Delaware Liberal

Insulting Bully dishes it out but can’t take it

What a pathetic coward Donald Trump is.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday that the White House press secretary’s comment about his “fake” hair was “disgusting.”

Josh Earnest railed against Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims earlier this week and said that such a comment “disqualifies” the real estate mogul from the presidency.

“The Trump campaign for months now has had a dustbin of history-like quality to it, from the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair—the whole carnival barker routine we’ve seen for some time now,” Earnest said.

Donald Trump says it is disgusting to insult his looks. Interesting. How many times has Donald Trump insulted the looks of others? Thousands? He does it on a daily basis. The old adage is true: if you punch a bully in the face, they will never stop crying.

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