don’t spend a great deal of time giving it credence. Still, there are always some who see conspiracy in everything.

  12. jason330 says:

    That’s what they want you to think.

  13. Geezer says:

    “No president since WWII had been re-elected with an unemployment rate over 7.2%.”

    This is the kind of brilliant analysis that has led the GOP to undermine the country it claims to love.

    While the statement is true, it had no predictive value, except to people of limited intelligence (which covers most political reporters). The statistical sample involved is absurdly small. How many times did the unemployment rate EVER get that high, and how often was an election held at that point in the cycle? I won’t waste the time to look it up, but it’s one of those idiotic “facts” that people treat as important even though there’s no reason to.

    You’ll notice, of course, that the statement isn’t even true any longer, because as in many fields, something that hasn’t happened yet eventually happens. No black person had ever been elected president, until somebody was.

    But this is the Republican mind at work — belief in talismans, signs, conspiracies, anything except acknowledgement that they are shitty people promoting shitty programs that have made this a shitty country to live in.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    And that they run shitty candidates who lose national elections. Because one of the functions of questioning the unemployment number is taking one more shot at the “this President was illegitimately elected” meme so prevalent among his shitty party.

  15. SussexWatcher says:

    Your Montana summary has an error – Walsh is LtGov, and Bohlinger is the former LtGov.