Archive for November, 2013

QOTD — When Was the Last Time One of Our Congressional Delegation Had a Town Hall Meeting?

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2013 2 Comments

I saw that our Congressional delegation is having another Job Fair — which is very cool and certainly people who need jobs could use every bit of help they can get. But when I saw this item in the NJ (an item I passed on to folks I know are looking), I couldn’t remember the last Town Hall from these guys. This is particularly odd since the August recess wasn’t too far back. I think that John Carney has had a forum on college costs, but that is all I can remember.

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Saturday Daily Delaware [11.2.13]

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2013 4 Comments
Saturday Daily Delaware [11.2.13]

Another Fall in Delaware shot from Sabian Maggy on Flickr.

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Toplines for Delaware Political Polling!

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2013 11 Comments
Toplines for Delaware Political Polling!

Following up on my post from Saturday, we now have (courtesy of Mr. Paul Brewer) the toplines of The University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication National Agenda Poll from September 2013. (pdf) I’ve asked Mr. Brewer about their long term plans for this poll and it looks like this might be a once a year event — dependent upon available resources. But Fresh Delaware polling! Yay!

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Friday Open Thread [11.1.13]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 1, 2013 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread [11.1.13]

Connor Simpson has some bad news for Fox News and Rupert Murdoch:

Fox News has fallen out of favor with Republicans after two years of untouched supremacy as the party’s brand of choice across any and every medium, according to a recent YouGov survey. YouGov measures which brands are preferred by each party (Republicans, Democrats, Independents) by adding and subtracting negative feedback on a 100 to -100 scale. In 2011, Fox News led all brands [among Republicans] with 68 support points, a full 5 points ahead of the rest. In 2012, Fox News led with 64.5 support points, 1.7 points above the rest. This year? In 2013, Fox News didn’t even make the top 10. […]

A Public Policy Poll released in January showed a serious decline in trust during the months after the election. Only 52 percent of those who identify as “somewhat conservative,” said they trust Fox News, down from 65 percent last year. Hardline conservatives trust Fox News less, too: 13 percent said they don’t trust Fox News anymore, compared to 6 percent last year.

LOL. You know what happened, right? Fox News dared to inform its viewers that President Obama won the election. THAT FACT IS CLEARLY UNTRUE!!!!! By reporting the President was reelected, Fox News revealed its horrible evil liberal bias, and no true conservative can watch it anymore.

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More Bigotry from Bill Colley and His WGMD Enablers

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2013 11 Comments
More Bigotry from Bill Colley and His WGMD Enablers

Have you heard about this? The stupid bigotry of Bill Colley has a home at WGMD and he even has a blog there. One of his recent blog posts (see here, because nothing over there gets embedded here) takes a pictures of some mattresses on the side of the road and speculates that this is the doing of latinos. Huh? Who even knew that mattresses on the side of the road was a Latino thing? Ignoring, of course, that the biggest cause of large household goods on the side of the road is the direct result of a bunch of good old boys over-estimating the carrying capacity of their vehicle OR the under-estimating the strength of their tie-downs. I mean, who hasn’t seen these people on the road. What we shouldn’t ignore is that this is a major Delaware media outlet who thinks that casual bigotry aimed at some of their neighbors is just fine. And it isn’t. So contact them and tell them to knock if off and ask if they think that any of their advertisers would be interested in maintaining a relationship with an outlet that accepts this kind of bigotry as part of their business model.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [11.1.13]

Filed in National by on November 1, 2013 1 Comment
Friday Daily Delawhere [11.1.13]

Happy November everyone. This is from Sabian Maggy on Flickr.

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