Is another GOP government shutdown over Planned Parenthood lies inevitable?

Filed in National by on September 15, 2015

I’m seriously asking. Does anyone know if Boehner and McConnell can muster up the vestiges of the “moderate” Republicans and vote on a budget with the Democrats? I mean, I doubt they would because it will mean their jobs, but assuming they would do the right thing, and put the country first… COULD THEY?

A leading conservative lawmaker eager to dethrone House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is ratcheting up the pressure for a shutdown battle over Planned Parenthood that neither Boehner nor Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) want and are trying desperately to avoid.

“I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder,” Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said in a written statement to TPM Tuesday. “During the funding debate two years ago, Mitch McConnell finagled a $2.8 billion dam for his home state. And now when it comes to keeping his pro-life campaign promises, I’m pretty certain he still knows how the process works.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. pandora says:

    Buckle up. It’s going to be Planned Parenthood all the time.

    I’m so weary.

  2. John says:

    this issue is really a terrible fact if honestly there are organisations that buy baby parts

  3. bamboozer says:

    Fetal Tissue Research is valid scientific research and has yielded results, conservative abortion fanaticism and zealotry however has not. As for “baby parts” that is yet another lie to inflame their brain dead base. On a lighter note Tim Huelskamp has been playing the “going after the speaker ” game for years now, he’s a mad a-hole and proud of it. Republicans and a government shutdown? Well, it is the fall after all.

  4. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s really not a big issue for me, but the fact is that Planned Parenthood does sell fetal body parts, and those body parts, including intact heads end up getting sent through the mail. That’s just the facts bamboozer.

  5. pandora says:

    *sigh* Yet again, FBH, demonstrates he doesn’t understand a subject. This time it’s stem cell research and all the medical facilities (including hospitals) that participate.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    For reasons prudence won’t allow me to fully explain I actually know exactly what Planned Parenthood does for a fact. So if you care to educate yourself in facts feel free to continue reading.

    Planned Parenthood will provide many types of fetal tissue to researchers doing important work in many areas including HIV/AIDS, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease. This type of research has been going on since the 1930s. Fetal tissue research was paramount in the discovery of the Polio vaccine. Work which was recognized with a Nobel Prize in 1954.

    Very few Planned Parenthood affiliates provide fetal tissue, but some do. These tissue samples are donated and the only fees paid cover the administrative and shipping costs.

    One may call fetal tissue “body parts” as one is free to use whatever incorrect words one chooses. But it isn’t in fact a “fact”.

    So the tissue isn’t sold for profit. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) alone did over $75 million of research on fetal tissue in 2014.

    In the words of Dan Aykroyd as Austin Millbarge in the 1985 comedy classic Spies Like Us, “we mock what we don’t understand.”

  7. Jason330 says:

    If Fox News told FBH that Obama was using baby heads for soup, he believe it.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    Dorian Gray says, “One may call fetal tissue “body parts” as one is free to use whatever incorrect words one chooses. But it isn’t in fact a “fact”.

    “Fetal tissue” would be a cross section on a slide under a microscope. I don’t think I would consider a head, or even an intact organ, “fetal tissue samples”, but hey, like you said, you can call it what you want.

    Anyway, I’m not for defunding Planned Parenthood, but the fact that Planned Parenthood doesn’t profit from the sale of fetal body parts doesn’t mean that they aren’t selling them. Also it is a fact that companies and people down the line, do make a profit on these fetal body parts coming from Planned Parenthood.
    How is this process regulated? How do we know that there are no conflicts of interest regarding profits between the parties involved?

  9. Susan says:

    Fight Blue Hen,
    The facts are:
    1. Planned Parenthood does not sell fetal tissue, it is a donation process after informed consent is obtained by the donor. Monies, if collected, are to assist with cost of a handling and transfer of living tissue.
    2. Not all Planned Parenthoods provide tissue donation options, see Dorian Gray’s comments.
    3. Not all Planned Parenthoods perform abortions. Some even provide infertility treatment, primary care and prenatal care (gasp! shock!)
    4. Federal and state funds, whether Title X or medicaid, does not cover abortion procedures or care per COMAR. It does cover birth control, preventative testing and care (pap smears, breast exams, mamograms,etc…) and needed medical care. TAKING THESE FUNDS HURT WOMEN, WHICH IN TURN HURTS MEN AND SOCIETY AS A WHOLE.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    I am aware of all those things, Susan. That’s why I indicated that I am against defunding Planned Parenthood.

  11. Susan says:

    The post just prior stated, “I am not for defunding Planned Parenthood….”

    FBH, I am having trouble following you.

    Oh and by the way, our government regulates fetal tissue research, would be your resource.

  12. pandora says:

    I give up trying to follow him, Susan. He started this conversation with this statement:

    “It’s really not a big issue for me, but the fact is that Planned Parenthood does sell fetal body parts, and those body parts, including intact heads end up getting sent through the mail. That’s just the facts bamboozer.”

    Of course, his facts are wrong, which makes you wonder why he later claims to be aware of all those things you stated, Susan. It boggles the mind.

  13. Susan says:

    I would also correct him on the fetal tissue issue since it is a general term that indicates a grouping of cells that have fetal origins, not limited to a cross section…

    I was thinking my nom de plume should be prudence. What do you think?

  14. pandora says:

    I love prudence! Or you could call yourself Smarter than FBH. 😉

  15. Steve Newton says:

    Ok here’s the unfeeling take on the whole thing: I don’t care if Planned Parenthood, after receiving the permission of the person from which the tissue, or organs, or baby heads was removed sign a release to do so. It is ethically no different that recovering donor body parts (which often get sent through the mail) from the corpses of people who had given their organ donor consent. If a person has the legal right to an abortion, she has the legal right to dispense with the resulting tissue.

    That said, there could be two aspects of the proposition that would bother me, one of which I belief is so highly unlikely as to be not worth considering, the other so very possible we should consider it:

    1) If evidence surfaced that Planned Parenthood or any other organization was talking women into abortions that they otherwise might not have had, for the purpose of harvesting fetal tissue, then we’d have an issue. (Highly unlikely scenario.)

    2) Are the women who sign the donation consent signing away their rights (ala Henrietta Laks) to for-profit corporations if major breakthroughs become a reality because of the specific genetic qualities of the tissues they donated? Because I consider THAT very likely to be the case, and–if so–it needs to be regulated very very closely.

  16. pandora says:

    Good points, Steve. The biggest problem for the anti-abortion group is they can’t stop women getting abortions. Never could. Never will.

  17. Susan says:

    Unlike the women of Planned Parenthood donating fetal tissue, Henrietta Lacks tissue was taken. Mrs. Lacks was not informed before (of even the possibility) or after the procedure was completed that day, that her tissue was taken or what it was being used for.

    Healthcare reform does need to happen as healthcare should not be seen as a capitalistic venture where only those with resources receive care that lines big business pockets. Unlike banking, the front lines (physicians, clinicians, nurses, unlicensed assistance, emergency personnel, radiology, etc.) do not reap benefit from the profit margins despite their being the reason for them.