Delaware Political Weekly: May 10-16, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2014

1. Rep. Gerald Brady Gets R Challenger

Robert Keesler has filed to take on incumbent Gerald Brady (D-4th RD) this fall. While the district is more hospitable to an R than the other city-based districts (the bizarrely-gerrymandered district goes from Wilmington to Hockessin) it’s still a D-leaning district. Registration figures show 8200 D’s; 5097 R’s; and 4537 I’s. Keesler is a new name to me. He has written a couple of entries on the blogs, including our own. You can check out his responses in this piece from 2013.  What do I notice? Lower case spelling of ‘democratic party’, upper case spelling of ‘Republican Party’. Oh, and he’ll bore you to death with his version of ‘history’. He’s read at least one book on the subject, so that’s something. IMHO, Gerald Brady is a hack, but he’s in a district that has elected him a few times now, and my first impression of Keesler doesn’t make me think that he’ll have any better luck than Tyler Nixon did vs. Brady. Nor does the current look of the website he posted with the Department of Elections. He is, however, the Vice-Chair of the 4th RD Committee of the Northern New Castle County Region of the Republican Party.  The 4th RD Chair? Fella by the name of John Rollins.

2. It’s Tanned Vs. Tancredi for NCC Recorder of Deeds

That’s right. Mike Kosikowski, whose signature is his unnatural tan, is being challenged by David Tancredi, a Republican with a nice family.  I’m serious. It’s also a ‘salt of the earth family’, a big plus in my book. Dave seems like a nice guy as well, and as qualified as the next person to hold public office. Here’s the problem: It doesn’t matter. Virtually nobody will cast a vote for a row office based on anything but political affiliation. They’ll vote for the D or the R. Now I’m sure that some D’s who know Dave will vote for Dave, and some R’s who know Mike will vote for Mike. But virtually nobody will pay any attention to this race until they enter the voting booth, and vote for either the D or the R.

3. Colin Bonini Files…

…for reelection to his State Senate seat in the district drawn just for him by Tony DeLuca. His official listed name on the ballot is Colin RMJ Bonini. Which, of course, raises the question, what does RMJ stand for? It’s contest time! The person who comes up with (what I consider to be) the best answer wins a complimentary beer from me at the next Drinking Liberally. Just one catch. You’ve got to beat my entry: Rupert Murdoch Junior.  That shouldn’t be too tough.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Jimmy Hacker says:

    Rafferty Marie Jude

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Rob Keesler is a good guy and a friend of mine. He is mostly libertarian in his beliefs. Socially, too. Our politics obviously differ economically and the need for a social safety net, but he is the type of Republican that is needed to wrestle the party away from the teabaggers. And at least he said democratic instead of Democrat Party. That earns points. He is young, and he will likely lose this time around, but his is a name to watch out for in the coming years.

  3. My Red Socks says:

    Rarely Makes Judgement

  4. Too bad it wasn’t RMM. Rarely Makes Meetings is a natural.

  5. Nuttingham says:

    Really Michael Jackson