Archive for January, 2015

FEC Files Complaint against Christine O’Donnell

Filed in National by on January 6, 2015 16 Comments
FEC Files Complaint against Christine O’Donnell

Like Sarah Palin, every once and a while Christine O’Donnell pops up to remind us all that laughably they were once a candidate for high office. Yesterday, the FEC filed a complaint against Christine O’Donnell, her PAC and her treasurer, Matthew Moran, alleging that the aforementioned converted at least $20,000 of donations to her PAC to her own personal use. I am reading the complaint now to see if there are any new revelations inside, and I will update if there are. See the complaint inside ….

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.5.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 6, 2015 9 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [1.5.15]

Wall Street Journal: “Six is the number of Democratic senators that Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s new Republican Majority Leader, will have to woo over to his side to reach the 60 votes needed to break filibusters. Republicans have 54 seats and therefore a majority in the new Senate, which is nice for them. But it doesn’t guarantee much of anything, because most items of importance can be filibustered to death, and breaking a filibuster requires a super-majority of 60 votes.”

Tom Carper will always be available for anything that Mitch McConnell asks for, because BIPARTISANSHIP!, so really, the GOP has 55 Senators. Joe Manchin will likely join a lot too, so 56. I imagine Joe Donnelly of Indiana is reachable too. 57. On certain issues, given her red state-ness, Heidi Hietkamp of North Dakota is gettable. 58. But really, that’s it. All the traitorous red-state moderate Dems either got beat or retired last year.

But there is always Tom Carper. BIPARTISANSHIP!!!!

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Kavips is Right. This was a Big Mistake.

Filed in National by on January 6, 2015 11 Comments
Kavips is Right.  This was a Big Mistake.

If you wanted to keep State Rep. John Kowalko relatively silenced, or too busy chairing a committee and involved in the minute details of legislation to be a bother or a distraction, then you keep him on as many committees as you can.

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Terms End and Begin Today

Filed in Delaware by on January 6, 2015 3 Comments
Terms End and Begin Today

Outgoing Treasurer Flowers delivered a goodbye press conference to all yesterday (which you can listen to here if you are a masochist or willing), and he warned the residents of Massachusetts that he will soon run for office there.

Outgoing Beau Biden bid farewell in an op-ed to the News Journal yesterday.

Their replacements get sworn in today.

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McKenna Gets Appointed, not Elected.

Filed in National by on January 6, 2015 4 Comments
McKenna Gets Appointed, not Elected.

Governor Markell appointed incumbent Kent County Recorder of Deeds Betty Lou McKenna to the Recorder of Deeds post, as is his right under Delaware election law when a race is certified as a tie. It seems to me that this Delaware law is wrong, for the Governor can simply do what he did, appoint one of the candidates that did not win, and that doesn’t seem right to me. Of course, it does not seem right to me that we elect a Recorder of Deeds in the first place. And if there was a Republican Governor right now….. I’ll wait until you stop laughing….. he or she would definitely have no regrets in appointing La Mar Gunn to the post. Still, up until Pete Schwartzkopf became Speaker, we Democrats used to care about fairness and transparency, and not just power for power’s sake.

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The Delaware Way

Filed in National by on January 6, 2015 4 Comments
The Delaware Way

Well, if you are an activist, it means you are of no value to our government. It means you cannot be in government. It means you cannot be a legislator.

That was the reasoning given to Representative John Kowalko for his removal from the House Education Committee by Speaker John Kowalko, according to Mr. Kowalko. You can believe that or not, but I do, because it fits the pattern of the Delaware Way, and of Mr. Schwartzkopf, and of Governor Markell.

Those words are as much a declaration of war against you, me, and all Progressives, all activists, from the corporate establishment that I have ever heard.

Only corporate whores who fellate regularly can serve.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.6.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 6, 2015 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.6.15]

The Ryves Holt House on Second Street in Lewes, built in 1685, making it the oldest building in the state.

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Politics is Petty

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2015 35 Comments
Politics is Petty

Nancy Willing at Delaware Way has been all over this and I’m sure El Som will be into the nitty gritty of how and why Kowalko was bounced from the Chairmanship of Energy and from the Education Committee. All I can really add is that Jack Markell seems to really hate John Kowalko on a personal level.

I had heard stories from early in Jack’s tenure and I chalked it up to hyperbole, but it gets hard to ignore stories when confirming evidence starts to pile up.

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Monday Open Thread [1.5.15]

Filed in National by on January 5, 2015 4 Comments
Monday Open Thread [1.5.15]

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced on CBS’s Face The Nation that Senate Democrats have enough votes to sustain the widely expected veto that President Obama will issue after Republicans pass a bill authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

“I think there will be enough Democratic votes to sustain the president’s veto…Our Republican colleagues say that this is a jobs bill but that really is not true at all. By most estimates it would create several thousand temporary construction jobs and only 35 permanent jobs…Why create very few jobs with the dirtiest of energy from tar sands when you can create tens of thousands more clean jobs using wind and solar? Our Republican colleagues are doing what they always do: they’re appeasing a few special interests — in this case oil companies and pipeline companies and not really doing what’s good for the average middle class family in terms of creating jobs.”

I expect Chris Coons to vote no. I expect Tom Carper, the treasonous Republican, to vote yes.

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Just check out the awesomeness of this Chris Christie clip

Filed in National by on January 5, 2015 4 Comments

The unrequited high-five… the awkward “please hug me” hug… the enormousness of the red sweater… It is a timeless classic.

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A New Slogan for Delaware

Filed in National by on January 5, 2015 22 Comments
A New Slogan for Delaware

The older “Small Wonder” signs have been replaced with even more generic “Welcome to Delaware, Jack A. Markell, Governor” signs ahead of a new Tourism and Marketing Project that will be revealed today at the Brandywine Creek State Park.

What do you think Delaware’s new slogan should be? Answer in the comments or take the poll on the front page.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [1.5.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 5, 2015 5 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [1.5.15]

The WWII Observation Towers between Dewey and Bethany Beaches, from Sky Jack.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.4.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 4, 2015 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.4.15]

Main Street in Delmar, which is also the State Line between Maryland and Delaware in the town too big for one state.

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