Archive for April, 2015

Wednesday Open Thread [4.15.15]

Filed in National by on April 15, 2015 9 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [4.15.15]

Jason is always fond of London’s odd gambling market, which you can find a bookie to bet on everything it appears. And the reason he is fond of it is because, to him, it is a true indicator of polling intention, because people are betting their real money on whether a certain candidate can win. And sure, you can put money down on an outlier candidate with high odds, but that candidate better have a realistic shot for the nomination and the Presidency. For example, if you put money on Ben Carson, you are a fool.

Hillary is by far and away the odds on favorite. Some outfits have her as an 11/10 favorite, or 5/4, or 6/5, or even money at 1/1.

Jeb Bush is next in line as a 7/2 favorite, or 4/1, or 5/1. Marco Rubio’s odds fall in a range between 7/1 and 11/. Scott Walker’s odds similarly range from 7/1 to 12/1 (though most have him in the double digits behind Rubio.

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DL Approval Ratings: Auditor Doesn’t Do His Job, and He Gets Low Ratings. Imagine that.

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2015 15 Comments
DL Approval Ratings: Auditor Doesn’t Do His Job, and He Gets Low Ratings.   Imagine that.

64% of Delaware Liberal readers disapprove of Auditor Tom Wagner (R). 51% strongly disapprove of him. Only 28% approve. That he continues to get reelected will be one of the unanswerable mysteries of life. Kinda like how the Charcoal Pit is considered a good place to eat.

Here is the remaining schedule:

Wednesday — Treasurer Ken Simpler (R)
Thursday — Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart (D)
Friday — New Castle County Executive Tom Gordon (D)

Treasurer Simpler’s results should be interesting. He’s hasn’t really done much yet to approve or disapprove of, and he is not said anything overtly annoying or overly Republican yet.

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DL’s GOP Presidential Fantasy League – Division 2 seats still available

Filed in National by on April 15, 2015 1 Comment
DL’s GOP Presidential Fantasy League – Division 2 seats still available

Division 1 is fully booked. (Me, Pandora, Steve Newton, Prop Joe and AQC) will be facing off for the big money.

Division 2 is filling up. (Delaware Dem vs…? You?)

Here is how it works. The league is open to 5 players per division. Division 2 is a $5.00 buy in (entertainment only/winner take all). Each player will each draft 4 candidates from the list compiled by Delaware Dem. Your team will accrue points based on the number of days they are in the race for the Republican nomination. So, for example, Rand Paul announced on April 7th. If he makes it all the way to the convention (July 18 2016) he will have been in the race for 469 days, netting his team 469 points. If John Bolton never enters the race, he will have been in the race for 0 days netting his team zero points.

If Division 2 fills up over the weekend, we’ll try to have the draft on Monday via live chat or something.

Who is in?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.15.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2015 2 Comments


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Tuesday Open Thread [4.14.15]

Filed in National by on April 14, 2015 0 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.14.15]

Nate Cohn: “Mr. Rubio’s struggle to break through is a powerful reminder that winning a presidential primary is not just about skill as a politician. It’s about positioning, and Mr. Rubio, at the moment, is in a much worse position than many assessments of his political talent would suggest. In basketball terms, he’s boxed out.”

“His central problem is that Jeb Bush has found considerable support from the party’s mainstream conservative and moderate donors in the so-called invisible primary — the behind-the-scenes competition for elite support that often decides the nomination… Mr. Bush’s pre-emptive bid to build elite support has denied Mr. Rubio the opportunity to consolidate the center-right wing of the party. Perhaps this wouldn’t be a big problem if Mr. Rubio were a favorite of the conservatives skeptical of Mr. Bush’s candidacy, but the field is full of candidates who are equally good or better fits for many conservative voters.”

He’s not running for President. He is running for Vice President.

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It’s Not About Gay Wedding Cakes. It’s About A National Religion

Filed in National by on April 14, 2015 31 Comments
It’s Not About Gay Wedding Cakes. It’s About A National Religion

Take a good long look at this story.

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga.– Brittany Cartrett recently learned some bad news from her doctor about her pregnancy. She miscarried around five or six weeks along.

“So we made the decision to not do a D&C and to get a medicine. So he said I’m going to give you this medicine, you’ll take it, and it will help you to pass naturally so that you don’t have to go the more invasive route”, said Brittany Cartrett.

The doctor’s office called the Milledgeville Walmart to fill the prescription but they were told no and they were not given a reason.

“So we found another place to fill it but I still had to go up there to get another prescription so when I went up there she asked if I had any questions about this prescription I said no I don’t but I do have a question about the other one. And she looks at my name and she says oh, well…I couldn’t think of a valid reason why you would need this prescription“, Cartrett said.

