Colorado Second Amendment/Open Carry Activist Kills 3

Filed in National by on November 1, 2015

America the exceptional. God bless it.

(CNN)Three people were killed in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Saturday morning before city police officers shot and killed a suspect, said the sheriff’s office of El Paso County.

CNN affiliate KRDO reported that a heavily armed man shot and killed a bicyclist and two women. Witnesses said the man set the second floor of a residence on fire, KDRO reported.

I’m sure we’ll soon learn that the bicyclists, and two women were at fault for not being armed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    How much of this do we need to tolerate before we do something sensible??

    Open carry? The simple fact that they want to should be enough to deny them gun permits.

  2. urwrong says:

    May I suggest another news story for your review:

    Very funny how those that you criticizes (legal gun owners) more often than not prove to be a benefit to society. Sad that no one was around to prevent the other 6 criminals in Chicago from getting their way.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    @u “Very funny how those that you criticizes (legal gun owners) more often than not prove to be a benefit to society.”

    Considering that 90% of all gun deaths are family and friends of the gun’s owner, this is wholly laughable.

  4. Jason330 says:

    The (not very subtle) subtext of urwrong’s comment and link is that the dead bicyclists, and two women were at fault for not being armed.

  5. ben says:

    The way he called the Open Carry Terrorist a “benefit to society” it sounds like he fully endorses the murders.

  6. Prop Joe says:

    “How much of this do we need to tolerate before we do something sensible?”

    I have to assume the question is rhetorical, because if 22 dead kids at an elementary school doesn’t move the needle in this country, then I’m not sure what ever will.

    I was commenting to a family member the other day, “Why is that the most strident open-carry/2nd-Amendment supporters are always white males and females?” I know a likely answer!

    Another rhetorical question: What’s the difference between the “Black Panther Party for Self Defense” and those NRA-type, “2nd Amendment Above All Else” types? Why was one demonized and the other has seemingly taken over an entire political party?

  7. Geezer says:

    Keep reading the linked story. After the tale of the vigilante comes a string of shooting victims.

    There is no difference between a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun. There are just guys with guns.

  8. Jason330 says:

    The takeaway: for prompt service tell 911 that the open carry activist is African American.