Archive for September, 2015

Friday Open Thread [9.4.15]

Filed in National by on September 4, 2015 6 Comments
Friday Open Thread [9.4.15]

The Economist: “First, as a billionaire, he will not run out of money to finance his campaign. Second, he faces so many Republican opponents that he could grab the nomination with only a modest plurality of the vote. The smart money still says that Republicans will eventually unite behind a mainstream candidate, as they always have in the past. But the world cannot take this for granted. Demagogues in other countries sometimes win elections, and there is no compelling reason why America should always be immune.”

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Joe Biden is the Earnest-er in Chief

Filed in National by on September 4, 2015 0 Comments
Joe Biden is the Earnest-er in Chief

Lord knows the guy has been through a lot, I’m not saying he hasn’t. I’m simply pointing out that he is now 1,000 times more earnest than everyone else running for President. Vice President Joe Biden gave his most striking and somber answer yet on Thursday about whether he plans to run for President, saying […]

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I, Donviti, Declare Racism Dead

Filed in National by on September 4, 2015 2 Comments
I, Donviti, Declare Racism Dead

I watched Selma the other day. It was awful. I cried for the negroes. Why couldn’t they just listen to George Wallace, the FBI and LBJ? Why couldn’t they wait to vote while we waged war in Vietnam for those people’s freedoms, I’ll never understand. But I’m glad it happened when it did so we as a nation could move on from that horrendous week in our history. It truly was an awful week. At least as it appeared from the safety of my basement on my 55” Panasonic Plasma with surround dolby 7.1 Bose speakers. It was frightening watching those negroes fight for their rights. I even saw flashes of the Confederate flag being shown. Actual photos from that awful week. I can’t imagine how those white people must have felt, only being able to wave their symbol of freedom and defenseless to those “activists”!

So why is racism dead Donviti? And why do you get to declare it?

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: August, 2015

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 4, 2015 2 Comments
‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: August, 2015

More better music this month. Lotsa Americana and roots music this time.  Most of which you probably haven’t heard. So, hear here!

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Friday Daily Delawhere [9.4.2015]

Filed in National by on September 4, 2015 0 Comments

Brandywine Town Center on a rainy cloudy day.

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Thursday Open Thread [9.3.15]

Filed in National by on September 3, 2015 6 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [9.3.15]

First Read on whether Biden is running (hint: he’s not): “The truest signals of Biden’s 2016 plans are 1) setting up some sort of fundraising committee, and 2) hiring staff who could work on a campaign. And after a month of intense speculation about Biden’s White House intentions, he still has done neither. Remember, having a sitting vice president traveling to Iowa or New Hampshire for campaign events would cost tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of dollars per day. So Biden can’t run on the cheap.”

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The Smarter Balanced Assessment Results Are In

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2015 22 Comments
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Results Are In

I’m not even sure where to begin. I’ll start here:

Only half of Delaware students are proficient in English and fewer than four in 10 are proficient in math, according to results of the state’s tough new standardized test, the Smarter Balanced Assessment. (link takes you to the results)


It’s no secret I’m not a fan of standardized tests, mainly because I think we’re using them incorrectly.  We focus on handing out gold stars to schools who pass and slap “failing” labels on schools that don’t. But… maybe this is changing?

“There will certainly be an increase in regards to how the state allocates resources–and that’s really part of the value here–let’s understand which districts and which schools have the greatest struggles, and let’s make sure that we, as a state, are able to allocate resources to those students who need it most.”

Hey, that sounds like equitable funding. Could it be? I’m skeptical tho, since I lived through the Priority School fiasco. “Allocate resources” is usually followed with the threat of charter conversion, privatization and closure. We’ll see. That said, if these tests were actually used to help struggling schools (instead of punishing them) I’d change my tune.

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Coons Re-Reads Bible, Finds Justification for WARRRRRRR and living in a Whale is possible!

Filed in National by on September 3, 2015 8 Comments
Coons Re-Reads Bible, Finds Justification for WARRRRRRR and living in a Whale is possible!

It was only a matter of time before someone with some balls used the Bible to invoke war and not peace. It was done after 9/11 when we attacked that nation that attacked us. Er Nation that held training camps that attacked us. Errrrr, nation that allegedly funded the nation of the nation that in fact was the nation they actually came from that had really bad bombs that were never found.

Anyway…This time an avid DL reader has sent in a tip (not all of the tip, but most of the tip) that says Chris Coons after much deliberation was able to find the scripture that says we can “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran” and can stop mamby-pansying around like Obama.

Here it is….

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16-0 Why not?

Filed in National by on September 3, 2015 2 Comments
16-0   Why not?

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.3.2015]

Filed in National by on September 3, 2015 0 Comments

The Kalmar Nickle on the Christina River. From Tim Furlong’s Instagram.

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Wednesday Open Thread [9.2.15]

Filed in National by on September 2, 2015 16 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [9.2.15]

Paul Krugman notes that while Donald Trump “doesn’t exude presidential dignity, he’s seeking the nomination of a party that once considered it a great idea to put George W. Bush in a flight suit and have him land on an aircraft carrier.”

“The point is that those predicting Mr. Trump’s imminent political demise are ignoring the lessons of recent history, which tell us that poseurs with a knack for public relations can con the public for a very long time. Someday The Donald will have his Katrina moment, when voters see him for who he really is. But don’t count on it happening any time soon.”

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JPMorgan v. Yahweh, Case No. 1081RP

Filed in National by on September 2, 2015 2 Comments
JPMorgan v. Yahweh, Case No. 1081RP

JPMorgan Chase settled a lawsuit accusing it of putting its interests ahead of an historic church endowed by descendants of drug company founder Eli Lilly and mismanaging its trust accounts.

Lawyers for the bank and the Christ Church Cathedral told a federal judge in Indianapolis on Friday they reached an agreement, according to a court filing. Settlement details weren’t included in court records.

The church, founded in 1837 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places according to its website, accused JPMorgan of causing its trusts to lose about $13 million in value from July 2004 to December 2013. The losses flowed from the bank’s decisions to “purchase over 177 different investment products, mostly from itself, using church funds,” according to a complaint filed two years ago.

There’s a special place in hell for this bank. And yes they will go to hell, because corporations are people and Hell has a special place for anything that that is deemed human (yet soulless) by America. Must I remind you that they are one of Delaware’s largest employers.

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18th RD: David Bentz Is the Real Deal

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2015 5 Comments
18th RD: David Bentz Is the Real Deal

I’m quite impressed with the progressive positions he has taken on the issues, and I hope we can all do whatever it takes to help him win the Special Election.  I’ve decided to print the entire endorsement from Progressive Democrats of Delaware, because he really spells out his positions here:

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