All Republicans will support Trump. All of them.

Filed in National by on March 3, 2016

Every knee will bend. From Bill Kristol and Ben du Pont to Lacey Lafferty and David Duke. They will welcome “Trump the Liberator” and the very suggestion that they were ever anything other than Trump die-hards will be scornfully ridiculed. I will allow the Rude Pundit to explain

Republicans are not going to go to “war” or tear themselves up over Donald Trump as their nominee. They aren’t going to flee from him in great numbers. They aren’t going to disavow him. They are going to line the fuck up like the brainless loyal tools that they are, climbing over each other to see who gets to cup his balls in their mouth for a little while.

And the reason is simple: When is the last time you saw the Republicans admit they were wrong? Except for Trump, these motherfuckers refuse to outright condemn George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Right now, they’re talking a good game about distancing themselves from the expected nominee. But once Cruz drops out, most of those voters are going to head for Trump. And when Trump starts breaking 50%, the Republican establishment would rather kiss Trump’s tangerine ass than deal with the ramifications of fighting him.

They’re Republicans, after all. It’s Democrats who rip each other to shreds at times like this. For some in the GOP, frankly, Trump has to be liberating, like “Oh, thank Christ, I don’t have to pretend I’m not racist anymore.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    The Republican establishment isn’t wedded to racism and social conservatism. Social issues don’t cost them a dime, so they can be very flexible. When their support for racism, abortion, and pot prohibition starts costing them more than it gains them, they will all become Rockefeller Republicans. They may support Trump in public, but many will quietly vote for Hillary, because she will protect their personal financial interests. She’ll give them their TPP, and will limit minimum wage to < $12/no COLA. I'd go on, but that would be off topic. And they know they will probably retain the House and as long as they have 41 Senators they can block or co-opt any major legislation that might come from the left. And besides, Hillary says she is a compromiser to likes to get things done, so that must sound pretty appealing to the Republican establishment.

    Plus, look at the shitstorm that came down on Christie when he endorsed Trump. No Republican wants to step into that.

  2. mediawatch says:

    He pretty well nailed it.

    Right now we’ve got core groups of Republicans saying there are two things they will not do:
    1. Bring an Obama nominee for SCOTUS up for a vote in the Senate.
    2. Support Trump in the general election.
    You know damn well they can’t possibly hold firm on both positions. It’s pretty easy to see on which one they’ll cave.

  3. Jason330 says:

    “The Republican establishment” has all of the backbone of a sea cucumber (Actinopyga echinites). When they perceive that there jobs are at stake if they pick the losing side, they will float on over to the winning side without missing a beat.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Here is the GOP mind in a nutshell:

    Mussolini’s Italy was bad. But Hillary Clinton’s America would be WORSE! 1,000 to a million times worse. They can make these kinds of childish observations because they are deluded idiots. Republicans will find Trump the most terrible thing in the world until he wins the nomination, at which point more workaday partisan considerations will prevail.

  5. Tom Kline says:

    Our gal could be going to prison so we have no room to talk..

  6. Liberal Elite says:

    Not a problem. Obama will surely take the blame and then pardon her as she goes on to win in November.

  7. Geezer says:

    Hey Tom, do you have some soft-porn HIllary-behind-bars prison flick running in your head? Because you sure seem obsessed with the idea.

  8. Mikem2784 says:

    Why not, the other side is obsessed with each other’s penises.

  9. Prop Joe says:

    If memory serves, Tom Kline was waxing poetic not 3-4 months ago about how iCarly was going to take the reigns and kick Hillary’s ass.

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    Joe, I think that was an entirely different idiot called Rusty. Look, Tom knows very well Clinton will never be indicted, let alone arrested, let alone tried, let alone incarcerated. The most likely result of this disaster show of a political “campaign” is eight years of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Tom is using this site as an outlet for his confusion. Conservative phone-in radio shows no longer take his calls. It’s fine.

    On another related note, John Cassidy at the New Yorker, makes the case that the Stop Trump movement can’t work because the purveyors of it are the ones who’ve lost credibility.

    A taste:

    “For decades now the Republican Party has been appealing to low-income and middle-income whites while promoting an economic agenda that runs contrary to their interests: tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, free trade, deep cuts to entitlement programs, and so on. Trump, who is hawking a tax plan that he appears to have ordered up at short notice from Art Laffer or Larry Kudlow, can be accused of adopting the same bait-and-switch tactics, but taxes aren’t central to his campaign. In promising to end illegal immigration and impose hefty tariffs on good from countries like China and Mexico, he can, at least, claim to be pursuing an agenda that would boost American wages and save American jobs.

    Would his strategy work? Probably not. But in talking about safeguarding Social Security, forcing pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices, preventing people who don’t have health insurance from dying in the streets, and eliminating tax breaks that favor hedge-fund and private-equity managers (such as Romney), Trump is using the language of economic populism in a manner that none of his Republican rivals can match. Beholden to their campaigns backers, they are forced to confine themselves to the standard guff about cutting taxes, loosening regulations, and encouraging enterprise. At this late stage, many none-too-affluent G.O.P. voters appear to be smelling a rat.

    In the past, Republicans cleverly obfuscated the regressive nature of their economic platform by appealing to social issues, and quietly playing the racism/xenophobia card. Trump, however, is beating his rivals at this game, too. On social issues, he has demonstrated that you don’t have to be a Bible-thumping pro-lifer to attract the vote of evangelicals. On immigration, by promising to round up and send home eleven million undocumented workers, he has trumped even the Cruz wing of the G.O.P. And in playing to white hate groups and other racists he is doing what other Republicans, particularly in the Deep South, have been doing for generations. But, while many of these Party regulars used a dog whistle, Trump is using a foghorn.”

  11. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for the link. The Democrats have never called the GOP on being two parties in one skin; the far right nationalists party like France’s Front National, for the middle and lower class idiots who don’t about tax policy, and the British Tories for the people who only care about tax policy.

    Why have the Dems have allowed that for so long? Because it buttered their bread to pretend to be an alternative to the racist nationalist party while being in league with the Tories.

  12. Dave says:

    “Tom Kline was waxing poetic not 3-4 months ago about how iCarly was going to take the reigns and kick Hillary’s ass.”

    Tom Kline engages in so much wishful thinking that I’m thinking Geezer has come close to the truth that they are just Tom’s orgasmic fantasies. I’m fairly certain that he is as least the master of his domain, whatever that domain is.