Election Day Open Thread [11.4.14]

Filed in National by on November 4, 2014

Katrina vanden Heuvel looks at four states that give progressives a victory tonight on the minimum wage.

For the national Democratic Party, there are only two possible outcomes in today’s elections: bad and worse. Even in the best-case scenario, Democrats will barely hang onto a narrow Senate majority that is virtually powerless in the face of Republican obstruction. However, while the headlines tomorrow are likely to be grim, progressives can take heart in tangible policy victories in four states, all solid red in the last election, where voters are set to give the working poor a much-needed raise.

Perhaps no issue has been a bigger political winner this year than raising the minimum wage. Indeed, after Seattle raised its minimum wage to a record $15 an hour and fast-food workers nationwide united to demand higher pay, the undeniable resonance of this issue with mostly apathetic midterm voters demonstrates the power of social movements to transcend partisan politics and drive the electoral agenda. Furthermore, it is a clear signal that these elections, whatever their outcome, should not be thought of as a triumph of right-wing politics over progressive Democratic ideas. To the contrary, if Republicans prevail, it will be in spite of their support for right-wing policies.

The thing about election days for me is boredom. You see, I vote first thing in the morning. So now I have nothing to do but wait for the next 13+ hours (besides working at my real job, of course). So here are some good political documentaries for your viewing pleasure to pass the time…

Primary–about the primary race between Senators Kennedy and Humphrey in the 1960 Wisconsin Primary

The War Room–about the 1992 Clinton campaign

Journeys with George–about George W. Bush.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I spend most of the day gritting my teeth in anticipation of the moronic “interpretations” of the results.

  2. Terry says:

    Kill Your TV.

  3. John Manifold says:

    On this day, this audio is recommended:


    “See Ronald Reagan speaking on TV
    Smiling like everything’s fine and dandy
    Sounding real good when he tried to give a pep talk
    To over 30 million poor people like me …
    I don’t need his jive advice, but I need his jive time money.”