Archive for March, 2016

Hillary Clinton can’t get out of her own way – says Reagans started a national conversation on Aids

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 19 Comments
Hillary Clinton can’t get out of her own way – says Reagans started a national conversation on Aids

I remember the 1980’s very clearly and neither Nancy nor Ronald Reagan were in any sense advocates when it came to fighting the aids epidemic. My take is that Secretary Clinton simply has bad political instincts. Hillary Clinton said the Reagans “started a national conversation” about HIV and AIDS in the 1980s during a Friday […]

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You know full well that Tom Carper and Chris Coons are the Dems pushing for a “bi-partisan” 10% or lower

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 5 Comments
You know full well that Tom Carper and Chris Coons are the Dems pushing for a “bi-partisan” 10% or lower

From Robert Reich’s awesome Facebook: I’ve spent the last day in Washington, where Democrats are quietly gearing up to negotiate a “tax amnesty” for American-based global corporations that have parked some $2.1 trillion in untaxed profits abroad (mostly in tax havens) to avoid paying their U.S. taxes. The U.S. corporate tax rate is 35 percent, […]

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The eerie similarities between Donald Trump and Christine O’Donnell

Filed in Delaware by on March 11, 2016 3 Comments

Didn’t Republicans learn their lesson?

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Why Colin Bonini is Better than John Carney – Item #1 Civil Forfeiture

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 7 Comments
Why Colin Bonini is Better than John Carney  – Item #1 Civil Forfeiture

This may be a very short running recurring feature. I doubt it makes it to “Item #2”, but for now…Colin Bonini is MUCH better than John Carney in one area: civil forfeiture.

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 4-10, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 11, 2016 7 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: March 4-10, 2016

Mayor Dennis Williams Just Won’t, Or Can’t, Grow Up.

You’re probably aware that there is a Wilmington mayoral debate on March 15. You may be aware that there are six filed candidates for Mayor.  You may also be aware that none of those filed candidates are named Dennis Williams.  OK, when the forum was scheduled, quite some time ago, one of the requirements for participating in the forum was that you must be filed as a candidate.  Didn’t seem unreasonable, still doesn’t seem unreasonable.  But, from a highly-placed source (wink wink) this caused Wilmington’s Embarrassment of a Mayor to go into high dudgeon…how dare they require that someone must be filed as a candidate to participate in a candidates’ debate?  Junior high school stuff. But, the organizers relented. So, if Mayor Williams, for one of the very few times since he’s been mayor, deigns to grace the crowd with his presence, he’ll be welcome.  Of course, if he had just filed, like a reasonable person, none of this faux-drama would have been necessary. But he just can’t help himself.

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Campaign swag

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 4 Comments
Campaign swag

Last night I dreamt that Jeb Bush came up to me wearing a dodgy looking campaign swag style sweat shirt. White with some coffee drips down the front. He was shorter than he looks on TV, but just as lumbering and dopey. Jeb, genuinely confused, asked, “Why do you think it didn’t work?” I presumed […]

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Friday Open Thread [3.11.16]

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 1 Comment
Friday Open Thread [3.11.16]

A funny thing is happening to President Obama that bodes well for Hillary Clinton in the fall: he is becoming more popular. Libby Nelson:

As President Obama prepares to leave office, Americans are starting to like him a little more. The latest Gallup data on Obama’s approval ratings found 50 percent of Americans approve of the job he’s doing — the highest level since 2013. That’s much better than Obama’s average 46 percent approval during his seventh year in office, which ended January 19, and the 43 percent approval rating during his sixth. Obama is also much more popular than George W. Bush was at this point in his presidency, and nearly on par with Ronald Reagan during Reagan’s final March in office.

Actually, that Gallup Tracking Poll that Libby cites is out of date. Gallup now finds 52% of Americans approve of the President’s job performance, while 44% disapprove. And this is confirmed across all of the polls released this week. Rasmussen has Obama at 50-49. ABC News/Washington Post, 51-43. NBC News/Wall Street Journal, 49-46. CNN/ORC, 50-44. President Obama will go down in history as one of the best Presidents this country has ever had, and the best it has had since Roosevelt. And the American people, faced with the prospect of replacing him, are realizing that.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [3.11.16]

Filed in National by on March 11, 2016 1 Comment

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Do You Support Public Education in Delaware?

Filed in Featured by on March 11, 2016 14 Comments
Do You Support Public Education in Delaware?

Christina has absolutely awesome programs. From the REACH program, to Gauger’s Business Professionals of America Team, to our outstanding arts programs, fantastic drama and performing arts programs, band and music programs, to Lego Robotics and Engineering clubs (YES! That’s a thing and makes me want to be in elementary school again!), career pathway programs like the new Forensic Science STEM program at Glasgow High School, Language Immersion programs to our amazing student athletes and budding philanthropists and advocates for those in need! These school programs are directly supported by operating funds raised through property taxes. And all of them depend on Christina’s operating referendum passing.

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Jason330 Solves the World’s Problems – Episode #675

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 4 Comments
Jason330 Solves the World’s Problems – Episode #675

How can President Obama appoint a Supreme Court Justice and finish off the Republican Party, tearing out their lungs street fighter style?

Easy. Register as a Republican. GOP Senators are openly saying that they’d confirm a pick at this point in the term of the Republican President, so call them on it. It would lay the coup de grâce on that punch-drunk staggering waste of space called the GOP and flip the court in the direction of sanity as if by magic. Of course, Obama would have to live and socialize among the worst bottom feeding drecks of humanity, but look at the payoff? Doesn’t he love America? This is his opportunity to show it.

During a Thursday morning radio interview, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) candidly explained that Senate Republicans would take a different approach to a Supreme Court nominee if a Republican president were in office and replacing a conservative justice.

“It’s a different situation,” Johnson said.

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Is Bruce Ennis vunerable?

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 2 Comments
Is Bruce Ennis vunerable?

Arguing the affirmative stance is Celia: He is 77, and that is pretty old. Republicans are sending out some whipper snapper named Carl Pace to do jumping jacks or some shit. Arguing the negative stance is me: 77 is middle-aged for practitioners in the dark arts of Dixiecrat-mancy. Hell….Strom Thurmon lived to 212 years of […]

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Thursday Open Thread [3.10.16]

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 153 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.10.16]

Jonathan Chait says the best attack against Trump is one his Republicans can’t and won’t deliver, but the Democrats will:

Ted Cruz, true to his paranoia, has charged that mainstream news outlets are sitting on a series of explosive reports about Donald Trump’s history, planning — as a nefarious plot to help Hillary Clinton — to unleash them only after Trump has secured the nomination. The accusation is almost certainly false. (“Almost” being a necessary qualifier, since one can’t prove a negative.) At the same time, Cruz’s charge reflects a broader truth. There are cutting charges that might sever Trump from his loyal base that have not seen the light of day. The thing is, Cruz and his fellow anti-Trump conservatives are perfectly aware of what they are. They have chosen to holster those attacks for reasons entirely their own. […]

There’s a devastating response to Trump’s message: He’s not planning to be greedy for us; he’s planning to be greedy for himself. The centerpiece of Trump’s domestic program is a massive tax cut that would mainly benefit fellow rich people:

The reason Republicans refuse to exploit this vulnerability is obvious — they all propose to do the same thing.

Not to mention that Trump will use his position to further enrich himself and his companies by pawning off all his wares on us. The official wine of the United States: Trump Wine. Public water? No. Trump Water. Steaks? Trump Steaks.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.10.16]

Filed in National by on March 10, 2016 0 Comments

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