The drug in question is Misoprostol, which can also used to induce abortions. [emphasis mine]

Everyone okay with a pharmacist overruling an actual doctor’s orders and diagnosis? Everyone okay with a pharmacist deciding, without examining you (not that they would even be capable of that) or knowing your medical condition, if you have a “valid reason” for the prescription decided upon by an actual doctor?

Republicans knew what they were doing making this about wedding cakes and photographers – they knew most people would shrug at cakes, flowers and wedding photos while missing the end game. These pharmacist “conscience clauses” are simply another way to achieve the same end. Religious Discrimination.

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Carly Fiorina gets whats coming to her

Filed in National by on April 14, 2015 10 Comments

It’s brutal

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DL Approval Ratings: No one lives in the Middle but Tom Carper

Filed in National by on April 14, 2015 2 Comments
DL Approval Ratings: No one lives in the Middle but Tom Carper

45% strongly disapprove of Senator Tom Carper’s job performance. An additional 21% somewhat disapprove. Only 31% approve in any way, somewhat or strongly, of the Senator. These are not unexpected numbers. When you play both sides of the aisle, both sides of the aisle will grow to dislike you. The middle ground the Senator seeks to never move from (but if he has to he will move right) is not the place you live at in politics. It’s the place you come to to compromise with those on other side. If you start out in the middle ground, then you have no where to go but to the right.

This is why liberals strongly dislike Tom Carper. And it will probably never change.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.14.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 14, 2015 0 Comments

The old Christiana Inn, on Old Baltimore Pike in Christiana.

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How many of them are there?

Filed in National by on April 13, 2015 4 Comments
How many of them are there?

It’s the early 1980’s. You are a Sci-Fi fan. That means you loved the Star Wars and Star Trek movies. Remember V? As in V: The Original Miniseries and V: The Final Battle and then V: The Series that lasted for one season. It was a show about human-looking aliens arriving on Earth, allegedly in peace. They had a bargain for the Earth: they would cure cancer and give humans their technology in exchange for allowing them to use some of Earth’s natural resources to manufacture a chemical that would save their home planet’s environment. Or Something.

But they did not come in peace. They came here to harvest us for food, and to take all of the Earth’s water. Oh yes, and they were not humans. They were not even mammals. They were lizards. There is a scene, shown in the promo above, where two shuttle craft land at an industrial plant, and out come untold hundreds of Visitors. A plant worker asks “How many of them are there?”

That’s how I feel about Republicans running for President.

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The DNC had some ‘Game of Thrones’ fun last night.

Filed in National by on April 13, 2015 2 Comments
The DNC had some ‘Game of Thrones’ fun last night.

Last night the fifth season of Game of Thrones premiered on HBO. So the DNC decided to have a little fun and portray each of the Republican candidates as a family House in the fantasy series. Some of these are quite good.

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Monday Open Thread [4.13.15]

Filed in National by on April 13, 2015 16 Comments
Monday Open Thread [4.13.15]

Steve Benen:

[T]he kickoff told us quite a bit about the kind of campaign Clinton intends to run, and the key differences from her previous candidacy. There’s also increased clarity Clinton’s rationale: “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.” As one-sentence summaries go, that’s not a bad pitch. But as yesterday’s developments unfolded, I found myself thinking about history.

The historical angles Benen thought of for Hillary’s candidacy: 1) The opportunity for the first woman president; 2) an instant intra-party frontrunner without precedent; 3) Clinton brings a unique resume to voters (she would be the first president to be both a cabinet secretary and a statewide officer since 1856); 4) Parties usually struggle to win three in a row (Since 1952, it has only been done once, twice if you consider 2000 a win for the Democrats that got stolen, which I do).

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DEGOP Responds: “but, but, but…Bill Clinton got a blow job”

Filed in National by on April 13, 2015 9 Comments
DEGOP Responds:  “but, but, but…Bill Clinton got a blow job”

This statement from Charles Lammot DuPont Copeland is simply pitiful.

“Hillary Clinton has been running for President for at least a decade, and today she finally made it official. Since she re-emerged into the spotlight, voters have been reminded that the word “scandal” is synonymous with “Clinton.” As the Clinton record is examined over the months to come, voters in Delaware will become very familiar with the troubling practices of Clinton, Inc. We look forward to seeing how Clinton answers for her countless ethical issues, conflict-of-interest allegations, and hypocrisies on key issues.”

It does chart out the 24/7/365 smear campaign the GOP is going to run against her though. So points for honestly, I suppose.

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