More Evil than Dick Cheney
“I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion goes against everything we stand for and believe in.”
— Dick Cheney, quoted by the Washington Examiner, on Donald Trump’s call for banning Muslims from entering the United States.
The Republican Party has reached a point with Donald Trump where they have to repudiate him such that he is banned from all Republican primary ballots and refused nomination or, each and every Republican alive today is branded with his politics, that of fascism.
Your choice, Charlie Copeland. Colin Bonini. Greg Lavelle. Mike Castle.
If you all have any decency left, you will condemn him and kick him out of the party, and refuse to put his name on the Delaware GOP ballot.
Or, you’re Nazis.
I’m unaware of any mechanism by which you can kick someone out of a political party. How does that work?
There must be some mechanism to deny ballot access. If there is not, then Republicans not willing to be labeled Nazis will have to leave the Republican Party en masse and start a new.
Not that they are any champions of American pluralism, but Charlie Copeland, and Mike Castle are more likely to be kicked out of the GOP by Trump, than kick Trump out.
The Daily Stormer, the modern day Nazi homepage, has taken to calling Donald Trump its “Glorious Leader.”
I love Trump. He has shinned the spotlight on the racist rube base of his party for the world to see
“Or, you’re Nazis”
That was a nice touch at the end
While I do believe Trump to be genuine in his facism and bigotry, I sometimes allow myself to think of how incredible it would be if this all turned out to be a “long con”, with Trump’s sole purpose having been to infiltrate the GOP, secure the nomination with completely over-the-top rhetoric and insane statements/positions, and deliver the presidency to HRC, with whom he used to have a relatively cordial relationship…
Well.. either by design, or by accident – as mouse and others have noted, he has smoked out all of the GOP racists.